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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-19 共2908字








  This paper mainly through text data, field survey method, mathematical statistics,questionnaire investigation of bengbu city primary and secondary school sports venuesopen to the social status and influence factors in the investigation. From bengbu citysurvey of primary and secondary school sports venues open to the public, throughinvestigation and study, to clarify the bengbu city status of primary and secondary schoolsports venues open to the society, through the survey found that the related issues, thestatus quo of the state general administration of sports provide real, the present situation ofmaterial, so as to provide related materials for the next step of work, through theinvestigation and analysis, in bengbu city middle and primary school sports venuesdevelopment factors in factor analysis, for the school sports venues provide evidence foreffective, reasonable and open, for the implementation of the national fitness program inbengbu city provide practical application value.

  Research results show that: first, the present situation of bengbu city middle andprimary school sports venues open to the public survey found: the status quo of bengbucity middle and primary school sports venues open to the society is not ideal. There is opentime is short, open ground facilities have limitations, incomplete, open charge is higher, thephenomenon such as school not a positive attitude; Second, bengbu city middle andprimary school sports venues open to the public of the adverse factors that aggravateburden of school management and the investment of human resources, security issues,venues open to the society and students with pavilion time conflict and affect the normalorder of teaching; Third, bengbu city elementary and middle schools sports venues open tothe public the favorable factor is: make up for the school maintenance funds, extend thelife of the sports apparatus of the venue, driving school peripheral national fitness, forschools to do the comprehensive promotion publicity; Fourth, bengbu city elementary andmiddle schools sports venues open to the social problems are: the school normal teachingtime conflict, fund shortage problem, the school sports venues and the social sportsmanagement problem, the responsibility is not clear, safety not guaranteed, locationequipment, old facilities is not complete, the school leader's attitude toward the opening,etc.; Fifth, construct bengbu city elementary and middle schools sports venues open to thepublic resource sharing model to salve the current sports venues open to the society of allsorts of problems and difficulties, to bengbu city middle and primary school sports venuesopen to the public function optimization.

  Suggestions  according to  this  topic  research  conclusion,  bengbu  city relateddepartment to face up to the bengbu city elementary and middle schools sports venuesopen to the public of the status quo and influencing factors. More bengbu city elementaryand middle schools sports venues open to the society completely, to middle and primaryschool sports venues open to the social function of optimization, promote the developmentof bengbu city national fitness program.

  Key words: bengbu city; Primary and secondary schools; Sports stadiums; An opensociety

  目 录

  1 前 言

  1.1 问题的提出

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国内体育场馆研究

  1.2.2 国外体育场馆研究

  1.3 概念的界定

  1.3.1 城市和城市中小学

  1.3.2 体育场馆

  1.3.3 学校体育场馆

  1.3.4 学校体育场馆对外开放

  1.3.5 管理模式

  1.4 研究目的与意义

  1.4.1 研究目的

  1.4.2 研究意义

  2 研究对象与方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 专家访谈法

  2.2.3 问卷调查法

  2.2.4 数理统计法

  2.2.5 逻辑分析法

  3 研究结果与分析

  3.1 蚌埠中小学体育场馆资源向社会开放的必要性和意义

  3.1.1 蚌埠市城区中小学体育场馆资源社会化的必要性

  3.1.2 蚌埠市城区中小学体育场馆资源社会化的意义

  3.2 蚌埠市城区中小学体育场馆对外开放现状与分析

  3.2.1 蚌埠市城区中小学体育场馆设施的情况

  3.2.2 蚌埠市城区中小学体育场馆对外开放情况

  3.3 蚌埠市城区中小学体育场馆对外开放的影响因素分析

  3.3.1 影响因素的确立及因子分析

  3.3.2 影响因素因子的命名

  3.3.3 因子结果分析

  4 结论与建议

  4.1 结论

  4.2 建议


  致 谢
