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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-21 共2901字



  按照联合国标准规定,如果一个国家 60 岁以上的人数占全国总人数的比重高于 10%或者如果一个国家 65 岁以上的人数占全国总人数的比重高于 7%时,称这个国家处于老龄化社会。

  我国早在 2000 年已经步入老龄化社会,且老龄化现象日益严重,虽然近年来养老服务有所发展,但是仍存在相当大的缺口,很多老人将面临老无所养的境地,家庭养老和政府养老压力巨大,亟需社会各方参与养老,共同发展我国的老龄事业,应对日趋严重的老龄化问题。这就涉及到很多方面,比如养老保险、养老服务机构、养老房地产等,相关税收政策还存在一些问题。为了促进我国养老服务体系的发展,更好地应对我国人口老龄化的问题,本篇论文将对养老服务方面的税收政策展开研究,并提出对应的改善建议。

  第一部分主要阐述研究的目的和意义、研究内容与方法、创新和不足之处,从必要性和改革建议角度进行老龄事业税收政策的文献综述;第二部分从老龄产业的周期性长和微利性、老年服务的准公共品性、老年市场的信息不对称性、老龄事业的正外部性阐述支持老龄事业发展的相关税收政策,作为本文的理论依据;第三部分从我国的老龄化趋势、政府做出的努力、我国老龄产业发展现状阐述我国的老龄事业现状;第四部分从一般性养老服务、养老保险、老年人收入等方面的税收政策研究我国老龄事业的税收政策;第五部分根据资料的可获得性以及老龄化世界排名情况,选取了 13 个国家,从货劳税、公司所得税、个人所得税、社会保障税等方面研究这些国家的税收优惠情况,并进行国内外的相关税收政策比较,得出我国可以如何向这些国家进行老龄事业方面的税收政策的借鉴;最后一部分在前文的研究基础上得出我国在老龄化事业的税收政策方面存在的问题,并且结合我国国情提出合理的政策建议。




  In accord with the provisions of the United Nations standard, if people over 60years old in a country accounts for more than 10% of Gross Population or if peopleover 60 years old in a country accounts for more than 7%, it is said that the country isin the aging society.

  Our country has entered the aging society in 2000, and the aging phenomenon isbecoming increasingly serious. Although the pension service has developed in recentyears, there is still a considerable gap. A lot of old people will face the situation thatthey will have nobody to rely on and nowhere to live in China. Familiesand government pension will meet with tremendous pressure, and social parties needto participate in old-age programs, to deal with the increasingly serious aging problemin China. This involves many aspects, such as endowment insurance, pension services,pension real estate, endowment industry financing problem, social security fees ortax and so on. There are still a lot of problems in the system. In order to promotethe development of the cause of China aging, and to cope with the aging of populationin China better, this thesis will search on tax policies of the cause of China aging, andputs forward corresponding suggestions for improvement.

  The first part mainly expounds the purpose and significance of the study, theresearch methods used, innovations and deficiencies, literature review of tax policy ofthe cause of China aging as far as the necessity and reform suggestions are concerned.

  The second part tells the theory basis why we should use tax policy to support thecause of China aging from the perspective of periodic length and small profit fromolder industries, the quasi-public qualities of elderly services, elderly marketinformation asymmetry, the positive externalities on the cause of China aging. Thethird part tells the aging trend, government efforts of China, the current situation ofthe development of China's aging industry. The fourth part studies domestic tax policysituation of services for the aged, pension insurance, the income of the elderly andother aspects. The fifth part selects 13 countries according to data availability andaging degree based on the world rankings, and researches on the GST, corporateincome tax, personal income tax, social security tax and other aspects of thepreferential tax situation of these countries. The fifth part then compares the domesticand foreign related tax policy, and draws the conclusion on what we can learn fromthe tax policies of these countries. The last part concludes the ageing conditions of ourcountry and our tax policy issues on old-age programs and put forward reasonable taxpolicy suggestions based on the study above to deal with ageing problems in China.

  Keywords: The Cause Of ChinaAging; Pension Service ; Tax Policy




  第 1 章 导论……1

  1.1 研究目的和意义……1

  1.2 研究内容和方法……1

  1.2.1 研究内容……1

  1.2.2 研究方法……2

  1.3 创新与不足之处……2

  1.4 老龄事业税收政策的文献综述……3

  1.4.1 完善养老服务体系税收优惠的必要性……3

  1.4.2 对我国老龄事业的税收优惠政策建议……4

  第 2 章 税收政策支持老龄事业发展的理论依据……5

  2.1 老龄产业的获利周期长和微利性……6

  2.2 老年服务的准公共品性……6

  2.3 老年市场的信息不对称性……7

  2.4 老龄事业的正外部性……7

  第 3 章 我国的老龄事业现状……8

  3.1 我国老龄化趋势……8

  3.2 我国政府做出的努力……9

  3.2.1 建立、完善社会保险制度……9

  3.2.2 支持养老产业发展……10

  3.2.3 对老年人发放福利补贴……10

  3.3 我国老年产业发展现状……11

  3.3.1 养老服务机构……11

  3.3.2 养老服务人员……14

  3.3.3 老年产品……15

  第 4 章 我国老龄事业的税收政策……15

  4.1 一般性养老服务……15

  4.2 养老保险……17

  4.3 老年人收入……18

  第 5 章 国外老龄事业税收政策借鉴……20

  5.1 货劳税……21

  5.2 公司所得税……21

  5.3 个人所得税……22

  5.3.1 慈善捐赠……22

  5.3.2 养老保障……22

  5.3.3 老年人赡养……23

  5.3.4 其他……24

  5.4 社会保障税……24

  5.5 国内外老龄事业税收政策的比较与借鉴……25

  5.5.1 对养老机构的捐赠……25

  5.5.2 养老保险金……25

  5.5.3 老年人赡养费……26

  第 6 章 我国老龄事业税收政策的问题和建议……27

  6.1 我国养老税收政策存在的问题……27

  6.1.1 养老机构税收优惠对象偏少,且定位存在偏差……27

  6.1.2 老龄事业税收优惠环节较少,覆盖面偏窄……28

  6.1.3 缺乏针对老年人及其家庭的税收优惠……28

  6.1.4 社会保障费不利于养老资源公平分配,且强制性较弱……28

  6.2 对我国老龄事业税收政策的建议……29

  6.2.1 合理界定税收优惠对象……29

  6.2.2 多方位、多环节地促进老龄事业发展……30

  6.2.3 增加对老年人及其家人的税收优惠……31

  6.2.4 社会保障费改税……32


