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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-28 共2160字







  Export tax rebate is implemented by exporters, based on the principle of taxequality and no double taxation, to encourage enterprises to produce andexportcommodity, which means “Go global”, and enhance their competitiveness inthe market. The export tax rebate policy is an important part of China's import andexport tax policies. From the beginning of the implementation, Adjustment of China'sexport tax rebate policy has not stopped , so that the export tax rebate policy graduallytake on a variety of targets of different nature. Strengthening of multiple targets willimpact stability and authority of macroeconomic policy and diversely affect thecompany and the tax department at the same time. This dissertation starts with thetarget of China's export tax rebate policy, from perspective of the export tax rebaterate,discusses the possible improvement program of China's export tax rebate policy.

  Firstly this dissertation combs the development process of policy, and then analyzesgradually changing goals in this process, using the empirical methods to assess theeffect of the policy in trade and industrial structure adjustment. Finally, thisdissertation uses qualitative analysis method to state the target of China's export taxrebate policy from perspective of the International Trade and WTO, and theoreticallyanalyze conflict between the multiple objectives, hoping to provide some usefulsuggestions to the development of China's import and export tax policies. Forexample, policy makers should determine the optimal export tax rebate rate varyingthe product, improve the industrial, fiscal, exchange rate policy to gradually reducedependence on the export tax rebate policy,try to simplify the management of exporttax rebate programs .

  Keywords: the export tax rebate rate,targeting, industrial structure adjustment


  1 绪论……1

  1.1 研究背景和意义……1

  1.2 国内外研究现状……1

  1.2.1 国外研究综述……1

  1.2.2 国内研究综述……2

  1.2.3 国内外研究评述……5

  1.3 研究内容及创新……5

  1.3.1 文章内容及逻辑框架……5

  1.3.2 重点解决问题和预期结果……6

  1.3.3 创新之处……6

  1.4 研究方法……7

  2 相关概念和理论基础……8

  2.1 出口退税概念及特点……8

  2.2 古典国际贸易学关于出口退税的理论……9

  2.3 现代经济学关于出口退税的理论……10

  2.4 世界贸易组织关于出口退税的理论……10

  3 我国出口退税政策目标定位的历史沿革……12

  3.0我国出口退税政策目标定位的发展历程 ……12

  3.1 出口退税政策的形成阶段(1949-1993)……13

  3.1.1 1949-1957 年的出口退税政策……13

  3.1.2 1957-1978 年的出口退税政策……14

  3.1.3 1978-1993 年的出口退税政策……15

  3.2 出口退税政策的发展阶段(1994-2003)……15

  3.2.1 1994-1996 年,出口退税率下调阶段……15

  3.2.2 1997-2003 年,出口退税率上调阶段……16

  3.3 出口退税政策的调整阶段(2004 至今)……16

  3.3.1 2004-2007 年出口退税率的调整……16

  3.3.2 2008 年后的出口退税率调整……17

  表 1 1985-2012 年我国出口退税政策调整的主要目标……18

  3.4 我国出口退税政策目标定位存在的问题……18

  4 基于多重目标的出口退税政策调整的实证分析……20

  4.1 出口退税率与出口总额的相关性分析……20

  4.2 出口退税率调整对优化产业结构的影响分析……23

  4.2.1 出口退税率对纺织业影响分析……23

  4.2.2 出口退税率对机电业影响分析……25

  4.2.3 出口退税率对高新技术产业影响分析……29

  4.3 多元目标的内在冲突分析……31

  5 优化我国出口退税政策目标定位的路径选择……32

  5.1 因地制宜地确定最优出口退税率结构……32

  5.2 完善产业、财政、汇率政策以逐渐减少对出口退税政策依赖……32

  5.3 税务管理上尽量简化出口退税程序,实现征退一体化……32



