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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-10 共2737字







  关键词:地方精英 体育团体 盐城市 保龄球协会。


  In the survey materials of Yancheng City Bowling Association operation state, themechanism analysis of current sports associations of the operation and development of thispaper from the local elite sports associations in the perspective of development.

  The current local sports associations are supplied by government support is very small,but the public sports demand increases unceasingly, therefore form a sharp contradictionbetween the two. In between these two, local elites can through the actions of the group,with the individual's ability and resources advantage to the maximum for sportsassociations to provide help, promote the benign development of mass sports. Through theinvestigation of Yancheng City Bowling Association, found that local elites in the processof social mobilization of public participation in sports, to make full use of all kinds ofsocial relations, and constantly expand the public participation in community sports. Notonly in the funding is of great help, but also to expand sports associations of thecommunication range also has the incomparable role. Specifically, local elites of the sportsassociations can play sports resource mobilization, promote public space generation,promote the development of sports associations such as the positive role, but because ofthe existence of conflict development of social elite in advance and sports associations,sports associations to raise funds to rely too much on local elites and other issues, so thatthe local elite further research needs influence on sports associations, therefore need to sortout the relationship between the.

  The article is divided into five parts, the first part is the introduction, the backgroundand significance of topics explained, pointing out the main problems of this paper, theresearch status analysis of related fields at home and abroad; the second part describes thebasic theory of local elites, including concept definition of local elite, the basic form of aconcrete analysis of Yancheng City local elite; the empirical analysis to start the third part,discussed the development process of Yancheng City Bowling Association, fromYancheng Bowling Association organization construction, to the national fitnessmovement to the association to participate in the international competition, and activelycarry out foreign exchange and development process; the fourth part of the analysis of thesituation of the local elite Yancheng City Bowling Association, including elite types,Sports Association Yancheng City Bowling Association how to use the power of localelites and local elites and the sports community cooperation model; the fifth part of theanalysis of the local elite generated on the development of Yancheng City BowlingAssociation's positive and negative influence.

  Keywords: local elites; sports group; Yancheng City; Bowling Association


  目 录

  1. 绪 论

  1.1 研究背景与意义

  1.2 问题的提出

  1.3 研究现状

  1.4 研究的方法

  2. 地方精英的基本理论

  2.1 地方精英概念界定

  2.2 盐城市地方精英的基本形态

  3. 盐城市保龄球协会的发展历程

  3.1 盐城保龄球协会的组织建设

  3.1.1 盐城市保龄球协会的理事会建立

  3.1.2 品牌赛事的承办

  3.1.3 保龄球协会运作资金的筹措与管理

  3.2 全民健身运动

  3.2.1 强化组织培训

  3.2.2 聘请教练

  3.3 参与国际大赛

  3.4 群众广泛参与

  3.5 对外交流的扩大化

  4. 盐城市保龄球协会中地方精英的情况分析

  4.1 盐城市保龄球协会的精英类型

  4.1.1 精英的人员组成

  4.1.2 职业类别

  4.1.3 其他因素

  4.2 体育社团中地方精英作用的发挥

  4.2.1 不同类型的地方精英的联结作用

  4.2.2 地方政治精英的作用

  4.2.3 地方文化精英的作用

  4.2.4 地方经济精英的作用

  4.2.5 地方体育精英的作用

  4.3 地方精英与体育社团的合作模式

  4.3.1 体育社团中的融合性精英

  4.3.2 体育社团的专业精英治理

  5. 地方精英对于盐城市保龄球协会发展的影响

  5.1 当地精英对于体育团体产生的积极影响

  5.1.1 资源募集方面的作用

  5.1.2 有利于体育社团开展群众运动

  5.1.3 扩大体育参与、增强体育意识

  5.2 当地精英对于体育社团产生的消极影响

  5.2.1 资源募集上对地方精英的依赖性

  5.2.2 社会精英的超前性与大众体育的冲突

  结 论



