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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-22 共2645字


  摘 要






  Multiple cultures formed the distinctive features of Ang lee's film narrative,narrative background of conflict and fusion, let Ang lee tried to through themovie identity confirmation, this confirmation and identification of the existenceof culture, exist. The result of self-identity is: ang lee's film is Confucius,heidegger, Ang lee's spirit encounters. Ang lee deep Oriental culture conversionand the experience of western culture, let Ang lee's numerous works are affectedby the cultural conflict of human existence, among them, the east-west culturaldialogue and conflict is the main object of the film, and this kind of dialogue andin the cultural conflict is Ang lee “pull” process of ego identity. Ang lee's film ofego identity is the authenticity of human nature, emotion, love, sex, is the humaneternal subject.

  Movie as a kind of narrative art, different from the life narrative, alsodifferent with literary narrative, it has its unique narrative technique, it is morethrough the lens and influence to the performance of the fictional narrative. Anglee as director of the “pull” what culture, he has its own unique narrativecharacteristics: dramatic narrative stand, the assurance of survival narrative, wtoand the implicit narrative tone, these narrative features achievement on ang lee'smovies. At the same time, the film's narrative, especially a series of filmnarrative film artist will have certain narrative theme, the narrative theme is thestory, plot and narrative mode and typical, which directly affect theunderstanding of the artist the entire work system. Ang lee's film with a uniquenarrative perspective of Chinese and western culture, show the Chinese andwestern family culture, sexual ethics, etc, the difference and blending. Ang lee isa recessive storyteller, he through his narrative features, to listen to stories ofpeople feel the existence of life, improve their living condition, the ascension, ofcourse, sometimes is accompanied by painful process of reflection and despair.

  Film narrative is based on the Angle and the related theory of semiotics offilm theory, an analysis of the structure and elements of the film by what meansto arrange the plot, to complete the action motivation, shape character and buildwhat characteristics of the film is the focus point of film narrative methods. Anglee's narrative in the narrative space, narrative time, music and movie clips andso on has the remarkable characteristics, that is also the achievements in anglee's famous director technology elements. Survival, of course, this promotion issometimes accompanied by painful process of reflection and despair.

  KEYWORDS:Ang lee's,Film,Narrative,Narrative perspective,Narrativetheme,Narrative means

  目 录

  摘 要……I


  目 录……I

  第一章 绪论……1

  1.1 选题缘由……1

  1.2 研究现状……1

  1.3 论文创新……2

  1.4 课题的研究方法……3

  第二章 李安电影叙事的多元文化视角……5

  2.1 李安的多重文化背景……5

  2.1.1 东方叙事视角--传统文化的精神皈依……5

  2.1.2 西方叙事视角--西方文化的影像思维……9

  2.2 李安电影叙事视角的自我认定……11

  2.2.1 东西文化对话中的影视探索与解读……12

  2.2.2 影片自我经历的投射--文化他者……13

  2.2.3 文化夹心中导演的自我修养……15

  第三章 李安电影的多种叙事特点及主题……17

  3.1 电影的叙事性……17

  3.1.1 电影是一门叙事艺术……17

  3.1.2 电影叙事的特殊性(镜头叙事与戏剧等)……18

  3.1.3 电影叙事与电影叙事学……19

  3.2 李安电影的叙事特点……20

  3.2.1 叙事戏剧性的坚守……21

  3.2.2 生存叙事的精神关注……22

  3.2.3 入世与含蓄的叙事口吻……23

  3.3 李安电影的叙事意象与原型……25

  3.3.1 家庭意象与文学隐形书写……25

  3.3.2 父亲意象与父权解构……27

  3.3.3 爱、性意象与理智、情感……29

  第四章 李安电影的多样叙事手法……33

  4.1 叙事空间……33

  4.1.1 叙事空间概念和理论……33

  4.1.2 叙事空间的特点……34

  4.1.3 叙事空间的组成--画面与声音……36

  4.2 叙事时间……38

  4.2.1 叙事时间概念和理论……38

  4.2.2 叙事时间的形态……41

  4.3 音乐叙事……42

  4.3.1 电影音乐的叙事功用……42

  4.3.2 李安电影的音乐叙事审美……43

  第五章 结语……45


