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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-13 共3315字



  摘 要

  出版活动历经千年发展,到数字信息技术高度发达的今天,已经产生一种全新的出版形式--全媒体出版。全媒体出版,英文称谓 Federated media publishing,意即联合众媒体的出版形式。全媒体出版符合我国建设从网络大国到网络强国的发展目标,拥有得天独厚的政策倾向优势;同时,在各种新媒体不断涌现,新旧媒体共存共荣的环境下,全媒体出版取众媒体所长,补其所短,符合出版各方共同利益需求,因此具有良好的市场前景。目前,我国的图书全媒体出版还处于发展的初级阶段,全媒体整合程度较浅,主要表现形式为图书同时以纸质和数字形式在各种媒体进行出版。这一阶段的图书全媒体出版还面临着较为突出的版权问题,研究和解决版权问题对于促进图书全媒体出版有着重要的作用和意义。







  Publishing activities have a development of thousands of years. Now, the digital informationtechnology have been highly developed, a new form of publishing-federated media publishing has appeared.

  Federated media publishing means joining all the media to publish. Federated media publishing conform tothe goals of our country to construct network powerful nation from network great nation. It has theadvantage of policy and law. At the same time,with the continuous emergence of new media, old and newmedia coexistence and co-prosperity environment, federated media publishing compensating all themedia ,meeting common interests of all parties, so it has good market prospect. At present, federated mediapublishing is in its initial stage, the degree of integration is not deep, its main form is book published onpaper and a variety of digital media at the same time. This phase of the books federated media publishing isfacing prominent copyright issues, study and solve the problems of copyright plays an important role onfederated media publishing.

  Firstly, through literature analysis and other methods to define the relevant concepts of federatedmedia publishing, and the background of the development of federated media and our federated mediapublishing status is summarized. At this stage of growth, our country's books all media publishing mainlyrefers to the book at the same time in paper and various digital media as the carrier forms of publication.

  But the publishing development change forms are still constantly, publishing carrier also in constantlyabsorbing expansion. All media publishing books content increases the communication effect, the attentionto the market and the government, will become the future mainstream publishing model.

  Secondly, the thesis has carried on the analysis to the relationship between the library and all mediapublishing and copyright. Copyright and copyright protection of resources to provide the necessary supportfor the book all media publishing, book all media to achieve maximum copyright material and spiritualvalue. Two promote each other, are inseparable.

  After that, thesis access and copyright from the copyright analysis of copyright problems at presentour country books all media publishing is facing two aspects. Publishing activities in any form of lack ofcopyright support as one can't make bricks without straw, in the book all media publishing process,copyright content acquired less and single channel will restrict its smoothly; copyright protection is animportant guarantee for publishing activities to obtain good benefit, but at present our country books allmedia still faces the risk of infringement consciousness poor, disputes coping response is slow, the problemof rights means is single and so on copyright protection. The copyright problem is restricting factors of thesmooth development of the books all media publishing.

  Finally, the paper from the establishment of comprehensive copyright operation system andconsummate the copyright market operation strategy two aspects puts forward some strategic suggestionson the above copyright issues. Integrated operation system including the establishment of copyrightcopyright organization, perfect the copyright system, culture and technology improvement of copyrightcopyright; copyright market operation strategy mainly from broadening the copyright content acquiredchannels, establish the reaction mechanism of copyright of the professional market in two aspects.

  KEY WORDS: books; federated media publishing; copyright

    目 录

  摘 要


  绪 论



  1. 全媒体发展背景

  2. 我国图书全媒体出版现状

  (三) 研究意义

  1. 理论意义

  2. 现实意义




  一、 图书全媒体出版与版权之间的关系



  1. 版权资源为图书全媒体出版提供内容支持

  2. 版权保护为图书全媒体出版提供制度保障


  1. 物质价值--一次创造多元开发

  2. 精神价值--普及利用激发创造

  二、 我国图书全媒体出版存在的版权问题


  1. 版权权利内容偏少

  2. 版权获取渠道单一


  1. 侵权风险意识差

  2. 纠纷应对反应慢

  3. 维权手段较单一

  三、 解决图书全媒体出版版权问题的对策


  1. 设立专业的版权组织

  2. 构建完善的版权制度

  3. 打造鲜明的版权文化

  4. 建立有效的版权技术


  1. 拓宽全媒体版权获取的内容和渠道

  2. 建立专业的版权市场反应机制

  结 语


  致 谢
