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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-13 共3969字


  摘 要
  在世界范围内车险业的竞争异常激烈,车主抱怨保费负担过重的同时,财险公司的车险业务面临着大面积亏损,并且车辆的过度使用也大量消耗着不可再生能源,这些因素都促使人们研究出一种新的车险定价方式。一方面使每位车主支付的保费公平合理,另一方面促使人们改善自身驾驶习惯来节约能源,于是“按驾驶情况付费”(PAYD)机动车辆保险应运而生。本文讨论的 PAYD 车险是基于用量保险在车险发展过程中的最新产品,基于用量保险根据保险标的的使用情况来确定其所面临的相应风险,而 PAYD 车险将根据投保车辆的使用情况来获取费率厘定的数据,包括行驶距离、时间、地点和路况等信息。由要获取信息可以看出,财险公司在开展 PAYD 车险项目时必须使用具有现代科技水平的硬件和软件设备,目前最被市场看好的设备是车载诊断系统(OBD)。
  本文共分为五个部分。导论中介绍了研究的内容、意义和方法等。第二部分介绍了按里程付费车险的理论基础和该险种相对于传统车险的优势,并说明了该险种在我国推行的必要性。第三部分总结了按里程付费车险在国外的实践经验和发展的障碍,描述了常见的四种定价方法和国外实施该险种的具体内容。在分析我国开展PAYD 车险的影响因素时,总结了我国推行按驾驶情况付费车险可行性及可能遇到的障碍。文章在最后部分从国家宏观政策和公司微观政策两个方面,提出关于推行“按驾驶情况付费”车险在我国发展的建议措施,包括制定配套行政法规、建立专项发展基金、选择适应我国的运营模式和开发专业车载设备等。我国实行按驾驶情况付费车险需经历产品开发期、试运营期、推广期和成熟期四个阶段,保证每个阶段稳步进行,将最终推动该险种在我国的顺利发展。
  关键词:机动车辆保险 费率因子 按驾驶情况付费 车载诊断系统

  The automobile insurance industry competition of world is fierce. At the sametime, the use of vehicles has a lot of consumption on the non-renewable energy . Peoplewant to develop a new insurance pricing method which makes every owner pays fairand reasonable premiums, on the other hand, encourage people to improve their drivinghabits to save energy. So pay-as-you-drive automobile insurance came out as the timesrequire. PAYD automobile insurance discussed in this paper is the latest product of UsageBased Insurance .Usage Based Insurance is based on the use of the subject-matter insuredsituation and determine the appropriate risks faced.PAYD automobile insurance acquirerate data which based on the use of insured vehicle .The data include distance traveled,time, location and road conditions and other information. According to the information,insurance companies must use hardware and software equipment with moderntechnological.Currently the market regard on-board diagnostics(OBD) as the mostpotential equipment.OBD is installed on the insured vehicle, so that it can accuratelyobtain the vehicle driving information, and transmits those information to the actuarialdepartment's database.
  In recent years, China's automobile insurance market is in the primary stage of ratemarketization reform.the Insurance Regulatory Commission of China will give moreauto insurance pricing right to the insurance companies, so companies can takeadvantages of their own abilities and provide more insurance products for the car owners.
  More importantly, the insurance industry is now in the industrial revolution of theInternet.The development of the Internet technology will subvert many traditionalindustries.The emerging Internet financial enterprises has swept through the traditionalbanking and fund industry.Domestic insurance companies have a insurance market whichworth more than six hundred billion yuan.The market should already be targeted by theInternet companies.If domestic insurance companies want to be away from the impact ofthe Internet revolution, they must have a awareness of “innovate or die” and embrace theInternet technology to improve their own competitiveness in the market and adapt to thenew normal situation of economic development.
  This paper is divided into five parts. The introduction introduces theresearch content, the significance and the methods. The second part introduces the basictheory of pay-as-you-drive automobile insurance and the insurance with respect to thetraditional auto advantage, and the development necessity of the insurance in china. Thethird part summarizes pay-as-you-drive automobile insurance in foreign experience andthe obstacles for development, also describes the specific content of the four kinds ofcommon pricing methods. In the discussion part status determining car insurance rates inChina ,summarizes the implementation according to the driving situation pay insurancefeasibility and may encounter obstacles of our country. In the last part from the nationalmacroscopic policy and the company gathered two aspects of policy, and put out theimplementations of the charge according to the driving situation of auto insurance in theproposed measures in our country's development, including the formulation ofsupporting administrative rules and regulations, establish special development fund, thechoice to adapt to China's mode of operation and development professional automotiveequipment etc Our implementation of the pay-as-you-drive automobile insurance needto experience the product development stage, the trial operation period, the promotionperiod and the mature period. The development of the PAYD automobile insurance in ourcountry require each stage promote steadily.
  Key Words:Automobile insurance Rate factor PAYD OBD

  目 录
  摘 要
  0.1 研究的目的及意义
  0.1.1 研究的目的
  0.1.2 研究的理论意义
  0.1.3 研究的现实意义
  0.2 国内外研究文献综述
  0.2.1 国外研究文献综述
  0.2.2 国内研究文献综述
  0.2.3 国内外研究述评
  0.3 研究的基本内容与方法
  0.3.1 研究的基本内容
  0.3.2 研究方法
  0.4 研究的创新与不足之处
  0.4.1 研究的创新之处
  0.4.2 研究的不足之处
  1 按驾驶情况付费车险的理论分析
  1.1 按驾驶情况付费车险的理论基础
  1.1.1 按驾驶情况付费车险的概念
  1.1.2 “按驾驶情况付费”车险思想的产生及发展
  1.1.3 精确的里程数与碰撞损失的关系
  1.2 按驾驶情况付费车险的优点
  1.2.1 实现车险保费费率的公平
  1.2.2 减少车主的车险保费支出
  1.2.3 提高车主的保险可支付能力
  1.2.4 对社会产生巨大正外部性
  1.3 我国发展按驾驶情况付费车险的必要性
  1.3.1 提高车险行业创新服务能力,推动车险费率市场化改革进程
  1.3.2 为车主减少车辆的使用提供动力
  1.3.3 降低车主的保费支出
  1.3.4 减少资源消耗,改善空气污染
  2 国外开展按驾驶情况付费车险的现状分析
  2.1 按驾驶情况付费车险的定价方式
  2.1.1 基于汽油付费法(Pay-at-the-Pump,PATP)
  2.1.2 里程费率因子法(MRF)
  2.1.3 基于用量保费法(PMP)
  2.1.4 基于 GPS 法
  2.2 各国按里程付费车险产品的发展比较
  2.2.1 在美国的发展现状
  2.2.2 在欧洲的发展现状
  2.2.3 在其他大洲的发展现状
  2.3 国外开展按驾驶情况付费车险的障碍分析
  2.3.1 高额的运营成本
  2.3.2 地区立法的限制
  2.3.3 专利权技术保护的限制
  2.4 国外发展按驾驶情况付费车险对我国的启示
  3 我国开展按驾驶情况付费车险的影响因素分析
  3.1 我国车险费率厘定的现状
  3.1.1 我国车险市场处于车险费率市场化改革的初期
  3.1.2 费率厘定技术单一,产品条款缺乏创新
  3.1.3 财险公司车险业务赔付率高
  3.2 我国推出 PAYD 车险的可行性分析
  3.2.1 顺应费率市场化改革趋势并提高我国车险业创新能力
  3.2.2 我国保险公司与互联网公司合作密切
  3.2.3 政府关于“互联网+”行动的宏观政策推动
  3.2.4 适应经济发展新常态,促进经济发展方式的转变
  3.3 按驾驶情况付费车险在我国发展的障碍
  3.3.1 来自供给方的阻碍
  3.3.2 来自需求方的阻碍
  3.3.3 来自监管方的阻碍
  4 我国发展按驾驶情况付费车险的建议措施
  4.1 国家宏观层面的措施
  4.1.1 建立配套的行政法规
  4.1.2 提供税收优惠政策,设立专项发展基金
  4.1.3 政府提供技术支持,帮助控制运营成本
  4.2 公司微观层面的措施
  4.2.1 发展精算技术,建立新的数据库
  4.2.2 选择科学的运营模式
  4.2.3 生产具有车险信息收集功能的车载诊断系统
  4.2.4 加强保险公司与互联网公司等之间的跨界合作
  4.3 我国发展按驾驶情况付费车险的阶段分析