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来源:湖北工业大学 作者:赵晨
发布于:2017-03-08 共3630字


  摘 要

  Bus stop is not only the functional infrastructure of the city's external environment,but also a crucial linkage for people to the public space and social environment. Thefixed space, the rest, the transfer station and public media are the basic functions of thebus station. The outdoor advertising is the kind of the bus stop media advertising andeveryone can see it every day. So it is a great advantage for the advertiser to breakthrough the traditional way of advertising and design the specific target which canmaximize the economic benefit and achieve the interaction of advertising elements inbus station.
  In this thesis, the development course and situation of the public serviceadvertising in the beginning are presented and the realistic significance and designmethods of the interactive public service advertising of the new media in the bus stationadvertising are investigated. In this thesis, the empirical research is on the blood centerin Wuhan and the bus station play the role as the carrier. And in this thesis we pay muchattention on study the interaction of the public service advertising and people. In thisthesis, main problems are as follows: first, most of the domestic bus stationadvertisements are lack of the interaction designs and present static images; second, thebus stop ad space is not fully used and did not reflect well of advertising space in thedesign. The meanings of the research are as follows: firstly, it is an essential principlethat we must combine the Interactive advertising design of the bus station withthe public service advertising. In this way more and more people can know the ideawhich the advertising express, and it is also a wise way to spread the positive feelings tothe public. Secondly, in the way of combine the space design with the advertising design,the public service advertising and the advertising space are also cross-applied, whichcan expand and enrich the forms of interactive design. Thirdly, through the interactiveadvertisements, we can get the information which the advertising wants to express intime and encourage more and more people to join in the public service.
  In this thesis, five parts are analyzed as follows: first, literature review(chapterone), through analysis of the present bus station public service ads, the public serviceadvertisement of the bus station's background, purpose, significance and methods wereanalyzed and the innovation points of this thesis were put forward. Second, thedevelopment of the bus station public service interactive advertisements (chapter two),by analyzing the development of the bus station public service advertisements, we gotthat it is necessary to study the interactive public service ads of the bus station and itspractical significance. Third, the characteristics of the interactive outdoor ads wereresearched and the methods of design the bus station's interactive public service adswere discussed (chapter three and four)。 Increased interaction design, the bus stop adswill create a virtuous cycle. Fourth, the blood donation public service ads in Wuhan busstation are the empirical research objects in this thesis. And the design ideas wereproposed and the application prospect of the ideas was discussed in chapter five. Fifth,in chapter six, the research content and interactive design scheme of the blood donationpublic service ads in the bus station were summarized, the issues of the public serviceinteractive ads in the bus station were proposed, and a preliminary public bus stopadvertising design for the future outlook was made.
  Keywords: bus stop; media; space; interactive; public service advertising; blooddonation advertising

  目 录
  摘 要
  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究的目的、意义
  1.3 国内外研究现状及存在的问题
  1.3.1 户外互动公益广告
  1.3.2 公交站台互动公益广告
  1.3.3 存在的问题
  1.4 研究的方法
  1.5 研究的创新点
  第 2 章 公交站台公益广告的互动性发展的历程
  2.1 公交站台公益广告发展的历程和现状
  2.1.1 从无到有的站台广告
  2.1.2 静态的公益广告
  2.1.3 体验式的互动公益广告
  2.1.4 新技术形式的互动公益广告
  2.2 武汉市公交站台公益互动广告必要性调查
  2.3 小结
  第 3 章 互动性户外广告
  3.1 互动性广告的概述
  3.2 互动性户外广告的类型
  3.2.1 平面类
  3.2.2 空间类
  3.3 互动性户外广告的特征
  3.3.1 新媒体新技术的结合
  3.3.2 实体材质的投放
  3.3.3 情景体验式
  3.3.4 广告记忆延时性
  3.4 小结
  第 4 章 公交站台互动性广告设计的方法
  4.1 公交车站台广告互动传播的方式
  4.1.1 受众角色的变化
  4.1.2 公交车站互动广告传播的原则
  4.2 公交站台空间互动设计的合理化
  4.2.1 基本功能配备的合理化
  4.2.2 互动广告设计要求的合理化
  4.3 公交站台互动性广告的设计元素
  4.3.1 平面元素的创新融入互动性
  4.3.2 实体元素的结合增加互动性
  4.3.3 空间中其他元素的设计增加互动性
  4.4 公交车站台互动性广告形式
  4.4.1 利用新技术产生空间互动
  4.4.2 利用实体材料营造互动的体验感
  4.4.3 利用广告延伸空间的互动性
  4.5 小结
  第 5 章 武汉市公交站台献血公益广告互动性设计研究
  5.1 武汉市血液中心广告的研究的目的及意义
  5.1.1 目的
  5.1.2 意义
  5.2 公交站台献血公益互动广告的设计思路
  5.2.1 广告的定位分析
  5.2.2 广告的主题
  5.2.3 广告形式
  5.3 “TO BE A …”系列互动广告设计
  5.3.1 TO BE A SUPERMAN 卡通形象的选择 超人角色的优化设计 互动游戏的设计
  5.3.2 TO BE A QUEEN 视觉形象的选择 空间道具的设计 互动场景的营造
  5.3.3 TO BE A HERO 平面元素的提炼 视觉信息的传递 实用功能的拓展
  5.4 “TO BE A…”系列公交站台献血互动广告的推广
  5.5 小结
  第 6 章 结 语
  6.1 主要研究结论
  6.2 不足与展望
原文出处:赵晨. 公交站台公益广告的互动性设计研究[D].湖北工业大学,2016.