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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-07 共4684字


  摘 要
  Now the world economy globalization and the rapid development of Internettechnology, fast into the current situation in the era of Internet economy. In this bigbackground, the competition among securities companies in China is also becomingincreasingly white heat. Especially after our country gradually open the financial sectormarket, a large number of foreign financial institutions to enter China, making China'sdomestic securities companies face huge inside and outside the double pressure ofcompetition. The competition between the securities company the fundamental of thescramble for customers. A securities company to have a good development, therefore, shouldbe in the development of new customers, maintain old customers. A good customerrelationship management, can reduce the cost of enterprises to maintain and developcustomer, reduce the transaction cost of enterprises and the customers. The securitiesindustry, too, as securities company marketing and customer service customers relying onthe basis of, customer relationship management (CRM), a direct impact on the efficiency ofcompany marketing and customer service customers. This paper argues that China'ssecurities companies to competition and financial powers of securities companies even rival,so customer relationship management system based on the technology of big data will be thedefault choice. Customer relationship management (CRM) is the earliest is put forward byGartner group advanced management concept, it is a kind of aims to improve the newmanagement system of the relationship between businesses and their customers, that canprovide quality services to attract and keep more customers. [current based on big datatechnology application of customer relationship management system in the financial industryof developed countries have a certain effect, and gradually become mainstream. In this paper,with some foreign securities companies by big data technology makes the concept ofcustomer relationship management (CRM) effect of the improved experience, fine divisionof similar customer groups and each group of similarity analysis common businesscharacteristics of the group, which have effect of targeted services for them, in order toenhance the core competitiveness of the company. A good customer relationshipmanagement, is to be able to help securities companies to maintain and develop customer toreduce costs, improve the efficiency of the securities company services clients. Therefore, asa securities company in various business processes of the operating system, customerrelationship management (CRM), a direct impact on the quality of the company's marketingand customer service customer, even the relationship between the rise and fall of the wholecompany.
  This article first chapter is the introduction part mainly stated the research backgroundand significance of this article, and introduces the domestic and foreign securities companiesbased on the data of the research status of customer relationship management (CRM) system,and explains the research contents and research methods of this paper.
  The second chapter mainly introduces the securities industry from informatization togradually set up the development of customer relationship management (CRM) system, aswell as the securities industry customer relationship management (CRM) system, the statusquo of the application and is introduced with the development of the technology of data inrecent years, the securities companies will be big data technology and the concept of largedata into the trend of the development of customer relationship management (CRM) system.
  In the third chapter, this paper analyzes the hengtai securities companies in the form ofcase analysis of the structure, content of customer relationship management (CRM) systemand idea. First to hengtai securities company's basic situation and current situation ofinformation management, customer behavior and to hengtai securities company's largedigital customer relationship management system construction and the problems encounteredin the process of analysis, and a detailed analysis of each question.
  The fourth chapter first to undertake the analysis of several problems in the previouschapter, and how to solve these problems put forward several hengtai securities companyestablished by technology of the large data of customer relationship management (CRM)system for strategy steps suggestion. Then mainly four makes hengtai securities companiesgive full play to the big data technology the constructive strategy, customer relationshipmanagement system on the basis of the big data technology to develop customer relationshipmanagement system of high value-added service content.
  This paper aims to Hengtai securities company as the representative of domesticsecurities companies, research and application of the customer relationship management(CRM) system to improve China's securities companies to the customer service level, andimprove the securities company customer satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately improvingthe core value of the securities company in China. Now in order to better adapt to the stockmarket competition environment and the needs of the development of company, Hengtaisecurities company customer relationship management (CRM) system, still need tocontinuously improve. Now the big data technology rapid development, as based on InternetHengtai securities company customer relationship management (CRM) systems, nature has aunique advantage. Using big data technology, Hengtai securities companies can deepexcavating customer data, customer relationship management (CRM) system and thecustomer segmentation and with subdivision of the related service application. And bytechnology of the large data of customer relationship management system mainly includestwo parts: client base information data collection and perfect, and on the basis of theanalysis of customer data. Customer information data management, customer relationshipmanagement (CRM) system is the base and key of success.
  Big data, Securities company, Customer relationship management

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.3 研究内容与方法
  1.3.1 研究内容
  1.3.2 研究方法
  第 2 章 证劵行业客户关系管理现状及趋势
  2.1 证劵行业信息化现状
  2.2 证券行业客户关系管理系统应用现状
  2.3 证券行业客户关系管理大数据运用趋势
  第 3 章 恒泰证券公司客户关系管理的建设现状及问题分析
  3.1 恒泰证劵公司基本情况
  3.2 恒泰证劵公司客户关系管理系统
  3.3 恒泰证劵公司对客户关系管理系统的应用
  3.4 恒泰证劵公司客户关系管理建设中的问题
  3.4.1 客户关系管理大数据化的战略目标不明确
  3.4.2 大数据技术未能与客户关系管理系统有机结合
  3.4.3 未能形成有效的大数据分析系统
  3.4.4 缺少对客户行为的大数据分析
  第 4 章 恒泰证劵公司客户关系管理的大数据建设策略
  4.1 恒泰证劵公司客户关系管理大数据应用的战略
  4.1.1 建立完善的精细化客户大数据库
  4.1.2 对相似客户群体的特征分析
  4.1.3 对客户进行个性化服务需求推送
  4.1.4 建立投资者理财交互系统
  4.2 明确大数据提升客户关系管理系统的战略目标
  4.2.1 建立公司应用大数据提升客户关系管理系统的总体目标
  4.2.2 细化大数据提升客户关系管理系统业务目标
  4.3 建立客户关系管理行为分析模型
  第 5 章 结 论
  5.1 主要结论
  5.2 研究展望
  致 谢