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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-10-29 共2260字



  在介绍服装企业纳税筹划相关理论的基础上,对服装企业纳税筹划进行了 SWOT分析,并结合服装企业自身的特点,提出了服装企业生命周期各阶段的纳税筹划方案,通过案例进行证明。主要创新点如下:





  Tax is an significant means for the country to raise financial fund and ensure the normalrunning of the country, but also the important lever for the government to regulate the market.

  Paying taxes is every citizen's obligations in accordance with the law. Based on the system oftax, tax planning is a basic right of enterprises through reasonable arrangements for theirbusiness activities to reduce their burden of tax. Apparel enterprises are the basic industry inour country and bear heavy taxes. Apparel enterprises can effectively reduce overall burden oftax through reasonable tax planning, which is also helpful for enterprises to improvereasonable configuration of resources and the level of management.

  This paper makes apparel enterprises as the object of study, starting with the theory oftax planning, and make an deep study on tax planning of apparel enterprises through theanalysis of situation and SWOT. This paper is made up of six parts. The first part states thebackground and significance of research, reviewing the foreign and domestic researchliterature, and introduces research contents and technical route. The second part introduces thestatus of development and characteristics of apparel enterprises, the life cycle of enterprises,the method of SWOT, and tax planning. The third part analyzes the main taxes involved andtax burden, and makes the horizontal comparison with other industries to analyze the level oftax burden, situation and environment of tax planning for apparel enterprises. The fourth partanalyzes the strategy of tax planning in the stages of creation, operating, reorganization andliquidation. The fifth part analyzes the various risks faced in the tax planning, and putsforward the concrete measures to prevent the risks of tax planning. The sixth part makes anempirical analysis of the strategy of tax planning in the stages of creation, operating,reorganization and liquidation for A apparel enterprise, and further verify the feasibility of taxplanning for apparel enterprises.

  Key Words: Apparel enterprises; Tax planning; SWOT analysis; Risk control

    目 录

  摘 要……II



  第 1 章 绪 论……1

  1.1 研究背景、目的及意义……1

  1.1.1 研究背景……1

  1.1.2 研究目的及意义……1

  1.2 国内外研究述评……2

  1.2.1 国外研究现状……2

  1.2.2 国内研究现状……3

  1.2.3 国内外研究成果评价……5

  1.3 研究内容与框架……5

  1.3.1 研究内容……5

  1.3.2 研究框架……6

  第 2 章 相关理论概述……7

  2.1 服装企业概述……7

  2.1.1 服装企业发展现状……7

  2.1.2 服装企业特点……7

  2.2 纳税筹划概述……8

  2.2.1 纳税筹划概念……8

  2.2.2 纳税筹划特点……9

  2.2.3 纳税筹划目标……9

  2.3 纳税筹划风险及控制……10

  2.3.1 纳税筹划风险概念……10

  2.3.2 纳税筹划风险特点……11

  2.3.3 纳税筹划风险控制……11

  2.4 生命周期理论……13

  2.4.1 企业生命周期概述……13

  2.4.2 服装企业生命周期……14

  2.5 SWOT 分析法……15

  第 3 章 服装企业纳税筹划现状及 SWOT 分析……16

  3.1 服装企业涉及的主要税种……16

  3.2 服装企业税收负担状况……16

  3.2.1 服装企业整体税负情况……16

  3.2.2 服装企业各税种税负情况……17

  3.2.3 服装企业税负水平与其他企业的比较……19

  3.3 服装企业纳税筹划现状分析……20

  3.3.1 服装企业纳税筹划现状……20

  3.3.2 服装企业纳税筹划存在的问题……21

  3.4 服装企业纳税筹划 SWOT 分析……21

  3.4.1 服装企业纳税筹划外部环境……21

  3.4.2 服装企业纳税筹划内部环境……22

  3.4.3 构建服装企业纳税筹划的 SWOT 矩阵……23

  3.5 小结……26

  第 4 章 服装企业纳税筹划策略……27

  4.1 创立阶段的纳税筹划……27

  4.1.1 组织形式的选择……27

  4.1.2 纳税人身份的选择……28

  4.2 经营阶段的纳税筹划……28

  4.2.1 物料采购的纳税筹划……29

  4.2.2 销售方式的纳税筹划……29

  4.2.3 存货计价方法的纳税筹划……31

  4.2.4 固定资产折旧的纳税筹划……32

  4.2.5 互惠定价纳税筹划……32

  4.2.6 品牌经营的纳税筹划……33

  4.3 重组阶段的纳税筹划……33

  4.3.1 企业分立的纳税筹划……33

  4.3.2 企业合并的纳税筹划……34

  4.4 清算阶段的纳税筹划……35

  4.5 小结……35

  第 5 章 服装企业纳税筹划风险和控制……36

  5.1 服装企业纳税筹划风险种类……36

  5.2 服装企业纳税筹划风险成因……37

  5.3 服装企业纳税筹划风险控制……38

  5.4 小结……39

  第 6 章 案例分析……40

  6.1A 企业的基本状况……40

  6.2A 企业各阶段的纳税筹划方案……40

  6.2.1 创立阶段的纳税筹划……40

  6.2.2 经营阶段的纳税筹划……40

  6.2.3 重组阶段的纳税筹划……43

  6.2.4 清算阶段的纳税筹划……44

  6.3 小结……44

  结 论……46


  致 谢……51
