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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-08 共3070字


  创业投资自诞生以来,促进了 Google、Intel、百度等一大批企业的成长。二十世纪80 年代进入中国,创业投资行业历经了初创期、爆发期和调整期三个阶段,目前处于并将长期处于调整期。在经济高速发展的今天,创业投资行业面临着创投资金来源局限、投资策略缺乏、创业企业价值度量难的问题;而另一方面,国家鼓励青年及高校毕业生自主创业。面对雨后春笋般的创业项目,创业投资机构或投资人如何进行选择成为创投行业面临的最大难关。因此,对创业投资评价研究具有重大的现实意义。
  互联网是二十世纪最伟大的发明之一,如今的互联网已经进入每个人的生活,改变着我们的生活方式,企业家在这次科技浪潮的冲击下,纷纷瞄准互联网行业。根据中创投市场 2013 年第二季度数据,在 89 例投资案中,互联网项目投资为 21 例,以 23%的比例独占鳌头。可见,互联网项目在创业投资行业的分量越来越重。对创业投资中的互联网项目进行投资评价研究,可以提高创投机构投资效率,促进创投行业的健康发展,使得创业投资对经济增长做出的最大贡献。
  The venture capital has promoted the development of a large number of companies, suchas Google, Intel and Baidu and so on, since it was born. The VC came to our country in1980's, it has through initial, explosion already and now in a period of adjustment, which willbe long time. In today's high-speed economic development, the industry of VC is faced withfunding limitations, lacking investment strategy and the difficult of valuing theEntrepreneurial Enterprise; in the other hand, the state encourages youth and graduates toestablish a business. So there are more and more VC projects, how investment organization orinvestor to select from them is a big crisis. Thus the evaluation research of venture capitalproject will be of significant importance.
  As the internet is one of the greatest inventions of 20th century, now it is coming into ourlife and changing our life style. After the shock of internet, entrepreneurs are aim at thismarket. According to the data of second quarter in 2013, the 29 investments are internetprojects, among the 89 cases, it has accounted for 23%. For the internet project more andmore attracted the attention of VC, combining internet project and VC to study the evaluationcould help VC organization improve the efficiency, promote the development of the industry,and make the contribution to economic growth.
  The academia has done lots of research about Hi-tech venture capital in recent years, butthe research results was lack of specific in that the research was not subdividing into thespecific industries. The contents of this research mainly include three aspects: First, throughthe combination of the characters of the internet industry, the evaluation index of internetventure capital project is designed by logical analysis method and factor analysis method.Second, the BP artificial neural networks are built as the evaluation method of internetventure capital project. Third, a case study was given to validate, at the same time, thesuggestions are given to participants in VC industry.
  The research shows that there are six first class indicators and 13 second class indicatorsin the evaluation index of internet venture capital project. These first class factors areentrepreneurs, product, market, technology, business and environment. The BPartificial neural networks are built as the evaluation method of internet venture capital project,the accuracy of the evaluation model is validated by three cases. The suggestions that given toparticipants in VC industry include three aspects: first, the 13 indicators is the key referencewhen venture capital investment organization assess the internet projects. Second, the VCinstitutions should perfect the evaluation system of venture capital across all industries. Thefinal, Internet start-ups should build the system of self-examination according to the paper.
  KEY WORDS: Internet Project, Venture Capital Investment, Evaluation Indicator,Evaluation Methodology

  目 录
  1 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究意义
  1.2 研究目的、内容及方法
  1.2.1 研究目的
  1.2.2 研究内容
  1.2.3 研究方法
  1.2.4 技术路线图
  1.3 创新点
  1.4 本章小结
  2 相关理论基础
  2.1 创业投资相关理论
  2.1.1 相关概念的界定
  2.1.2 创业投资的特征
  2.1.3 创业投资运行机制
  2.2 创业投资项目评价相关研究
  2.2.1 创业投资项目评价指标研究
  2.2.2 创业投资项目评价方法研究
  2.2.3 具体领域的创业投资项目评价
  2.2.4 研究缺陷
  2.3 本章小结
  3 互联网项目创业投资评价指标设计
  3.1 互联网行业发展现状
  3.1.1 互联网行业的兴起
  3.1.2 互联网项目的特点
  3.1.3 互联网的基础规律
  3.2 指标的设计原则和选取方法
  3.2.1 指标的设计原则
  3.2.2 指标的选择方法
  3.3 互联网项目评价指标来源
  3.4 数据来源
  3.4.1 调查问卷设计
  3.4.2 问卷的发放
  3.4.3 问卷的描述性统计分析
  3.5 因子分析
  3.5.1 KMO 检验和 Bartlett 球型度检验
  3.5.2 提取主因子
  3.5.3 因子旋转
  3.5.4 结果分析
  3.6 本章小结
  4 基于人工神经网络的评价方法
  4.1 互联网项目创业投资评价方法的适用性
  4.1.1 投资项目评价方法的对比研究
  4.1.2 评价方法的选择
  4.2 人工神经网络算法介绍
  4.3 基于人工神经网络的互联网项目创业投资评价方法
  4.3.1 模型输入设计及量化
  4.3.2 模型输出
  4.3.3 模型构造及 MATLAB 的实现
  4.4 本章小结
  5 互联网项目创业投资评价实证研究
  5.1 案例分析
  5.1.1 A--90 后多人实景互动社区
  5.1.2 B--90 后“轻娱乐”图片社交软件
  5.1.3 C--全球首创场景式社交 O2O 应用
  5.2 基于人工神经网络的项目投资评价
  5.2.1 各项目指标打分
  5.2.2 案例的人工神经网络计算
  5.3 本章小结
  6 总结
  6.1 研究建议
  6.1.1 对创投机构的建议
  6.1.2 对创业企业的建议
  6.2 研究不足与研究展望
  致 谢