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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-26 共3982字


  摘 要
  最后,本文以 GH 公司为案例研究对象,通过一段时间的观察,掌握了该公司的基本情况,通过问卷调查的方式初步掌握了该公司的管理沟通情况,并分析了该公司的管理沟通现状,总结了该公司在管理沟通方面存在的不足:管理沟通双方知识水平相差悬殊、企业员工缺乏必要的沟通技能、管理沟通的过程制度性缺乏,随意性强、正式沟通过少,非正式沟通过多、双向沟通缺乏,造成反馈机制缺失,并分析了产生管理沟通障碍的原因:管理者对管理沟通的重要性认识不足、管理沟通培训不足、沟通渠道形式单一,不丰富、缺少管理沟通的专门机构,或没有其它部门兼职负责管理沟通事务,通过对管理沟通障碍的分析,依据管理沟通的过程理论提出了 GH 公司克服沟通障碍的对策:通过培训提升沟通技能;丰富管理沟通渠道;改善管理沟通环境;健全沟通制度。

  With the rapid development of the knowledge economy, more and more managersrealize the importance of managerial communication. The effective operation of managerialcommunication is not only beneficial to improve the interpersonal relationship betweencolleagues, but also help to realization of corporate strategy, and improve thecompetitiveness of enterprises. Although most managers recognize the importance ofmanagerial communication, but in the practical work, they can't good deal with theenterprise's managerial communication problems. Therefore the study of managerialcommunication problem has theory and practice double meanings.
  To begin with, through introduces the status of managerial communication research atdomestic and abroad, we roughly understand the development of managerialcommunication, and definite of the basic theory of managerial communication. Theexploration of research into managerial communication's theory and practice, especially thestudy of managerial communication process theory is helpful to the research work ofmanagement communication.
  Next, we analyze the main communication barriers of enterprise in our country; suchas the barriers include no long-term managerial communication strategic, communicationchannels are not sufficient, no managerial communication organization and its process lackof system. From the perspective of organization and managers we analyze the causes of thebarriers, for example the reason comes from communication personnel own, thecommunication channel is not smooth, the organizational structure is not reasonable, thecommunication atmosphere is not harmonious, and put forward some correspondingcountermeasures for the purpose to improve the efficiency of communication.
  Finally, the study takes GH Company as a case and introduces the basic situation ofthe company. By way of questionnaire survey we analyses the current situation of thecompany's managerial communication and found out its shortcomings. It includes thedifference between levels of knowledge of communicators, the employees lack thenecessary communication skills, the process of managerial communication is lack ofsystem, and its lack of formal communication, but informal communication too much, andthe lack of feedback mechanisms caused the lack of two-way communication. Analysis ofthe causes of disorder of managerial communication, such as managers have notsufficiently recognized the importance of management communication, lack ofmanagement training, communication channels are not rich, lack of managerialcommunication mechanism, or no other departments at part-time responsible for themanagerial communication affairs. According to the process theory of managerialcommunication we put forward some countermeasures for GH Company to overcomecommunication barriers. It includes improve managers' communication skills and improvecommunication environment and communication channels, establish communicationfeedback mechanism.
  In the process of demonstration, this paper mainly adopts the literature researchmethod, investigation method, observation method and case study method. Using the latestand advanced management communication data proving problems follow the developmenttrend of the times. With the rigorous research, we finally made some personal views on. Inthe process of case analysis is mainly used the questionnaire method, to a certain extentproves that management communication problems of enterprises in our country, and thenexplain the meaning of this research. The research work of managerial communication isnot very perfect, our research process combines with the enterprises, not only enriches theknowledge theory of managerial communication, and improves its the practice knowledge.
  Keywords: managerial communication,communication channel,communication barrier,countermeasure

  目 录
  第一章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景、目的及意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究目的
  1.1.3 研究意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.2.1 国内研究现状
  1.2.2 国外研究现状
  1.3 研究内容
  1.4 研究创新点
  1.5 研究框架
  第二章 管理沟通相关理论
  2.1 管理沟通的概念和特征
  2.1.1 管理沟通的概念
  2.1.2 管理沟通的特征
  2.2 管理沟通的意义
  2.2.1 管理沟通是企业日常管理工作的润滑剂
  2.2.2 管理沟通是企业完成管理目标的主要手段之一
  2.2.3 管理沟通是企业提升其战略执行能力的重要基础
  2.3 管理沟通的原则和方法
  2.3.1 管理沟通的原则
  2.3.2 管理沟通的方法
  2.4 管理沟通的要素和过程
  2.4.1 管理沟通的过程
  2.4.2 管理沟通的要素
  2.5 管理沟通的类型
  2.5.1 口头、书面沟通
  2.5.2 正式、非正式沟通
  2.6 管理沟通的障碍与克服
  2.6.1 管理沟通障碍
  2.6.2 管理沟通障碍的克服
  第三章 研究程序设计与研究方法
  3.1 研究程序设计
  3.2 资料搜集
  3.2.1 搜集和整理文献资料
  3.2.2 搜集和整理案例资料
  3.3 研究方法的使用
  3.3.1 文献研究法
  3.3.2 调查法
  3.3.3 访谈法
  3.3.4 案例研究法
  第四章 我国企业管理沟通现状
  4.1 我国企业管理沟通存在的问题
  4.1.1 管理沟通战略的制定缺乏长期性
  4.1.2 管理沟通渠道不充分
  4.1.3 缺乏专门的管理沟通机构
  4.1.4 管理沟通的实施过程中制度性缺乏,随意性强
  4.2 我国企业管理沟通存在问题的成因
  4.2.1 沟通双方自身的原因
  4.2.2 沟通渠道和方式使用不当
  4.2.3 组织结构不合理
  4.2.4 企业沟通氛围不融洽
  4.3 解决我国企业管理沟通问题的对策
  4.3.1 为企业沟通制定战略目标
  4.3.2 加强各层次管理者的沟通培训
  4.3.3 设立专门的沟通部门
  4.3.4 对沟通机制进行创新
  4.3.5 对沟通渠道进行整合
  4.3.6 对沟通政策和制度进行完善
  第五章 GH公司管理沟通问题研究
  5.1 GH公司简介
  5.1.1 公司简介
  5.1.2 公司的组织结构
  5.2 GH公司管理沟通现状及其存在的问题
  5.2.1 管理沟通现状
  5.2.2 管理沟通存在的问题
  5.3 GH公司管理沟通问题的成因
  5.3.1 管理者对管理沟通的重要性认识不足
  5.3.2 培训机制不健全
  5.3.3 沟通渠道形式单一,不丰富
  5.3.4 缺少管理沟通组织机构,或没有其它部门兼职负责管理沟通
  5.4 解决GH公司管理沟通问题的对策
  5.4.1 通过培训提升沟通双方的沟通技能
  5.4.2 合理运用现代科技丰富沟通渠道
  5.4.3 创造良好的沟通氛围
  5.4.4 完善沟通制度
  第六章 结论
  致 谢