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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-02 共3815字









  Education is a cornerstone of the revitalization of the country and nation, it is animportant foundation for educational equity and safeguard social fairness. Pre-schooleducation is an important stage in achieving equitable principles of education. Therefore,Pre-school education is a foundation to achieve education equality and equalopportunity. However, inadequate investment in public finances, the uneven distributionof quality educational resources, urban-rural dual system of social structure, economicand cultural differences around the other factors lead to more and more serious equityproblem in pre-school education, such as in between regions, urban and rural areas, andthe nurseries among preschool children. Especially in the system of under the leadershipof the state council, by the local government responsibility,for management at differentlevels, some areas of fiscal policy oriented propensity to make high-quality pre-schooleducation had more resources on the development of a better flow of the publickindergartens and demonstration kindergartens, make the inter-kindergarten differencesmore poor, and thus result in different levels of quality pre-school opportunities foryoung children to accept inequality and so on. Therefore, with respect to regionaldifferences and urban-rural differences in pre-school development, people areincreasingly concerned about the inter-kindergarten differences within the city limits.

  Therefore, this article selects HEDA(Hangzhou Economic and TechnologicalDevelopment Area) as the study area, based on six of the region kindergarten-depth casestudies. Each kindergarten emphasis on the financial funding, hardware, software,services, parks interpersonal differences in parental satisfaction with the situation infour dimensions, in this on the basis of different household, children's pre-schoolopportunities for different sectors of the fairness of the empirical analysis.

  The main conclusion of the study are the following: first, fiscal policy tilt is causedby the different nature of kindergarten significant differences in the allocation ofresources and quality of service and other aspects of the key factors, in addition to thecase of the public kindergarten in significantly weaker than a private kindergartenoutside, other aspects have shown a clear advantage, from the results of parentsatisfaction surveys, the hardware conditions provided public park than the quality of itsservices to better meet the child care needs, and private garden opposite situation;second, of the same nature kindergarten comparison, due to public park full financialsupport by the zone, consistent with standard office park, three public park so there isno significant difference in the financial investment, hardware, facilities and parentsatisfaction, but the software configuration differences in terms of more significant,more significant differences between the three private garden in two respectsstudent-teacher ratio and parental satisfaction than the public park; third, theregistration system factors are different classes of children into the different nature ofkindergarten chance differences underlying causes family background factor is thedifferent sectors of the children entering grades kindergarten chance to fundamentaldifferences in the nature of the reasons for the same, whether or not affected by the tiltof the external policy, quality education resources are always more children are theadvantages of class occupancy, is not conducive to pre-school education fair chance ofimplementation. Through further analysis of the empirical results also found that if thekindergarten students seen as one of the elements of human capital investment, then thepark interpersonal differences and preschool opportunities for unfair degree will befurther expanded, eventually forming a vicious cycle. This paper proposed accordingly,in order to promote the balanced development of the local pre-school education,government departments should follow the financial investment “vulnerablecompensation” principle, focus on supporting the weak and disadvantaged kindergarten,so that the allocation of resources to be more conducive to a fair pre-tilted.

  Keywords: pre-school education, inter-kindergarten differences , opportunity foreducation,the balanced development of education


  第一章 绪论

  第一节 研究背景与研究意义

  第三节 研究方法与研究内容

  第二章 杭州经济技术开发区学前教育发展状况

  第一节 开发区基本概况

  第二节 开发区幼儿园发展状况

  第三节 开发区学前教育政策供给现状

  第三章 杭州经济技术开发区园际差异分析

  第一节 调研基本情况介绍

  第二节 园际差异现状分析

  第三节 园际差异原因分析

  第四章 园际差异背景下的学前教育机会公平性分析

  第一节 公办学前教育入园机会差异

  第二节 相对优质民办学前教育机会差异

  第三节 进一步分析及预测

  第五章 总结与建议

  第一节 研究结论

  第二节 对策建议

  第三节 研究局限

