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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-29 共3345字


  摘 要






  With the information age the University Network Ideological and political education is anew form of the ideological and political education, the rapid development of informationtechnology presents takes new opportunities and challenges to the network of IdeologicalEducation in Colleges and universities. China's outstanding traditional culture did not play abetter education effect in the University Network Ideological and political education, in viewof this situation, this article from the concept of the “benevolence” for the value of theUniversity Ideological and political education, play network brings to the ideological andpolitical education, enhance the “benevolence” education effect, organic meeting analysis thecurrent university network ideological and political education with the “benevolence” of theconcept, methods and Strategies of College Ideological and political education in networkand proposed the concept of “benevolence”.

  The thesis includes five parts. The first part is stated in section. Include four parts withthe researching background and meaning, the research situation, this topic researchframework, the novelty and the research technique, from the whole to the subject of macrointroduction and overview. The second part is the theoretical part, mainly is the basicsummary of the problem, on the one hand, introduces the concept of “benevolence” theconnotation, constitution and its internal relations, contemporary education content andbriefly discusses the concept of “benevolence”. Discusses the characteristics and the currentsituation of the development of Ideological and political education connotation and theUniversity Network Ideological and political education on the other hand, provides thetheoretical basis for the writing of the article. The third part mainly elaborates “the importantvalue of the application of benevolence” concept in the University Network Ideological andpolitical education, from two aspects theory value and the practice value discussion. Thefourth part, in the University Network Ideological and political education to clarify the“benevolence” of the concept of achievement under the premise of “benevolence” concept,analysis of actual presence in the University Network Ideological and political educationproblem, and summed up the lack of “benevolence” consequences of education in theUniversity Network Ideological and political education, which pave the way for the nextchapter solution practical problems. The fifth part is the practice, mainly put forward“benevolence” of the concept of University Network Ideological and political educationdevelopment strategy, operation and application specific methods, practice innovationtheoretically, such as the establishment of “benevolence” concept and educational ideas ofkeeping pace with the times, practice education principles and with the development of thenetwork as the center of gravity of the education mode.

  It's a hope that through this topic research, can simultaneously on the “benevolence”concept to provide some theoretical basis and methods in the innovation and development ofthe University Network Ideological and political education, reference, provide some referencefor the college students' Ideological and political education work under the networkenvironment, in order to promote the university students need all-round development.

  Key words: Benevolence; the concept of “Benevolence”; network ideological andpolitical education; university network ideological and political education; collegestudent

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 绪论

  1.1 选题的提出

  1.2 论文选题的目的意义

  1.3 国内外的研究现状

  1.4 论文结构及研究方法

  1.5 论文的创新之处

  2 基本问题概述

  2.1 “仁爱”理念概述

  2.1.1 “仁爱”理念的内涵

  2.1.2 “仁爱”理念的构成及内部关系

  2.1.3 “仁爱”理念的当代教育内容

  2.2 网络思想政治教育概述

  2.2.1 网络思想政治教育内涵

  2.2.2 高校网络思想政治教育的特点与现状

  3 “仁爱”理念的高校网络思想政治教育价值

  3.1 “仁爱”理念的高校网络思想政治教育的理论价值

  3.1.1 有利于弘扬中华优秀的传统文化

  3.1.2 有利于丰富思想政治教育理论

  3.1.3 有利于促进马克思主义与传统文化相融合

  3.2 “仁爱”理念的高校网络思想政治教育的实践价值

  3.2.1 增强网络环境下思想政治教育的效果

  3.2.2 优化大学生全面发展的环境

  3.2.3 加速“四有”大学生建设步伐

  3.2.4 推进和谐社会建设的进程

  3.2.5 为实现“中国梦”提供重要力量

  4 “仁爱”理念的高校网络思想政治教育的成就、现状及分析

  4.1 “仁爱”理念高校网络思想政治教育的成就

  4.1.1 “仁爱”理念的理论研究成果

  4.1.2 “仁爱”理念的高校网络思想政治教育实践应用

  4.2 “仁爱”理念高校网络思想政治教育存在的问题

  4.2.1 教育理念陈旧

  4.2.2 大学生网络自我教育缺失

  4.2.3 网络教育手段滞后

  4.3 “仁爱”理念高校网络思想政治教育欠缺的后果

  4.3.1 大学生道德判断能力下降

  4.3.2 大学生生活取向倾向享乐主义

  4.3.3 大学生社会责任感淡薄

  5 “仁爱”理念的高校网络思想政治教育发展策略

  5.1 树立突出“仁爱”理念的教育思路

  5.1.1 确立“仁爱”理念的重要地位

  5.1.2 发挥“仁爱”理念的教育功能

  5.1.3 加强对教育者的人文精神关怀

  5.2 践行教师主导与学生主动相结合的教育原则

  5.2.1 理论指导与自我教育相结合

  5.2.2 网上教育与网下教育相结合

  5.3 构建以网络为重心的教育模式

  5.3.1 “仁爱”理念网络教育内容模块设计

  5.3.2 “仁爱”理念网络教育平台建设

  5.3.3 “仁爱”理念网络教育方式的未来展望

  6 结束语


  致 谢
