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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-08-20 共2853字


  摘 要




  关键词:宝鸡山区; 中小学; 艺术教师; 艺术教育


  Art education is the core of aesthetic education, art education in training studentsto experience the beauty, show the beauty, appreciating beauty and creating beauty, tolead the students to establish a correct aesthetic standards, stimulate imagination andsense of innovation etc. undertakes the important mission and responsibility, has anirreplaceable role and function. School art education is the most important way andcontent of the implementation of the aesthetic education, school art education to achievethe desired effect, the construction and research of art faculty is important.

  This topic in the situation of a mountainous area county art teachers in Baoji areaof Shaanxi Province as the research object, objectively reflect the status quo of themountainous area of art teachers, confusion, tries to reveal the crux of the problem andto systematically put forward the scheme and measures of improvement and promotesolutions for. This for Baoji mountainous area county government, Department ofeducation science reasonable formulation implement policy from the teachers “voice”;provide acceptable operation of the constructive solutions to improve the mountain artsteachers' professional quality and teaching quality; to enhance our mountain arteducation level, students in the mountains to equitable access to “quality” Art Educationprovide valuable ideas; to arouse the attention from all walks of life mountain artseducation, pay attention to the all-round development and healthy growth of students inthe mountains to make modest means.

  The content of this research is divided into five parts The first part of theintroduction, the main topics of the reason, purpose, significance, domestic and foreignresearch status, research methods and research content, research innovation, and relatedconcepts defined. The second part of the research methods of the primary and middleschool art teachers in Baoji mountainous areas of investigation and analysis. The thirdpart is to study the problems of the art teachers construction in primary and middleschool in Baoji mountainous areas The fourth part is to explore the Countermeasuresfor the construction of art teachers in primary and middle school in Baoji mountainousareas, and the fifth part is the conclusion, which mainly expounds the problems in theresearch processKey words: Baoji A mountainous area five county Primary and secondary schoolsArtTeache

  目 录

  摘 要 ……I

  Abstract ……II

  绪 论 ……1

  (一)选题的缘由 ……1

  (二)研究的目的及意义 ……1

  (三)国内外研究现状 ……2

  1、国内研究现状 ……2

  2、国外研究现状 ……4

  (四)研究方法、研究内容 ……5

  (五)研究的创新之处 ……6

  (六)概念的界定 ……6

  1、山区 ……6

  2、艺术教师 山区艺术教师 艺术课 ……6

  一、宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师队伍现状分析 ……8

  (一)宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师基本情况 ……8

  1、宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师基本情况 ……8

  2、宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师学历现状 ……9

  3、宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师生活现状 ……10

  (二)宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师师资基本情况 ……12

  1、宝鸡山区班级数和艺术教师人数的比例分析 ……12

  2、宝鸡山区学生人数和艺术教师人数的比例分析 ……12

  3、宝鸡山区艺术教师专职和兼职情况分析 ……13

  (三)宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师职业道德基本情况 ……14

  1、艺术教师思想修养的统计性分析 ……14

  2、艺术教师对艺术课程教学所持的态度 ……15

  3、艺术教师对学生所持的态度 ……16

  (四)宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师专业知识结构的基本情况 ……16

  (五)宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师能力结构的基本情况 ……17

  1、艺术教师专业能力调查分析 ……17

  2、艺术教师科研能力调查分析 ……17

  (六)宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师接受继续教育的情况分析 ……18

  1、艺术教师接受继续教育的积极性和参与度…… 19

  2、艺术教师接受继续教育情况的统计性分析…… 19

  3、艺术教师获得第二学历的具体方式及费用…… 20

  二、宝鸡山区中小学艺术教师队伍建设存在的问题…… 21

  (一)山区专职艺术教师配备不足…… 21

  1、山区学校艺术教师紧缺…… 21

  2、专业艺术教师“招不来”“留不住”…… 21

  (二)山区艺术教师工作量大…… 22

  (三)艺术教师“一职多任,跨行教学”…… 23

  (四)艺术教师继续教育“收效甚微”…… 25

  (五)艺术教师综合素质有待提高…… 26

  (六)艺术教师的考核激励机制不够完善…… 27

  三、加强山区艺术教师队伍建设的应对策略…… 29

  (一)充实艺术教师队伍,构建“一专多能”型教师队伍…… 29

  1、完善山区教师编制,配足配齐艺术教师…… 29

  2、解决山区艺术教师的实际问题,使他们“留得住”…… 29

  3、高校应培养与学校艺术教育相适应的人才…… 30

  4、强化继续教育,提升艺术教师专业水平…… 30

  5、提升艺术教师综合素质…… 32

  (二)推进艺术教师专职化,“因地制宜”聘用兼职艺术教师…… 33

  1、改变传统观念,重视艺术教育…… 33

  2、进一步完善援教机制…… 35

  (三)完善艺术教师保障机制…… 36

  1、制定以艺术教师为对象的考核标准…… 36

  2、建立科学合理的激励机制…… 36

  (四)加大艺术教育的经费投入…… 37

  1、加强教育管理,保障艺术教育经费投入…… 37

  2、提高山区艺术教师待遇…… 37

  3、不断改善艺术教育的设施设备…… 38

  结语…… 39

  参考文献…… 40

  致谢…… 49
