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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-23 共3440字




  本文选择 A 农商行为研究案例的主要原因是在竞争日益激烈的金融环境下,大型商业银行在争夺大中型企业中占有绝对的优势,中小银行尤其是地方农商行受其规模和资金的限制,无法为大中型企业提供高质量的金融服务。但由于其地方优势和小银行优势,地方农商行能在低成本下为小企业提供快捷经济的金融服务。本文首先介绍了国内外对小企业贷款的一些理论知识,然后对小企业及小企业贷款风险特征进行分析,并通过理论分析小企业业务对中小银行的重要性以引申出 A 农商行在选择发展小企业的必要性。正文部分主要是为 A 农商行为例,在介绍其发展历史及转型背景的基础上,首先叙述其在小企业贷款中在贷前调查、贷中审查审批及贷后风险控制上所采取风险防控手段,然后详细指出其在小企业贷款风险管理上存在着全行风险控制环境上不足、小企业信用等级评级上、贷后风险管理的不足之处并给出了方案。

  关键字:A 农商行;小企业;贷款风险管理


  In recent years, more and more domestic commercial banks and foreign commercial bankshave rapidly expanded by increasing the number of branches. At the same time, allcommercial banks quickly increase their product innovation and services level to face the fiercecompetition among banks. It is quite difficult for banks to acquire considerable profit just dependon traditional business, such as deposit and loan spreads. It is also unable to meet the needs ofcommercial banks profit growth in this competitive market. As the large and medium-sizedenterprises have limited numbers and is very competitive among banks, it is very difficult forcommercial banks to make big breakthrough. We know that small businesses are essentialpower to the sustainable development of our national economy and the stability of our country.

  Besides, small enterprises account for the majority of the market with great influence on theeconomic development. So more and more commercial banks begin to focus their eyes onpromising small businesses and positively carry out financial services business in order to graspthe opportunity to make a big breakthrough. What is more,many banks have set up specialcenters for providing financial services to small businesses. However, due to their own lackof small businesses and the limit of policies and regulations of banks in carrying out the creditoperations of small businesses, credit business of small companies does not success as weexpect. As we know, small businesses are born with limitations, such as their lack ofcollateral and great operating risk, which is impossible to change. So the key factor ofinfluencing the development of credit business to small business is commercial banks themselveslimitation in choosing credit risk management model. Many banks cannot take proper,scientific end effective risk management approach in establishing the standards of access tosmall businesses, the examination and approval of loans and the risk monitoring after credit.

  What is worse , most banks still use the credit risk management model of large andmedium-sized enterprises. So banks have to take relatively conservative attitude in promotingcredit business of small companies. As a result, financing needs of small businesses stillcannot be resolved. There is a long way for commercial banks to successfully expand the creditbusiness of small companies.

  The main reason that I select A Rural Commercial Bank is that medium-sized banks and small banks, especially rural banks, cannot offer high-quality financial services compared tolarge commercial banks because their business are subject to limited funds and resources. Inthe increasingly competitive environment, large commercial banks have Absolute advantages incompeting for large and medium enterprises. However,due to geographical advantage and theadvantages of small banks, local rural commercial banks can provide economical and efficientfinancial services to small businesses. Firstly, this paper introduces some theoretical knowledgeAbout small business loans and then analysis the characteristics of small businesses and theircredit risk. Through elaborating the importance of small businesses to medium-sized banks andsmall banks, I come out the necessity of developing credit business of small companies for Arural commercial bank under the condition of strategic transformation. Secondly, I introducethe history and the background of A rural commercial bank and then I describe the method ofcontrolling risk in the process of granting loans. Thirdly, I point out the shortages existing inthe credit risk management and then I summarize the solutions.

  Key words: A Rural Commercial Bank; Small Enterprises; Loan Risk Management





  1 绪论

  1.1 论文研究背景及意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 研究方法及研究内容

  1.4 创新点与不足之处

  2 小企业贷款的相关知识

  2.1 小企业范围的界定、特点

  2.1.1 国外对小企业范围的界定

  2.1.2 国内对小企业范围的界定

  2.1.3 小企业的特点

  2.2 小企业的贷款风险因素分析

  2.2.1 从宏观层面上分析小企业贷款风险

  2.2.2 从微观层面上分析小企业贷款风险

  2.3 地方商业银行发展小企业贷款业务的重要性

  2.3.1 地方商业银行的信息优势

  2.3.2 银行规模结构与小企业融资

  2.3.3 小结

  3 A 农商行小企业贷款业务风险管理现状

  3.1 A 银行基本情况

  3.1.1 A 银行发展情况

  3.1.2 A 银行战略转型的背景

  3.2 A 农商行资产结构情况分析

  3.3 A 农商行小企业贷款业务风险管理现状

  3.3.1 贷前调查

  3.3.2 贷款发放

  3.3.3 贷后风险控制

  3.4 A 农商行小企业贷款产品

  4 案例分析

  4.1 对 A 农商行小企业贷款风险管理的案例分析

  4.1.1 客户基本情况

  4.1.2 农商行在业务办理各个环节中所采取的风险管理措施

  4.1.3 综合分析

  4.2 A 农商行小企业贷款风险管理存在的问题

  4.2.1 缺乏良好的风险控制环境

  4.2.2 信用评级体系存在的不足

  4.2.3 贷后风险控制力度不足

  5 A 农商行小企业贷款风险管理建议

  5.1 打造小企业风险控制环境

  5.1.1 营造小企业贷款风险管理文化

  5.1.2 规范小企业贷款的工作流程

  5.2 提高客户信用风险度量的精确度

  5.3 完善贷后风险管理体系

  6 结束语

  6.1 主要结论

  6.2 有待进一步研究的问题


