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来源:学术堂 作者:韩老师
发布于:2015-08-24 共3400字


  摘 要

  本文选取 AD 房地产公司为对象,对其进行相关研究。调查该公司相关情况,与此同时,搜集以房地产企业财务战略为研究方向的各类文献,并加以整理之后用作研究基础,通过“波特五力模型”针对市场予以剖析,了解和掌握公司 2011-2013 年这一期间的财务状况,总结该公司在筹资、投资、收益分配战略等方面暴露出的问题,如融资渠道狭窄、项目投资与财务战略衔接不紧密、收益分配比较随意等,与此同时,通过“SWOT”模型来研究该公司所对应的内外部环境,主要包括内部优势以及劣势、外部机会以及威胁等,虽然 AD 公司应收账款良好,有政府关系方面的优势,但是企业发展时间不是很长,自身还是缺乏多项目集团化财务运作经验,而且还需要面对一些大型房地产公司的竞争威胁。通过以上分析从而帮助该公司更好地开展财务战略工作,在筹资战略方面,开发项目周期可选择房地产抵押贷款,在遇到大型项目自身条件有限时,可选择合作开发;在投资战略方面,要选取风险小的项目进行投资,同时要多元发展;在分配战略方面,应采取高比例留存、低股利支付或不分配股利的政策。为推动财务战略的高效实施,本研究还给出了相关建议,如健全公司的财务指标评价体系等。

  希望本研究能够为 AD 房地产公司的可持续发展提供一些有益参考,与此同时,也为中小房地产企业财务战略的实践提供一定的借鉴。

  In the research of enterprise financial management, financial strategies are criticalcomponents and directly impact on the survival and development of enterprises. Recent years,the domestic real estate market gains rapidly development in a good opportunity, so as thecompetition in the industry. In this context, real estate companies begin to focus on the organicbusiness strategy, especially financial strategy. Compared to the past, the current environment inthe real estate business has already undergone major changes, especially in our increasinglyrobust legal system and competition rules. Currently, the majority of small and medium realestate companies have ushered in a real survival issue, namely large real estate enterprises toenter the second and third tier cities in the context of how to occupy the property in theincreasingly intense competition in the initiative, and the harvest from ideal economic interests.

  For small and medium sized real estate enterprises, the development and implementation ofeffective business strategies, particularly financial strategy is the key to deal with theseproblems. Compared with the rest of the strategy, corporate financial strategy is crucial, notonly affects the company's financial management, but also affects the implementation of theoverall strategy.

  This article chooses the AD real estate company as the research object. After finishing studiesof investigating the relevant circumstances of the company, at the same time, in order to collectthe real estate business financial strategy for the various types of research literature as theresearch base. Through the “Porter's five forces model” for the market to be analyze, understandand master the company financial condition for the period 2011-2013, summarize thecompany's funding strategy、the investment strategy and the income distribution strategy onthe exposed problems, such as the narrow channels of financing, investment and financialstrategic convergence is not close, income distribution and other more casual at the same time,through the “SWOT” model to study the company's internal and external environmentcorresponds, including internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats,although the accounts receivable of AD company is fine and with the advantage of goodgovernment relationship, but the company is not be established in a long time, it is lack ofexperience in finance group operation projects, it also need to face the threat of competitionsome large real estate companies. To help the company to carry out financial strategy work inbetter fund-raising strategies, in the fund-raising strategy, select real estate mortgage loans inthe development of the project cycle, when in the face of large scale projects with limited, selectoptional cooperative development; in investment strategy, choose low risk investment projectswith diversified development strategy; in allocation strategy, select a high percentage ofretention, lower dividend payments or dividend distribution policy through the above analysis.

  To promote effective implementation of financial strategies, this study also gives somesuggestions, for example regular the company's financial indicators evaluation system.

  I hope this research can provide some useful reference for the sustainable development of ADreal estate companies, meanwhile, also provide a reference for the practice of various types ofSME financial strategy.

  Key Words: Real estate Company, Financial strategy, Financing strategy, Investmentstrategy, Income distribution strategy  
  目 录
  第一章 绪论……1
  1.1 研究的目的和意义 ……1
  1.1.1 研究的目的……1
  1.1.2 研究的意义……1
  1.2 国内外研究动态和趋势 ……2
  1.2.1 国外研究现状……2
  1.2.2 国内研究现状……4
  1.2.3 国内外研究评述……6
  1.3 研究的主要内容和方法 ……6
  1.3.1 研究的主要内容……6
  1.3.2 研究的方法……7
  1.4 本文结构框架 ……8
  1.5 本章小结 ……8
  第二章 财务战略基础理论概述……9
  2.1 财务战略的含义 ……9
  2.2 财务战略的内容、类型与作用 ……9
  2.2.1 财务战略的内容……9
  2.2.2 财务战略的类型……10
  2.2.3 财务战略的作用…… 11
  2.3 财务战略的特征 …… 11
  2.4 本章小结 ……12
  第三章 AD 公司财务现状分析……13
  3.1 公司简介 ……13
  3.2 波特五力模型分析 ……13
  3.3 AD 公司财务现状……15
  3.4 公司财务现状存在的问题 ……18
  3.4.1 缺乏对财务战略重要性的认识……18
  3.4.2 缺乏科学的融资规划……19V
  3.4.3 资金使用方案设计不严谨……19
  3.4.4 财务激励制度不健全……19
  3.4.5 财务战略与其他战略整合度低……20
  3.5 本章小结 ……20
  第四章 AD 公司财务战略的制定……21
  4.1 SWOT 分析 ……21
  4.1.1 AD 公司优势分析 ……21
  4.1.2 AD 公司劣势分析 ……21
  4.1.3 AD 公司机会分析 ……22
  4.1.4 AD 公司威胁分析 ……22
  4.2 AD 公司财务战略目标的确定……23
  4.2.1 AD 公司财务战略总体目标的确定 ……23
  4.2.2 AD 公司财务战略具体目标的确定 ……23
  4.3 AD 公司财务战略的选择……24
  4.3.1 筹资战略的选择……24
  4.3.2 投资战略的选择……27
  4.3.3 收益分配战略的选择……29
  4.4 本章小结 ……31
  第五章 保障 AD 公司财务战略实施的建议……33
  5.1 增强企业人员财务战略意识 ……33
  5.2 加强财务战略的实施与监控 ……33
  5.3 完善财务指标评价体系 ……34
  5.4 完善公司财务激励机制 ……35
  5.5 加强财务风险控制 ……35
  5.6 本章小结 ……36
  第六章 结论……37
  参 考 文 献……39
  致 谢……41
  个 人 简 历……43
