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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-02-09 共2489字





  本文采用理论基础和实践运用相结合方法进行研究,结合培训效果评估理论,以培训效果评估为导向,运用柯克帕特里克的四层次评估模型,针对公司现有培训项目从反应层、学习层、行为层、结果层四个层次评估培训效果,提出优化W公司培训策略的方案。论文主要分为五个部分,第一部分简单介绍了选题的研究背景、研究意义、研究方法和框架;第二部分阐述了培训和培训效果评估的理论以及企业员工培训发展的趋势;第三部分介绍了 W公司的基本情况,针对ff公司的培训项目进行了四层次评估设计,通过对培训项目进行评估,发现W公司培训存在的问题,明确了优化培训策略的重要性;第四部分提出了一系列优化W公司的培训策略;最后一部分对文章进行了总结和展望。




  Abstract:In twenty一first Century, The talent brings the competitive advantage for the enterprises.

  Jeweliy retail industry has been developed rapidly,and is making the trend of the industry.

  Jewelry sales consultant has a very high professional. The jewelry sales consultants are demandincreasingly with the development of economy, but China jewelry business to sales consultanttraining is still at the primary stage. W jeweliy company just deal with actual sales work in simpleknowledge, skills training for sales consultants. Although the company is realized that it'simportant of improving the quality of the staff, the company is failed to get a systemimplementation in the staff training arrangement, the ensuring of goal and strategy, and employeedevelopment The company must have training strategy optimization, cultivate high一quality talents,provide the necessary conditions for enterprise competition in order to improve the enterprisetraining effect.

  This paper combine the theoiy and practice research methods, it is put forward about Wcompany training strategies and optimization scheme, evaluate the training effect from thereaction layer, learning layer, behavior layer and result layer combining with previous training andtraining effectiveness evaluation theory and Patrick's four level evaluation model according to thecompany's existing training programs. Article mainly divides into five parts, the first part simplyintroduces the selected topic research background, research significance, research methods andframework; The second part expounds the relevant training and training effect evaluation theoryand the trend of the development of the enterprise staff training; The third part introduces the basicsituation of W company, with the four levels of W company's training programs in evaluatingdesign, through the study of the evaluation of training program, find problems of W companytraining, made clear the importance of the training strategy and optimization; The fourth part putforward a series of optimization of W company's training strategy; The last part of the article issummarized and prospected.

  In this paper,from the tnuning of the external environment construction, internal incentivesystem, corporate strategy, and attaches great importance to the training effect evaluation fouraspects to optimize the training strategies, including strengthening training needs analysis,strengthen the organization and management, optimize the training content and methods,tostrengthen the team construction, pay attention to training incentive system, attaches great importance to the corporate culture training, deepen the training to improve training effectevaluation strategy, improve training efficiency.

  The results of this study contribute to the promotion of W jewelry company trainingmanagement, and provide some experience to the training work of the same industry.

  Key words: jewelry company, Patrick model, training strategy, training effect.




















