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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-23 共2724字


  摘 要




  关键词: 薪酬管理;全面薪酬 ;内在薪酬;


  The Chinese private enterprise has become an increasingly important andirreplaceable component of China's economy thanks to its uniquely vigorous strength.

  However, with the deepening of market-oriented economic reforms, commonly seendrawbacks in private companies such as rash decision making process, low efficientmanagement system, inflexible human resources policy have come out as key bottlenecksfor the development of private companies. One of the key factors accounting for privatecompany's weak intrinsic motivation lies in the inefficient transformation from humanresources, a critical factor of production, into concrete productivity.

  A well-designed compensation system can arouse the most potential of a company'shuman recourses. This essay conducted a research into Ningbo Mybaby Baby & ChildrenProducts Manufacturing Co., Ltd and presented a detailed analysis of its organizationalstructure, human resources status, compensation system, industry competition as well asemployee satisfaction. As a conclusion, the essay pointed out that the main problems of itscompensation system include: lack of systematic, strategic and scientific thoughts, lack ofreasonable and high-efficient design, lack of effective intrinsic compensation design, overemphasis on hygiene factor but less focus on motivating factor, and failure in matchingcompany's compensation system with its employee's long-term career planning.

  By studying overseas and domestic theoretical research findings and managementpractices while analyzing current baby and children products industry, the author redesignsand optimizes the compensation system for Mybaby Company based on the employee'spressing demand. The newly-designed system covers a wide rang of content fromguidelines, objective, compensation categories, compensation items, standards & appraisal,flexible welfare system and performance management. It is the author's sincere wish thatthis essay would not only help to solve practical problems of a company, but can also serveas a meaningful reference to domestic private enterprises, especially those small andmedium sized ones in the fields of human resources strategy formulation and compensationsystem design so as to increase their attractiveness to talented employees and enhanceoverall corporate competitiveness.

  Key Words: Compensation Management, Overall Compensation Management, IntrinsicCompensation

  目 录

  摘 要


  第一章 绪 论

  1.1 研究背景及意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状述评

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 薪酬设计的理论依据

  1.3.1 现代薪酬的构成及功能

  1.3.2 薪酬体系设计的原则、流程及策略选择

  1.3.3 国内外薪酬制度演进分析后的启示

  1.4 研究方法、思路及框架结构

  1.4.1 研究方法

  1.4.2 研究思路及内容

  1.4.3 文章框架结构

  第二章 妈咪宝公司薪酬管理现状描述及问题分析

  2.1 妈咪宝公司概况

  2.1.1 妈咪宝公司简介

  2.1.2 妈咪宝公司组织结构

  2.1.3 妈咪宝公司人力资源现状

  2.2 妈咪宝公司现行薪酬模式及员工满意度

  2.2.1 妈咪宝公司现行工资体系

  2.2.2 妈咪宝公司现行的工资分配制度

  2.2.3 员工薪酬满意度调查

  2.3 妈咪宝公司薪酬制度存在问题分析

  2.3.1 薪酬体系的设计方法不科学

  2.3.2 薪酬结构不合理

  2.3.3 对薪酬体系中的“内在薪酬”不够重视

  2.3.4 薪酬制度激励效果不佳

  2.3.5 薪酬体系不利于员工职业生涯发展

  2.4 妈咪宝公司薪酬体制改革的迫切性阐述

  2.5 本章小结

  第三章 妈咪宝公司的薪酬体系设计

  3.1 妈咪宝公司薪酬体系设计概况

  3.2 确定恰当的薪酬战略

  3.3 建立工作分析和岗位评价机制

  3.3.1 工作分析设计

  3.3.2 岗位测评方案设计

  3.4 进行详细的薪酬水平调查

  3.5 薪酬体系设计

  3.5.1 薪酬体系设计的指导思想

  3.5.2 薪酬体系设计的目标

  3.5.3 薪酬项目内容

  3.5.4 薪酬项目确定与发放

  3.5.5 薪酬的分类设计

  3.5.6 实行弹性福利制

  3.5.7 员工薪酬的提升途径

  3.6 完善绩效管理

  3.7 创新“内在薪酬”管理,提升员工参与度与满意度

  3.8 本章小结

  第四章 妈咪宝公司薪酬设计方案的实施及效果反馈

  4.1 薪酬体系设计方案的实施

  4.1.1 获得公司高层的支持

  4.1.2 营造支持变革的文化氛围

  4.1.3 全员培训与实施人员的重点培训

  4.1.4 从局部实施到整体实施,从过渡实施到全面推进

  4.1.5 实施过程中不断修正完善

  4.1.6 建立有效的薪酬沟通机制

  4.1.7 建立薪酬动态管理机制

  4.2 薪酬体系设计方案的效果反馈

  4.3 薪酬体系设计方案值得推广的经验

  4.4 本章小结

  第五章 结论与研究展望

  5.1 主要结论

  5.2 研究不足

  5.3 研究展望


  致 谢
