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来源:吉林大学 作者:姚芳
发布于:2017-02-11 共3898字


  摘 要
  目前,中国的人口老龄化程度不断加深,对政治、经济、文化的发展以及和谐社会的建设产生重大的影响。随着经济的发展和时代的进步,中国的养老服务逐渐从家庭养老走向社会养老,从事业性福利养老转化为产业化市场养老,养老服务产业已被公认为朝阳产业。十八大以来,党和政府表现出直面养老服务困局、支持养老服务产业发展的态度和立场。从 2013 年至 2015 年短短两年间国务院和各部委共发布至少 40 条引导和支持养老服务产业发展的政策。如何发展养老服务产业,使其既能够为老年人提供更优质的养老服务、满足不断变化的养老需求,又能够在促进产业发展过程中取得良好的经济效益和社会效益,不仅是有待深入研究的理论问题更是急需解决的现实问题。因此,加快发展养老服务产业对解决中国的养老问题和促进经济社会的发展显得尤为重要。本文立足于马克思主义经典作家和中国共产党历代领导人关于养老问题的思想,并结合中国养老服务产业发展的实际情况,阐述了发展养老服务产业的必要性,总结了养老服务产业发展概况及存在的主要问题,分析了养老服务产业发展缓慢的原因,最后提出了具有针对性的对策建议。
  At present, the aging degree of China's population is deepening, which has agreat impact on the development of politics, economy, culture and the construction ofharmonious society. With the development of economy and the progress of era, theservice for the aged in China gradually from the family support to social pension,from public pension benefits to the conversion for the industrial market pension, theaged service industry has been recognized as a sunrise industry. Since the 18thNational Congress of the CPC, The party and the government is more prominent inthe face to the plight of the pension services, support for the development of pensionservices industry attitudes and positions. In just two years from 2013 to 2015, theState Council and the ministries issued at least 40 policies in total to guide andsupport the development of the aged service industry. How to develop the agedservice industry, so that it can not only provide better quality of care services for theelderly and meet the changing needs of the pension, but also achieve good economicand social benefits in the promotion of industrial development, which is not only atheoretical problem to be further studied, but also a practical problem to be solvedurgently. Therefore, it is very important to accelerate the development of elderlyservice industry to solve the problem of pension in China and promote thedevelopment of economic society. Based on the thought about pension issues of theMarxist classical writers and leaders of the Communist Party of China and combinedwith the actual situation of China's aged service industry, the article expounds thenecessity of the development of the aged service industry, summarizes the status andthe main existing problem of industrial development, analyzes the cause of the agedservice industry' slow development, finally puts forward the targeted countermeasuresand Suggestions. This paper consists of four chapters.
  The first chapter is the introduction. This part mainly introduces the backgroundand significance of the topic, research status, research methods, innovation anddeficiencies.
  The second chapter is the theoretical basis of Chinese aged service industry. Thispaper discussed the connotation and the service level classification of the pensionservice and the concept and attribute of the aged service industry; elaborated thenecessity of the development of the aged service industry based on the thought aboutpension issues of the Marxist classical writers and leaders of the Communist Party ofChina. It provides a theoretical basis for the development of the aged service industryin order to meet the changing needs of the elderly.
  The third chapter is the status and constraints of the development of China's agedservice industry. This part Summarizes the policy evolution of aged service industrydevelopment, and combined with the reality of the situation, puts forward that it is arealistic choice to develop the aged service industry to response aging crisis andpromote the healthy development of economy and society; Summarizes the progress inthe development of the aged service industry; analyzes the main existing problems inthe development of aged service industry from the point of the contradiction betweensupply an demand, industry environment, aging consumption ability and thespecialization; and analyzes the reason from the four aspects: the imperfection of lawsand policies, investment subject lack of enthusiasm for investment, the aging consumerdemand shortage and lack of standardization of professional personnel trainingmechanism.
  The forth chapter is suggestions for the aged service industry development inChina. Based on the analysis of constraints of the aged service industry, this paperexpounds the principle and goals of industrial development, puts forward the path topromote the aged service industry development: establish the healthy development ofindustrial policy, establish a diversified investment mechanism, sound care servicepersonnel training system, build consuming market of the old system.
  Key words:
  services of the aged,industry development,industrial policy,specialization

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 选题背景及意义
  1.2 文献综述
  1.3 研究方法
  1.4 论文创新与不足
  第 2 章 中国养老服务产业发展的理论基础
  2.1 基本内涵概述
  2.1.1 养老服务的内涵和服务层次
  2.1.2 养老服务产业的概念和属性
  2.2 马克思主义经典作家关于养老问题的思想
  2.2.1 人的发展需求是社会生产的目的
  2.2.2 合理消费是人的本质的具体反映
  2.2.3 平等和自由是人性尊严的基本价值
  2.3 中国共产党关于养老问题的思想
  2.3.1 尊重和保障人权是社会主义的内在要求
  2.3.2 全面建成小康社会是改革发展的奋斗目标
  2.3.3 实现发展成果共享是党执政为民的集中体现
  2.4 发展养老服务产业的必要性
  2.4.1 有利于减轻政府财政负担
  2.4.2 有利于增加养老资源供给
  2.4.3 当前阶段是产业发展良好契机
  第 3 章 中国养老服务产业发展现状
  3.1 养老服务发展的相关政策演进
  3.1.1 计划经济阶段的养老服务体制
  3.1.2 转轨经济阶段的养老服务体制
  3.1.3 市场经济阶段的养老服务体制
  3.2 养老服务产业发展概况
  3.2.1 兴办养老服务机构
  3.2.2 发展社区养老服务
  3.2.3 建设老年群众组织
  3.3 养老服务产业发展存在的主要问题
  3.3.1 养老资源存在供需矛盾
  3.3.2 养老服务产业环境滞后
  3.3.3 养老服务专业化程度低
  3.4 养老服务产业发展的制约因素
  3.4.1 相关政策法律法规不健全
  3.4.2 投资主体缺乏投资积极性
  3.4.3 缺乏规范化的人才培训机制
  3.4.4 老龄消费需求不足
  第 4 章 促进养老服务产业发展的对策建议
  4.1 养老服务产业发展的基本原则
  4.1.1 市场决定与政府调控相结合的原则
  4.1.2 经济效益与社会效益相结合的原则
  4.1.3 因地制宜与因人而异相结合的原则
  4.2 养老服务产业发展的主要目标
  4.2.1 养老服务对象社会化
  4.2.2 养老服务内容多样化
  4.2.3 养老服务主体多元化
  4.2.4 养老服务队伍专业化
  4.3 促进养老服务产业发展的路径
  4.3.1 制定正确的产业政策
  4.3.2 建立多元化投资体制
  4.3.3 健全养老服务人才培训体系
  4.3.4 构建老年消费市场体系
  结 论
  后 记
原文出处:姚芳. 中国养老服务产业发展研究[D].吉林大学,2016.