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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-22 共3383字










  The rule of law is the eternal topic in the country under the rule of law. With theacceleration of China's reform and opening up,rapid development of materialcivilization, political civilization should also form a complete set,the judicial systemin practice of the judge wrong case responsibility problem was highlighted, and thejudge in our country the lack of misjudged cases responsibility mechanism andperfect the system of the relationship to the national judicial system is sound; At thesame time,the judge system is the last barrier to realize social justice. Judge whetherthe system to perfect the related to the realization of social justice, social justice andorder is established, on the contrary, if the judge system is imperfect social equity andjustice is hard to guarantee, will lead to many social injustice.

  Judges according to law shall have the right to independent trial is not affectedby any authority intervention. But the so-called "trial independence" is not isolated"trial", more than "dictatorship" trial. Based on the principle of power restriction,thejudge should have the appropriate monitoring mechanisms, so as to avoid the judgeillegal dereliction of duty or improper words and actions affect the justice image andindependently exercise their functions and powers. As a result,the judge misjudgedcases shall be investigated for responsibility system is one of the supervisionmechanism.

  In the ancient civilization of the legal system in our country has already beenmature judicial officials misjudgments accountability system, the core of "Chineselegal system of Tang Dynasty" in specific provision of judicial officers of illegal actsshall bear the M Offense of imposing lighter or heavier sentences than necessary M.

  Therefore, as justice supervision misjudged cases accountability system becomesmore important. Of misjudged cases investigated system in China is the result ofspecific historical conditions,along with the development of The Times, itsunreasonable responsibility cognizance standard and system design a series ofpractical disadvantages highlighted increasingly, misjudged cases investigated systemas the main content of the judge disciplinary system in China, the legal basis for themoment, only the regional and regulations inside the court. Although it is obvious thatthis system so far for a long time,range is very wide, but still did not form a unifiedspecification. Led to the wrong case to the judge in our country the responsibility isalways in a chaotic state,no principle to follow, the exact investigated also now toomuch now too little responsibility way, on the other hand, also aggravate the wrongs.

  In contrast, the western developed countries, the United States,Germany, Britainand Japan, according to the judge and dereliction of duty by judge impeachment andjudge disciplinary treatment pattern, the two stage and is also more flexible,disciplinary measures. This model can better play a real sense of the judgedisciplinary action. Due to the special nature of the legal environment anddevelopment, China,s current judge responsibility system is a mixed mode of bindingwith punishment, punishment system from the overall operation is more inclined tothe west of judges. In contrast,exposed a lot of problems in our country in the systemof investigating the responsibility of misjudged cases, misjudgments accountabilitysystem should be from the misjudged case acceptance, misjudged case review,audit,accountability to the four aspects in the process, make use of the characteristic of ourcountry in the power structure, bringing supervision of people standing, restrictingpower with power at the same time,in ensuring the judge's independent trial, theeffective supervision of the legal application and judicial procedure, reduce theproduction of miscarriages of justice. In the future the misjudged case investigationsystem improvement should learn from the excellent experience in ancient China,absorb the rationality of western judicial impeachment two stage model, combiningthe national condition,create a set to conform to the environment of legal system ofthe liability of misjudged cases.

  Keywords: judge; miss judged cases; Responsibility system; esponsibility ;Judicial justice
























