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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-16 共3358字



  提存从字面的解释就是“提为交”,“存为管”.提存最为人所熟知的便是其具有清偿债务之功能。提存是各国立法普遍确认的一项法律制度。提存制度起源于于古罗马,20 世纪 50 年代初次流入我国,但只短暂的实行了一段时间,1981 年后正式作为成文法律在我国确立。提存制度将债务人从不能履行债务的困境中解脱出来,有利于维护债的当事人的合法权益,有利于加速资金的流转,也有利于提高社会的整体经济效益。在我国,提存主要分为两大类即以清债为目的的提存和以担保为目的的提存。我国提存法律制度起步较晚,在立法方面存在缺陷。随着社会经济的不断发展,提存的形式也不断的发生变化,提存法律制度的漏洞和松散也渐渐的展现出来。例如,社会公众对提存的不了解,影响了提存公证的发展;提存机构不合理;提存的范围过窄等等问题都制约着我国提存制度的发展。但法律不能够有效的规制社会关系是不被允许的,而且法律规定必须走在社会发展的前端。






  关键词:提存 第三方支付 公证


  The escrow literally explanation is “to pay”, “save as”.Escrow, the best known isthe function of extincting debt. Escrow is widely confirmed as a law system in manycountries.Escrow system originated in ancient Rome, and flowed into our country thefirst time in the 1950s,but only practiced for a short time,after 1981 formallyestablished as a statute law in our country.Escrow system rescue the debtor from failsto fulfill the debt troubles, is advantageous to maintaining the legitimate rights andinterests of the parties, is beneficial to accelerating capital circulation. and improvethe overall social economic benefits. In our country, escrow is divided into two maincategories: that is the purpose of paying off, and for the purpose of guaranteeingdebt.Escrow legal system in our country started late, and it have defects in the aspectof legislative.With the social economy development of our country, the form ofescrow is constantly changing, the loopholes and loose of escrow legal system is alsogradually showing up. For example,that the general public not understanding escrow,influence the development of the escrow;Escrow agency is not reasonable;Escrowscope is too narrow,and so on. These problems restrict the development of escrowsystem in China. The social relations freeing from the rule of law,what is not allowed.

  And the rules of the legal system must be proactive.

  This thesis consists of four parts,more than thirty thousand words.

  The first part is the overview and history of escrow legal system.This part ofescrow legal system concept has carried on the thorough analysis. first of all, thispaper expounds the escrow, the concept of legal system and its characteristics, so thatwe can analyze the escrow properly.Reveal the value function of escrow andconnotative meaning, it is an important part of social and economic life. the way forelimination of creditor's rights and debts.Secondly, this paper expounds the historicaldevelopment of escrow system, and full to reveal the concept and characteristics ofescrow.Finally, a simple introduction in escrow laws system, help to discusses theescrow system what is necessary to construct and perfect.

  The second part is analysis of escrow legal system in China.This part firstlyshows special legal status of escrow agency in our country. National notarization isour country's statutory authority of escrow, so the escrow notarization is the onlyescrow mode in our country.This part also details the escrow legal use, including theconditions and legal procedures of the escrow. So that the below analyzes the escrowlegal loopholes.Finally, from the effectiveness of liquidation escrow and guaranteeescrow two aspects, the legal effect of escrow is simply discussed.

  The third part is the exploration of the problems existing in the new legalfield.This part simply introduces the third party payment, including the concept ofthird-party payment and third-party payment enterprises. Compare the third-partypayment with escrow in detail, in order to highlight the superiority of escrow, so thatthe escrow preferably step in third-party payment.

  The fourth part is the sustainable development of escrow legal system.First of all,I analyze in-depth on the current situation of escrow legal system. secondly, explorethe problems existing in the legal system of our country. in the end, I providessuggestions and countermeasures to the sustainable development of the escrow legalsystem in China. I'm looking forward to helping to perfect system in China, so thatescrow legal system preferably serve social ,economic development and people's life.

  Keywords: escrow third-party payment notarization

    目 录

  引 言……1



  三、选题的特色与创新研究 ……2

  第一章 提存法律制度及历史…… 4

  第一节 提存法律制度……4



  第二节 提存法律制度的历史发展 ……7

  第三节 各国(地区)提存法律制度学说的比较……8

  第二章 我国提存法律制度分析…… 10

  第一节 提存机关的特殊法律地位 ……10



  第二节 提存法律法规的运用……11


  二、提存之法定程序 ……12

  第三节 提存的法律效力……13

  一、清偿提存之效力 ……13

  二、担保提存之效力 ……15

  第三章 提存在新领域中法律问题探索…… 17

  第一节 第三方支付……17


  第二节 第三方支付与提存的对比 ……19


  二、第三方支付与提存的区别 ……21

  第三节 提存较于第三方支付特有的优势……23



  第四节 提存公证介入第三方支付的建议及对策……26

  第四章 提存法律制度的可持续发展…… 29

  第一节 提存法律制度的立法现状 ……29

  第二节 提存法律制度存在的问题 ……30

  第三节 完善我国提存法律制度的设想……32


  二、完善提存法律制度的设想 ……33

  结 语…… 37

  参考文献 …… 38
