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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-01-15 共3217字







  关键词:入户盗窃 贫富差距 流动人口 未成年犯罪


  Crime of theft, as a kind of ancient and common crime phenomenon, has alwaysbrought great bad influence to the public lives of the people. However, the room act oftheft, as an independent crime phenomenon, not only damages the citizens' propertyrights, but also threatens their personal safety in some way. So to strengthen the researchabout the room act of crime is becoming the most important task for making relevantresearch. The researchers have made great achievements, like the constitutions of aroom act of theft in Criminal Law and its application in judicial, the reasons, featuresand its countermeasures gave by criminology and so on. But for different areas, it isnecessary to do the most targeted research, analyzing its causes and making proper laws,in order o reduce the happening of this kind of crime and safeguard the whole citizens'

  property rights and their residential rights to peace better, at last, to promote thesustainable development of economy.

  First of all, this thesis calculates all theft of crimes happened in county F in the east ofLiaoning province during 2009 and 2013, giving a propound research for the parts ofroom act of thefts. Then, after analyzing the corresponding statistics and making acombination, a table is made to the characteristics of the crime manly on the aspect ofthe numbers, the subjects and the behaviors of the crime. The first is in the terms ofcrime number, the trend of the room act of theft is becoming increasing year by year.

  Then in the terms of criminal subject, the rural migrant and migrant workers arebecoming the main body, and the ex-convict personnel should not be ignored, either.

  Third, in terms of criminal behavior, the subjects have certain selectivity in crime andthey also have strong defensive ability. What's more, through the existing data,analyzing the social and individual factors from the perspective of criminology andsociology, it concludes that the regional gap between the rich and poor and the gapbetween security facilities are the main factors contributing to the crimes and thecultural quality and psychological factors are the two factors can not be allowed toignore. At last, by analyzing the influence factors, it is helpful to develop a practical andeffective legal supervision and social supervision measures, preventing and reducing theoccurrence of the crime of theft.

  In the future development of the county, it is advised that they need to develop theeconomy and at the same time they should pay more attention to narrow the gapbetween the rich and poor, develop the suburb economy with the help of urban economy,and make the fullest use of the natural and cultural resources. Improving people'spersonal cultivation is the fundamental way to reduce the variety factors. Looking thesecurity organs as the main force, try to assistant the community, strengthen themanagement of the floating population, improve the residential design and enhance thesafety awareness. It's necessary to promote neighbor's contacts, forming theconsciousness of helping each other in the neighborhood and building a harmoniousneighborhood relationship. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen theconstruction of defense organizations at the grass-roots level so as to generate a solutionsystem in which the town, village, households are looked as a whole and every familywill be cared about.

  Key words: A Burglary Gap between the rich and the poor Floating PopulationJuvenile Crime

  目 录

  序 言……1

  一、F 县入户盗窃犯罪案发数据统计……2


  1.案发年份统计 ……2

  2.案发月份统计 ……2


  1.发案地域 ……3

  2.发案处所 ……4


  1.性别 ……5

  2.年龄 ……6

  3.文化程度 ……6

  4.户籍所在地 ……7

  5.身份 ……7

  6.违法经历 ……8


  1.盗窃物品 ……8

  2.侵财数额 ……9

  二、F 县入户盗窃犯罪的特点……10


  1.犯罪数量逐年增加 ……10

  2.犯罪数量呈区域性增长 ……10


  1.犯罪人的年龄特点 ……10

  2.犯罪人的性别特点 ……11

  3.犯罪人的文化程度特点 ……11

  4.犯罪人口的户籍特点 ……11

  5.犯罪人的职业特点 ……11

  6.犯罪人的前科情况 ……12


  1.作案时间的选择性 ……12

  2.作案对象的选择性 ……12

  3.侵害财物的选择性 ……12

  4.小额入户盗窃的多发性 ……13

  三、F 县入户盗窃犯罪影响因素分析……13


  1.经济原因 ……13

  2.法律原因 ……14

  3.社区原因 ……14

  4.邻里原因 ……14

  5.家庭原因 ……15

  6.学校原因 ……15


  1.文化素养 ……16

  2.心理因素 ……16

  四、F 县入户盗窃犯罪防治对策……17


  1.发展经济 ……17

  2. 加大打击力度控制犯罪 ……18

  3.加强对流动人口的管理 ……18

  4.增进邻里交往 ……19

  5.加强家庭的教育作用 ……19

  6.发挥学校的教育作用 ……20


  1.注重提升个人素养 ……20

  2.增强安全防盗意识 ……21

  结 语……22

  参考文献 ……23

  致 谢……25
