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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-01-27 共2107字



  2011 年 1 月 21 日,国务院《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》(国务院 590 号令,以下简称“《新条例》”)颁布实施以来,因公共利益而进行的房屋征收项目陆续增多,国有土地房屋征收与集体土地房屋拆迁、农村集体土地征用等行为并存。这些行为涉及建设单位、房屋所有权人、承租人的巨大利益,且工作程序环节多、自由裁量空间大、人为认定情况多、公开透明度不高,缺乏相应监督,其侵权渎职行为的预防和法律规制急待完善。《新条例》虽然使征收从业人员性质、资金管理、业务实施等在形式上发生了根本变化,但在原来房屋拆迁过程中,补偿、安置、拆除、评估及资金监管等环节容易发生的侵权渎职行为,如利用职务便利徇私舞弊、滥用职权和玩忽职守等,并未因为《新条例》的出台而得以遏制,反而有愈演愈烈的趋势。因此,必须进一步完善相关立法,完善监督制约机制,以法律规制为主线,以纪律监察为辅助,通过明确房屋征收过程中各类违法行为的罪行罚则条款,从源头上解决房屋征收领域侵权渎职问题,以达到规范房屋征收行为,取信于民、还利于民的目的。

  关键词:房屋征收 拆迁 侵权渎职 法律规制。


  In January 21, 2011, the State Council promulgated the new regulations“ Requisitionand compensation of Ordinance of Housing on State –owned Land”(NO.590)。More andmore projects have been carried out one after another since the new regulations werepromulgated for the interests of the public and society. Among the house expropriation ofthe state-owned land, the housing demolition of the collective land and the requisition ofthe rural land, it refers to a great deal of benefit of the construction unit, the owners ofhouses and the tenantries. It also refers to too much links, the discretion power, humanrecognition, the publictity and the supervision. All of these make it prone to infringementcases such as abusing power for personal gains and trifling with jobs.About the content, thenew regulations have changed the nature of the employeds, fund management and so onthoroughly, but it doesn't change the infringement among compensations, housingrelocation, demolition, assess and fund management. On the contrary, the situation hasgetten worse. In order to settle down the problem of malfeasance and tort on the area ofhouse expropriation and according to the requirement of the government authorities anddisciplinary and supervisory departments on house expropriation. To use the way ofadministrative supervision and legal supervision together , to definite the Penalty for anyillegal activities in the process of house expropriation, to use the legal precedent to regulatethe operation, to use the legal penalty to warn the illegal activities. By regulating these acts,we can win the trust o the people and benefit the people.

  Keywords: Requisition and compensation, housing demolition, Infringementmalfeasance, Legal Regulation.

    目 录

  引 言……1






  1. 犯罪呈上升态势……3

  2. 国有资产流失严重后果多元……6

  3. 查处难度大……7


  1. 拆迁补偿环节……9

  2. 拆迁安置环节…… 11

  3. 房屋拆除环节……12

  4. 拆迁评估环节……13

  5. 资金监管环节……13

  二、在《新条例》与侵权渎职行为的法律规制之间…… 15


  1. 项目性质的变化……15

  2. 主体的变化……16

  3. 补偿资金及安置房性质的变化……17

  4. 从业人员性质的变化……17


  1. 《新条例》与渎职罪有关规定的关联……19

  2. 房屋征收领域侵权渎职行为入罪的构成要件……21


  1. 房屋征收领域侵权渎职行为规制的具体罚则……22

  2. 房屋征收领域侵权渎职行为规制的节点……23

  3. 房屋征收领域侵权渎职行为规制的法律适用接口……25

  三、房屋征收领域侵权渎职行为法律规制的完善…… 27


  1. 前期联合调查制……27

  2. 部门联合认定制……28

  3. 调查结果公示制……28

  4. 房屋征收预算审核制……29

  5. 现场审核责任制……29

  6. 特殊情况会审制……30

  7. 补偿情况公示制……30

  8. 房屋征收项目审计制……31

  9. 补偿依据归档制……31

  10. 房屋征收补偿电子监察制……32


  1. 增加房屋征收过程中滥用职权入罪条款(一)……32

  2. 增加房屋征收过程中滥用职权入罪条款(二)……33

  3. 增加房屋征收过程中滥用职权入罪条款(三)……33

  4. 增加房屋征收过程中徇私舞弊入罪条款……34

  5. 增加房屋征收过程中签订、履行合同失职入罪条款……34

  6. 增加房屋征收过程中枉法裁判入罪条款……35


