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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-01-26 共3085字



  随着工业化与城市化进程的加快,社会经济的发展,资源短缺与环境污染问题日益加重并逐渐成为当今社会制约经济与社会发展的瓶颈,世界各国都清醒的认识到过去以资源浪费、环境污染为代价的发展模式已经给我们现今社会的发展带来了巨大的麻烦。目前德国、法国、美国、日本等发达国家经济发展已走过了依赖自然资源的时期,早已走入了循环经济阶段,再生资源产业相对来说起步较早,能够为我们学习循环经济和再生资源产业的发展提供丰富的经验和有利的借鉴。国内而言,由于工业化进程的加快和城市化发展的需要,我们一直以粗放式发展模式来追求经济的快速增长,然后其结果就是我们赖以生存的环境日益恶化,可利用的资源逐渐短缺甚至枯竭。进入 21 世纪以来,我国政府充分认识到以资源浪费和环境污染所换取的经济社会的发展模式所带来的危害,主张转变传统的经济增长方式,发展循环经济以有效的方式来减少环境污染、保护生态环境、节约资源利用。特别是在“十二五”规划以来,更是将再生资源产业提升到战略产业地位,把转变经济增长方式作为主线。而在党的十八大报告中更是提出要把生态文明建设放在突出地位,进行经济、政治、文化、社会以及生态文明建设等领域的“五位一体”建设,国家将再生资源产业的发展上升到战略层面。为此,如何完转换经济增长方式,发展再生资源产业,推动循环经济的健康发展,已成为摆在中央及各级政府面前的重要课题。新余市是一座以钢铁为主的传统型工业化城市,随着铁矿、煤炭资源的枯竭新余市被列为全国第三批资源枯竭型城市,并成为第二批国家“城市矿产”示范基地。自得到批复以来,新余市政府积极推进产业转型,新余钢铁再生资源基地建设也取得了顺利进展,同时再生资源产业发展也出现了诸多问题。因此,面对产业转型和再生资源产业发展的契机,新余市政府如何发挥政府自身的职能及作用,这些不仅关系到再生资源产业的发展,更关系到新余未来的经济发展与社会稳定。

  关键词:再生资源产业 循环经济 新余市政府


  With the speeding up of industrialization and urbanization, the social andeconomic development, the shortage of resources and environmental pollutionproblems growing gradually become the bottleneck of restricting economic and socialdevelopment in today's society, and all countries in the world have a clearunderstanding that the past at the expense of the resource waste and environmentalpollution model of development has brought great trouble to the development ofmodern society. Now Germany, France, the United States, Japan and other developedcountries economic development dependent on natural resources becoming the past ,has long been into the stage of recycle economy, of course, renewable resourcesindustry started relatively early, provides a wealth of experience and a beneficialreference to the study of circular economy and the development of renewableresources industry for us. Domestic, due to the needs of the development of thespeeding up of industrialization and urbanization, we have been in extensivedevelopment model to pursue rapid economic growth, and then the result is that theenvironment we live in worsening, the shortage of available resources even dried upgradually. Since the 21st century, the Chinese government fully realize to the dangersof resource waste and environmental pollution in return for economic and socialdevelopment pattern, and began to advocate transformation the mode of traditionaleconomic growth, develop circular economy in effective way to reduce the pollutionof the environment, protect the ecological environment and save resources. Especiallyin the 12th five-year plan, we will increase renewable resources industry to strategicindustry status, the transformation of the mode of economic growth as the main line.

  The report to the eighteenth big shows to put the construction of ecologicalcivilization in prominence, construct economic, political, cultural, social, andecological civilization in the areas of “five one”, and rises the development ofrenewable resources industry to the strategic level. Therefore, how to complete thetransformation economic growth way, develop the renewable resources industry,promote the healthy development of circular economy, has become the importantsubject in front of the central and all levels of government. Xinyu, which is mainlycomposed of iron and steel is a traditional industrial city, and with iron ore, coalresources depletion, xinyu is listed as the third batch of resource-exhausted cities inChina, and become the second batch of national demonstration base of “urbanmining”. Since be certified, the municipal government actively promote industrytransformation, and steel renewable resources base construction has made smoothprogress, but renewable resources industry development also appeared manyproblems. Therefore, facing the industrial transformation and the development ofrenewable resources industry, how to play the function and role of the governmentitself for the municipal government, which is not only related to the development ofrenewable resources industry, more concerns at the future of economic developmentand social stability.

  Keywords: renewable resources industry circular economy the municipalgovernment of xinyu





  第 1 章 引言…… 1

  1.1 背景与问题 …… 1

  1.2 目的与意义 …… 2

  1.3 国内外研究现状 …… 2

  1.3.1 国外研究现状 …… 2

  1.3.2 国内研究现状 …… 4

  1.4 思路与方法 …… 5

  1.4.1 研究思路 …… 5

  1.4.2 研究方法 …… 6

  第 2 章 相关概念与理论基础 …… 7

  2.1 相关概念 …… 7

  2.1.1 再生资源 …… 7

  2.1.2 再生资源产业 …… 7

  2.2 理论基础 …… 8

  2.2.1 整体治理理论 …… 8

  2.2.2 社会性管治理论 …… 9

  2.2.3 公有关公共政策的制定…… 10

  第 3 章 新余市资源枯竭状况与转型发展机遇……11

  3.1 新余市社会经济状况 ……11

  3.2 主要矿产资源利用状况 ……11

  3.2.1 铁矿、煤炭两大资源储量锐减,供需矛盾突出……11

  3.2.2 矿产开采难度增大,综合利用水平不高…… 12

  3.2.3 资源步入枯竭器,资源保障力下降…… 13

  3.3 新余市转型发展的机遇 …… 13

  3.3.1 转型优势与劣势 …… 13

  3.3.2 转临型面的机遇与挑战…… 16

  第 4 章 新余市再生资源发展状况 …… 19

  4.1 基地建设进展 …… 19

  4.1.1 完成土地资源整合 …… 19

  4.1.2 基础设施和公共平台项目建设有序推进…… 19

  4.1.3 回收体系和生产加工项目取得显着成果…… 20

  4.2 产业得到显着发展 …… 21

  4.3 存在的问题 …… 22

  4.3.1 市场经济低迷 …… 22

  4.3.2 企业建设后劲不足 …… 22

  4.3.3 基地两区建设进度差距较大…… 22

  4.3.4 管理体制不完善 …… 23

  4.3.5 产业技术水平不足 …… 23

  4.3.6 社会公众及企业参与度低…… 23

  第 5 章 新余市政府完善再生资源产业发展的政策措施…… 25

  5.1 顺应市场调整产业规划 …… 25

  5.2 完善政策健全法律法规 …… 26

  5.3 及时调整园区实施范围 …… 27

  5.4 完善政府管理监管体制 …… 28

  5.5 以技术保障推动产业园区化…… 28

  5.6 整合媒体资源加强宣传教育…… 29

  第 6 章 结论…… 31

  致谢…… 33

  参考文献…… 34
