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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-01 共3292字






  采用方便抽样的方法,选择北京市某三级甲等医院中西医结合肿瘤内科住院的恶性肿瘤患者 166 例。采用患者一般情况调查表、生活质量测定量表(EORTC QLQ-C30 中文版)和数字评分法(NRS)评价研究组患者生活质量和疼痛状态,并分析相关影响因素。通过 Excel 对患者的一般资料建立数据库,采用 SPSS17.0 统计软件对数据进行描述性统计分析。计数资料采用频数、率和构成比形式表示;恶性肿瘤患者生活质量测定量表各维度得分采用 X ±S 表示,计量资料组间采用两个独立样本 t 检验进行比较,取 P<0.05 为差异有统计学意义。


  1.研究对象的总体健康状况得分为 52.54±20.72;在 5 个功能领域中,情绪功能得分最高,躯体功能其次;症状领域中,疲乏、疼痛和食欲丧失领域得分较高。













  The aim of this study was to describe the the Quality of Life in Patients withCancer Pain and treated with opioids in medical oncology,analyze the opioids'effectson physical function,role function,emotion function,cognitive function and socialfunction of patients with cancer pain.All of these will be reference for reasonableapplication of opioids to improve the quality of cancer pain patients and implement amore comprehensive nursing measures.


  In this study ,using convenient sampling method to select 166 clients fromedical oncology of a hospital in Beijing .can cooperate to fill out the pain and thequality of scale;Patients participated in this study voluntarily and signed theinformed consent;Heart,liver and kidney function without severe disabilities.Using patients generalinformation questionnaire and QLQ C-30 to assess the quality of life and the state ofpain of patients and analyze the related factors.A database was established by Exceland make a descriptive analysis using SPSS17.0. Count data using frequency ,rateand proportion in form.The each dimension scores of the quality of life of malignantumor was expressed by X ±S.Measurement data set was compared by independentsample t test ,when p<0.05 had thestatistical significance.


  1.The overall health score of respondents is:52.54±20.72;Among five functiondimensions,the score of emotion function is highest,the second one is physicalunction and among the symptom dimension,fatigue,Pain and appetite loss had thehigher cores

    2.The female patients had a higher score than male patients in physical functiondimension and insomnia dimension when treated with opioids,p<0.05,having asignificance difference.

  3.The scores of patients who were on a job in the dimensions of general healthstate ,role function ,emotion function ,cognitive function and social function werehigher than the patients who were not on a job,there was a significant difference onthem and P<0.05.

  4.The scores of general health state in patients of missing the opioids are lowerthan the patients who not,there is a statistical difference.In the aspects of function,here is a significant difference on the physical function,role function and socialfunction between the cancer patients who missing the opioids and not.Meanwhile,Inthe aspects of symptoms,the patients who missing the opioids scored higher than thepatients who not in fatigue ,pain ,dyspnea ,appetite loss and financial difficulty ,thereis a significant difference among them and p<0.05.

  5.The difference of the duration of drug make a significant difference on allsymptoms in addition to diarrhea.


  1.As a whole ,the quality of patients with cancer pain and treated with opioidsat a low level.

  2.Gender and work state had effects on the quality of life in patients with cancerpain and treated with opioids .

  3.Under the premise of the quality of patients with cancer pain and treated withopioids at a low level,the quality of life in patients with who take the opioids drug ontime than not was more higher.

  4.Taking the opioids drug more time and with the increase of side effects, thelower the quality of life in patients with cancer pain was.

  Key words:opioids; cancer; pain; the quality of life; investigation and analysis

  目 录

  第 1 章 引 言

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.2.1 理论意义

  1.2.2 实践意义

  1.3 研究目的

  第 2 章 文献回顾

  2.1 相关概念

  2.1.1 癌(cancer)

  2.1.2 疼痛(pain)

  2.1.3 癌性疼痛(cancer pain)

  2.1.4 阿片类药物(opioid)

  2.1.5 生活质量(quality of life,QL)

  2.2 癌痛患者生活质量的研究现状

  2.2.1 国内研究现状

  2.2.2 国外研究现状

  第 3 章 资料与方法

  3.1 研究对象

  3.1.1 纳入标准

  3.1.2 排除标准

  3.2 样本量的确定

  3.3 评价工具

  3.3.1 数字评分法(NRS)

  3.3.2 研究对象一般情况调查表

  3.3.3 生活质量测定量表 EORTC QLQ-C30(中文版)

  3.4 研究方法。

  3.5 质量控制

  3.5.1 资料收集

  3.5.2 资料分析

  3.6 技术路线

  第 4 章 研究结果

  4.1 研究对象的一般情况

  4.2 研究对象生活质量得分结果

  4.3 性别对研究对象生活质量的影响

  4.4 在职与否对研究对象生活质量的影响

  4.5 是否漏服阿片类药物对研究对象生活质量影响

  4.6 服用阿片类药物持续时间对研究对象生活质量的影响

  第 5 章 讨 论

  5.1 应用阿片类药物的癌痛患者的生活质量现状

  5.2 性别对应用阿片类药物的癌痛患者生活质量的影响

  5.3 不同工作状态对应用阿片类药物的癌痛患者生活质量的影响20

  5.4 漏服对应用阿片类药物的癌痛患者生活质量的影响

  5.5 用药时间对应用阿片类药物癌痛患者生活质量的影响

  5.6 建议

  5.6.1 制定并完善相关癌痛护理制度、常规和流程

  5.6.2 重视护士癌痛相关知识的规范化培训

  5.6.3 定期对应用阿片类药物的癌痛患者进行健康教育

  5.7 研究不足与展望

  第 6 章 结 论


  致 谢
