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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-08 共2781字


  摘 要


  本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、比较分析法和访谈法等多种方法,以中国地质大学为调查对象,对学生和教师进行问卷调查,对资深教师和领导进行有目的的访谈。目前北京市大学生体育兴趣调查结果为:体育教师的师资水平较好,年龄结构呈现年轻化,教师的整体水平不断增强,教师专项多样化,这些对学生体育兴趣的发展都很有帮助;公共必修课以田径为主, 学生体育兴趣不太高;选修课项目花样繁多;随着高校体育器材的不断充裕,学生参与体育运动的激情逐步高涨,课余体育活动更是对姿多彩,尽管这样,高校学生的整体体育兴趣仍然不是很高,因此本人主要在公共必修课、公共选项课、课余体育活动等三个方面进行现状调查和分析。总结出影响北京市大学生体育兴趣的主要因素结果为:个人因素主要包括体育基础差、盲目选择体育项目,选择体育项目的态度和动机问题,以及课余锻炼没有得到及时指导等;学校因素主要有教学时数,教学内容,考评模式,场地器材等因素;其他主要因素包括经济因素和项目自身条件等。针对此类问题,本人提出了对应对策主要有:合理开展不同的体育项目;丰富和创新教学方法、调整评价方式;不断提高教学艺术,增强责任心;加强宣传,促使人们正确的看待和理解体育的价值;学校加大体育设施的投资和建设力度;提高体育教师地位,培养和发展创新型、学习型的高素质教师队伍等等。尽量使学生体验成功,享受体育锻炼带来的快乐,逐步提高运动技能和能力,让终身体育的锻炼理念深入每一个高校学生的心中。



  Interest is the best teacher,sports interest is an important driving force that can promptpeople to engage in sports activities. Interest also plays a very important role in sportsprograms and after-school sports in college and is the base that college students master basicskills exercise, develop good exercise habits and ultimately form the concept of lifelongphysical power. This article is meant to explore the development trend of sports interest andhas important guiding significance to promote physical fitness of our college students andenhance overall quality of education by sports interests in college students.

  This article uses literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics, comparative analysisand interviews and so on in order to survey China University of Geosciences, students andteachers are conducted a questionnaire survey, senior teachers and leaders are conducted bythe interview. Currently , Beijing University Students' Sports Interest Survey results are: thelevel of physical education teachers is better: age structure is younger, enhancing the overalllevel of teachers , special of teachers has diversity, these are very helpful of students interestsin sports development; athletics is the main lesson in public compulsory, student interest is nothigh; elective project has variety, with college sports equipment are ample, participationpassion of students in sports is gradually rising; extracurricular sports activities is colorful ,despite this, sports interest of overall college students is still not very high, so the main factorsaffecting the Beijing college students interested in sports I conducted investigation andanalysis of the status quo in three public courses , public elective classes , after-school sportsactivities , the result is : Personal factors include poor sports foundation blindly choose sports,select sports attitude and motivation problems, and after-school exercise did not receivetimely guidance ; school factors are less than normal number of hours of teaching , teachingcontent, evaluation mode , insufficient space equipment , etc; other The main factors includeeconomic factors and harsh conditions , such as the project itself . For these problems , theauthor proposes the corresponding countermeasures are: reasonable to carry out differentsports; innovative teaching methods , teaching methods , evaluation methods adjustment;continuously improve teaching art to enhance the sense of responsibility ; strengthenadvocacy to promote people to the rightly treat and understand the value of sport ; school putmore efforts to increase investment and construction of sports facilities ; improve the status ofphysical education teachers, train and develop teachers of innovative and high-qualitylearning and so on. As far as possible make students experience success, enjoy happiness thatphysical exercise brings, gradually increase the motor skills and to make the concept oflifelong physical exercise in the hearts of every college student.

  Key words: Beijing city; College; Sports interest; Influencing –factor

  目 录

  摘 要


  1 前言

  1.1 选题背景

  1.2 选题目的、意义

  2 文献综述

  2.1 兴趣概述

  2.1.1 兴趣概念

  2.1.2 兴趣的研究现状

  2.2 体育兴趣概述

  2.2.1 体育兴趣的概念

  2.2.2 体育兴趣的特点

  2.2.3 体育兴趣的分类

  2.2.4 针对体育兴趣的国内研究现状

  2.2.5 国外高校本科学生体育兴趣研究内容及现状

  2.2.6 小结

  3 研究对象与研究方法

  3.1 研究对象

  3.2 研究方法

  3.2.1 文献资料法

  3.2.2 问卷调查法

  3.2.3 数理统计法

  3.2.4 访谈法

  4 结果分析与讨论

  4.1 中国地质大学学生体育兴趣相关因素分析

  4.1.1 体育教师相关因素对学生体育兴趣的影响

  4.1.2 中国地质大学学生公共体育必修课现状分析

  4.1.3 中国地质大学体育选项课情况分析

  4.1.4 中国地质大学学生课外体育活动兴趣现状分析

  4.2 北京市大学生体育兴趣的变化趋势分析

  4.3 影响北京市大学生体育兴趣的主要因素分析

  4.3.1 影响学生体育兴趣的个人因素

  4.3.2 影响学生体育兴趣的学校因素分析

  4.3.3 其他因素

  5 结论与建议

  5.1 结论

  5.2 建议


  致 谢
