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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-06-10 共3404字




  它通常在森林、郊外和城市公园里进行,也可以在校园内进行,它具有组织形式多样、入门简单、趣味性强、参与人群广泛等特点深受广大学生的喜欢。本文以南京市江宁大学城 15 所普通高校为研究对象,抽取了江宁大学城 15 所高校 200 名学生,45 名参与定向运动的教师及国内 15 名体育界、教育界的专家及定向运动的资深教练员进行访谈运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、逻辑推理法等方法进行调查, 研究目的是深入了解、掌握江苏省普通高校定向运动的现状,发现存在的问题,并提出相应的对策,为提高高校定向运动课程教学质量提供科学依据。


  1、定向运动在南京市江宁大学城开展状况并不乐观,从现已开展定向运动课程的高校来说,仅有 33%的本科院校开设定向运动课程。在开设了定向运动课程的学校中,相对于学生的喜爱程度和参与程度,目前学校的定向课程的开设不能完全满足学生的需求。


  3、开设定向运动课程的普通高校,一般定向运动课程为一学年,以定向运动基本理论和基本技术作为主要教学内容,理论教学时数少于 10 学时,课程内容结构基本合理。













  Orienteering is a participant must use the compass and rely on is represented by manycheck points on the map of the route, in their field to choose the path, looking for goals,and strive to a movement in the shortest time to finish the game. It is usually in the forest,the suburb and city park, can also be carried out in the campus, it has various forms oforganization, like simple, strong interest, people widely used by the majority of students. Inthis paper, 15 colleges and universities in Jiangning university city of Nanjing city as theresearch object, from 15 colleges and universities in Jiangning university city, 200 students,45 Teachers and domestic senior coaches in 15 sports, educational circles in the directionalmovement of the experts and the directional movement of the interviews were carried outby using the method of literature, expert interviews, questionnaire survey method, logicalanalysis and other methods of investigation, conclusions and recommendations are asfollows:


  1.the directional movement in the developing situation of Nanjing Jiangninguniversity city is not optimistic, from now on the directional motion curriculum in Collegesand universities, basically all universities, colleges have not opened the directional motioncurriculum. At the opening of the directional motion curriculum in the school, the studentslove and willingness of participation, directional school activities can not meet the needs ofstudents.

  2 . Orienteering Jiangning university city teaching has not formed a completecurriculum system, including in the teaching goal, teaching content and evaluation systemetc In the teaching of College Orienteering curriculum, teaching Orienteering movementis very small, the directional movement most with its shape without the god.

  3.Orienteering teaching general organization of one year in the Orienteering SportsCollege with the basic theory and basic technology of directional movement as the mainteaching content, teaching hours less than 10 hours, the course content the basic structureof rational.

  4.The main factors to influence the college orienteering is school, leadershipemphasis; in addition the directional map, organization difficult directional sports venues,orienteering funds, propaganda, orienteering equipment costs, faculty, student orienteeringteaching evaluation problem of interest to participate, has great influence on the directionalmovement in Jiangning university city area colleges and universities teaching.

  5.The school orienteering organize mainly in the form of teaching, training andstudent associations. The students mainly participate in orienteering through the form toparticipate in orienteering, rarely by social organizationsSuggestions:

  1. Intensify propaganda; improve the students' cognition of orienteering andparticipation.

  2. The introduction of orienteering sports professionals, improve the professionalquality of teachers engaged in orienteering.

  3. Strengthen with various social oriented organization, Orienteering Clubcooperation.

  4. The strict implementation of various safety measures, to ensure the safety ofstudents' movement.

  5. Build, perfect organization, the implementation of special funds.

  6. Cultivate backbone; effectively reduce the workload of teachers' teaching.

  7. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the schools.

  Key Words: Jiangning university city;universities and colleges;orienteering;currentsituation;Strategy


  目 录

  1 前 言

  1.1 选题依据

  1.1.1 普通高等学校体育课程改革的需要

  1.1.3 定向运动开展和普及的需要

  1.2 选题目的与意义

  1.2.1 选题目的

  1.2.2 选题意义

  1.3 文献综述

  1.3.1 关于定向运动价值方面的研究

  1.3.2 关于定向运动训练方面的研究

  1.3.3 关于定向课程教学方面的研究

  1.3.4 关于定向规则、识图等方面的研究

  2 研究对象与方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 问卷调查法

  2.2.3 专家访谈法

  2.2.4 逻辑分析法

  2.2.5 数理统计法

  3 结果与分析

  3.1 江宁大学城普通高校课程定向课程开设情况分析

  3.2 江宁大学城高校定向运动课程教学现状与分析

  3.2.1 课程教学基本情况分析

  3.2.2 教学文件及教材

  3.2.3 定向课程内容与课时分配

  3.2.4 课程评价分析

  3.2.5 江宁大学城高校定向运动课程开展安全监控分析

  3.2.6 教学效果分析

  3.3 定向课程师资队伍现状分析

  3.4 江宁大学城高校定向运动场地设施分析

  3.5 江宁大学城高校参加定向课程学生分析

  3.6 影响江宁大学城高校定向课程教学因素分析

  4 结 论

  5 江宁大学城普通高校定向课程的对策

  5.1 大力推广普及定向运动

  5.2 增加教师接受培训渠道,努力提高教师科研水平

  5.3 提高领导重视程度,加大定向经费支出渠道

  5.4 建立高校和户外运动协会的合作机制,实现资源共享

  5.5 严格落实各项安全措施,确保学生的运动安全

  5.6 培养学生骨干,有效降低教师教学前期工作量

  5.7 开展多级定向运动比赛,加强校际之间的交流与合作

  5.8 规范定向运动的评价体系,进一步加强定向运动课程建设

  5.9 建立、健全组织机构,落实专项经费


  致 谢
