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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-04 共3686字


  摘 要


  本文以现实需要为出发点,运用文献资料法、调查法、逻辑分析法和数理统计法,在当前大学生就业形势严峻的背景下,以民族传统体育专业毕业生的就业情况为切入点进行研究。通过对河北省高校武术与民族传统体育专业 2011 至 2013 届的毕业生就业资料和毕业流向的研究,为河北省武术与民族传统体育专业新一届的毕业生了解人才市场需求信息,发现当前民族传统体育专业学生就业时存在的问题,并提出相应的解决对策,总而使学生树立新的择业观,增强择业意识和竞争意识,树立就业信心,顺利完成就业,从而更好的成才、更好的为社会主义现代化建设服务,为毕业生在择业过程中能顺利找到最佳立足点打下良好的基础,使体育院校毕业生就业走向规范化、法制化、制度化的轨道提供帮助。









  Situation of the Traditional Sports Professional student employment of this article as astarting point Hebei analysis and research, employment issues related to national economicdevelopment, social stability and people's fundamental interests, related to the sustained andhealthy development of higher education to coordinate the relationship between our party thegoverning capability. Hebei Province is the largest province of martial arts, sports colleges inthe province is to train senior professionals in the sports base, with the expansion ofenrollment, student employment situation is more severe, are not conducive to studentemployment factors gradually revealed, outstanding performance, martial arts and martial artsprofessional and non-traditional national sports teacher professional, but special coursesoffered technology is essentially routine and Sanda, teaching content monotonous, martialarts and other wonderful national traditional sports items such as dragon and lion dances,wrestling and other projects involving less and set up training courses entirely in accordancewith normal professional teaching mode. Hebei Martial Arts and the National TraditionalSports graduates find jobs, we must seriously study the current situation of employment ofthe graduates, graduates flows, social demand trends, employment characteristics, as well asthe impact factors and countermeasures graduate employment. Grasp the social demand fortalent firsthand conducive sports colleges according to market demand, targeted training,career guidance to carry out targeted work can organically combined with the actual situation.

  In this paper, the practical needs as the starting point, the use of literature, investigation,logical analysis and mathematical statistics, college students in the current employmentsituation is grim backdrop to the employment situation of graduates of traditional nationalsport as a starting point to study. Through Martial Arts and the National Traditional Sports,Hebei college graduates and graduate employment information flows 2011-2013 term studies,Hebei martial arts and traditional national sport of professional graduates understand the newtalent market demand information, find the current national traditional Sports professionalstudent employment problems and propose appropriate countermeasures, leaving students toestablish a new overall concept of career, career awareness and enhance the sense ofcompetition, and establish the confidence of employment, successful completion of the job,so as to better talent, better for socialist modernization services for graduates in careersprocess can successfully find the best footing and lay a good foundation for the sports collegegraduates employment toward standardization and institutionalization of the track to help.

  It is drawn to the following conclusion from the research:

  1. Of the Traditional Sports Professional Hebei graduates, the employment situationfacing more severe, major employment narrower.

  2. Of the Traditional Sports Professional Hebei graduate students, the need to strengthenawareness of the severity of the employment situation in the community.

  3. Of the Traditional Sports Professional Hebei graduate students, most students expectafter graduation to enter the income is relatively stable state organs, institutions, engagedin civil servants, teachers career.

  4. The main factors affecting the national Hebei Traditional Sports college graduatestudent employment are social factors, family factors, school factors and personalfactors.

  5.For the employment situation is grim situation, students need to improve theircomprehensive ability of individuals, schools continue to work to strengthenemployment guidance and with the market demand and continue to improve theconvergence of a series of regulatory and supervisory professional curriculum, as well asrelevant government departments, improving College students national Hebei traditionalSports employment rate.

  Key words: Universities in Hebei Province,National Traditional Sports,GraduateEmployment,research

    目 录

  摘 要


  引 言

  1 文献综述

  1.1 “就业”概念的界定

  1.2 对国外大学生就业现状的研究

  1.3 对国内大学生就业现状的研究

  1.3.1 大学生就业存在问题的研究

  1.3.2 大学生就业问题的对策的研究

  1.3.3 体育专业大学生就业存在的问题现状的研究

  1.3.4 体育专业大学生就业现状的研究

  1.3.5 体育专业大学生就业问题的研究

  1.3.6 体育专业大学生就业对策

  1.3.7 有关民族传统体育专业学生就业的研究

  2 研究对象与研究方法

  2.1 研究对象

  2.2 研究方法

  2.2.1 文献资料法

  2.2.2 调查法

  2.2.3 数理统计法

  2.2.4 逻辑分析法

  3 调查结果与分析

  3.1 河北省高校武术与民族传统体育学生就业现状调查与分析

  3.1.1 河北省高校武术与民族传统体育专业所调查的学生基本情况及分析

  3.1.2 河北省高校武术与民族传统体育专业学生就业现状调查

  3.2 影响河北省高校武术与民族传统体育专业学生就业的因素

  3.2.1 社会因素的分析

  3.2.2 学校因素

  3.2.3 家庭环境因素

  3.2.4 毕业生个人因素

  3.3 河北省高校武术与民族传统体育专业学生就业的对策

  3.3.1 不断规范、完善就业制度,健全公平有序的毕业生就业市场

  3.3.2 优化民族传统体育专业课程设置,培养复合型人才

  3.3.3 加强高校就业指导工作

  3.3.4 提高学生自身的综合能力,增强社会竞争力

  3.3.5 职能部门做好宣传工作,完善大学生就业相关政策



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