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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-16 共6116字



  本文通过问卷调查法、数理统计法、实地访谈法、文献资料法等方法,以心理学、社会学、体育学、残疾人理论为基础,从山东东、中、西部随机抽取 10 所特教学校,以特教学生、体育教师和学校领导为主要研究切入点,通过对各特教学校的实际情况进行统计了解,得出一系列结论,以期得到相应的改革措施,为政府、学校做决策提供必要的实际基础和理论依据。

  通过研究表明山东省教特教学校体育发展有积极方面:山东省特教学校师队伍年富力比较强,教学能力比较强;教师在专业化程度方面比其他省市要强一些;特教学校体育教师待遇比其他学校要高;学生对体育课及体育教师的喜爱程度都很高,家长也很支持学生参加体育课程;学校体育设施虽然还是不够全,但较前几年相比已经有很大程度的增加;学校信息化设备配备相对比较全,学校领导对体育课程比较重视。但同时在体育课程发展中存在的问题:体育课程的安排依据不足,体育课程制定与体育教学进行过程中没有适合特教学生的教学大纲和教材;体育课程内容安排不够合理,在山东省特教学校体育课程内容设计与选取方面,没有充分考虑特教学生的实际特点而进行适应他们的因材施教,康复性运动项目和针对各残疾类型的学生教学项目应用不够多,适合特教学生的残奥项目和特奥项目也没有足够的推广和应用;体育师资不足,在体育教师数量和专业化方面都存有问题,在我国,对特殊教育的教学理想模式应该是一对一教学,这样才能满足特教学生的个性化发展需要,而实际教学中,一名教师要面对十多名各有不同特点的学生,因此势必导致教学质量的下降;在体育教师的专业化方面,由于我国的特教体育专业人才培养机制不够完善,毕业于特教体育专业的教师所以相对较少,在实际中,一般由特教专业背景教师担任体育课,并且没有进行足够的培训,所以教师的水平很难获得上升;特教学校体育场地设施、器材配备不足,山东省大多数学校体育场地资源配备不够充足,尤其是位于市区的老学校,场地很小,器材设施、现代化教学设备配备也不够完善,远远达不到国家对特教学校规定的:培智学校 41 种、盲校 33 种、聋校 29 种的要求标准,直接限制了体育课程内容教学的开展。特教学校学生体育行为、意识不够强。调查显示特教学校学生参与体育的时间比较少,每星期基本在两节课以下,而普通正常学生现在一般是每周至少三节课,尤其是对特教学生来说,他们更需要上体育课。特教学生对体育功能的认识比较浅,参与体育的目的和动机不够集中,对体育的功能恢复、掌握锻炼方法、增进友谊等方面的认识远远不够。政府、学校领导对特教学生体育的重视不够。

  根据现状提出了几条建议:着力强化政府职能。各级教育行政部门,特殊学校体育教育工作是以学校为重点。应以改革创新的精神推进体育教育制度建设,建立有利于加强学校体育工作、促进特殊学校学生健康全面发展的政策体系和体制制度。强化政府职能,不断完善特殊学校体育工作的创新机制,真正发挥好政府的服务职能。尽快促成针对特教学校的新版《体育与健康课程标准》出版,为各个学校的体育教学工作提供依据和指南; 尽快出版与新标准配套的教材和大纲,为体育课程内容的制定提供资料。加强特教学校体育教师的培训力度及与各个学校之间的学习交流,取长补短,通过观摩学习,优秀教师多分享自身经验,带动他人共同为更好的完成特教学校的体育教学工作而充实自己。加快山东众高校开设特教专业。由于特教学生的情况比较复杂,必须有专业的既懂体育有了解特教学生的教师才能胜任,根据国家要求,目前山东省各特教学校体育教师严重缺乏,因此,迫切需要尽快培养出更多的复合型人才。充分利用“冠军”优势。组织现有残疾人冠军到各个学校巡回表演、指导交流,以榜样的力量激励残疾学生自强不息;尽可能多的举办各种比赛,让每个人通过比赛,获得胜利来增强自信,消除自卑。配备更多的场地设施和器材。虽然很多学校没有多余的建设用地来扩大体育活动场地,但也可以充分利用现有场地进行结合性使用,如篮球场可复合排球场、羽毛球场等;很多学校需要补充很多体育设施和器材,虽然不可能直接达到国家的标准要求,但必须随着体育的发展购进必要的设施;同时发动教师与学生一起动手动脑,自己制作简易实用的体育器材。




  In this article, through questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics method, field interviewmethod, literature material method and other methods, in psychology, sociology, sports science andthe theory of the disabled, randomly selected from the eastern, central and western shandong 10special-education schools to special-education students, physical education teachers and schoolleaders as the main research breakthrough point, through the study of the statistics of the actualsituation of the special-education schools, a series of conclusions, in order to get the correspondingreform measures, for the government, the school decision-making provide necessary theoretical basisand practical basis.

  Through study special-education schools in shandong province sports development has positiveaspects: special-education schools in shandong province fuli, teachers in teaching ability is stronger;Teachers in some degree of specialization than in other provinces and cities; Students of physicaleducation and sports teachers are very high popularity, parents also very support students in physicaleducation curriculum; School sports facilities, while still not full, more than a few years ago has beengreatly increased; School informatization equipment equipped with relatively complete, the schoolleader more attention to PE. But at the same time the problems existing in the development ofphysical education curriculum: physical education curriculum arrangement based on insufficient,formulation and physical education curriculum is not suitable for special-education students in theprocess of sports teaching syllabus and teaching materials; Physical education curriculum contentarrangement is not reasonable, in shandong province special-education schools physical educationcurriculum design and selection of content, without fully considering the practical characteristics ofspecial-education students to adapt to them according to their aptitude, and rehabilitative sports forthe disabled students teaching project application enough, suitable for special-education studentsparalympic project and project also does not have enough promotion and application of theintellectual; Sports teachers is insufficient, in terms of number of PE teachers and specialization areproblematic, in our country, the special education ideal of teaching mode should be the one to oneteaching, so as to meet the requirements of the development of personalized special-educationstudents, and practical teaching, a teacher to face a dozen students have different characteristics, thuswill lead to a drop in the quality of teaching; In terms of physical education teachers specialization,IVdue to our country's special sports professional talent training mechanism is not perfect, graduatedfrom the professional sports of special-education teachers is relatively small, so in practice, generallyby the special educational background teachers in physical education, and there is no adequatetraining, so the level of teachers find it difficult to get up. Special-education schools sports facilitiesand devices equipped with insufficient, most of the school sports resources in shandong provincewith inadequate, especially the old school is located in the downtown area is small, equipmentfacilities, equipped with modern teaching equipment is also not perfect, far less than the stateprovisions for special-education schools: society-adaptation schools 41, the requirements of the blind,deaf school 29 species 33 standard, directly restricts the teaching of physical education curriculumcontent. Special-education schools sports behavior, consciousness is not strong. Surveyspecial-education schools students participate in sports time is less, basic under two classes per week,normal and ordinary students now are generally at least three classes a week, especially forspecial-education students, they need more physical education classes. Lighter special-educationstudents awareness of sports functions, the purpose of participation in sports and motivation is notenough concentration, restore the function of the sports, to grasp the method of exercise, enhancefriendship, understanding is far from enough. The government, school leaders, not enough attentionfor special-education students sports.

  Several Suggestions are put forward according to the status quo: focus on strengthening thefunctions of the government. The education administrative departments at all levels, with emphasison the special school physical education work in school. Should act towards one another in a spirit ofreform and innovation to promote the sports education system construction, establish is beneficial tostrengthen the school sports work, promote the development of special schools student healthcomprehensive policy system and institutional system. Result for special-education schools as soonas possible the new published “sports and health course standard”, provide the basis for each schoolsports teaching and guidance; Published with the new standard of form a complete set of teachingmaterials and outline as soon as possible, to provide information for the establishment of physicaleducation curriculum content. Strengthen the training of special-education schools physicaleducation teachers and learning between schools and communication, complement each other, learnby watching, good teachers can share their own experience, lead people to work for better finishspecial-education schools sports teaching and enrich himself. The all the colleges and universities inshandong set up special-education major. Owing to special-education students situation is morecomplex, must have the professional know both sports have the special-education students ofteachers to be competent, according to the national requirements, the serious lack ofspecial-education schools physical education teachers in shandong province at present, therefore, anurgent need to cultivate more talents for as soon as possible. Equipped with more facilities andequipment. Although a lot of schools have no redundant construction land to expand sports venues,but also can make full use of the existing area for use, such as basketball court can compositevolleyball courts, badminton courts, etc; Many schools to add a lot of sports facilities and equipment,although it is impossible to meet the national standard requirements directly, but must be purchasedalong with the development of the sports necessary facilities; At the same time a teacher and studenttogether corretly, make your own simple practical sports equipment.

  Special-education schools sports development in shandong province in brief, in recent years,although a certain degree of increase, but relative to the national standard or not, we should pay moreattention to special education for disabled persons, give each person to create equality, harmoniouseducation environment.

  Keywords: Shandong province,Disabled people,Special education for the disabled,Sportscurriculum



  Abstract…… III

  1 前言 …… 1

  1.1 论文选题的依据与意义 …… 1

  2 国内外文献综述 …… 2

  2.1 国内关于山东省特教学校体育的研究现状 …… 2

  2.2 国内关于残疾人体育的研究现状…… 3

  2.3 国外关于该课题的研究现状及趋势 …… 4

  3 研究对象与方法 …… 4

  3.1 研究对象 …… 4

  3.2 研究方法 …… 5

  3.2.1 文献资料法 …… 5

  3.2.2 问卷调查法 …… 5 问卷效度检验 …… 5 问卷信度检验 …… 6

  3.3 访谈法 …… 6

  3.4 观察法 …… 6

  3.5 数理统计法 …… 6

  3.6 逻辑分析法 …… 7

  4 研究结果与分析…… 7

  4.1 特殊教育学校的体育课程发展历程综述…… 7

  4.2 特教学校体育课程教学情况…… 8

  4.2.1 特教学校体育课程课时及实际执行情况…… 8

  4.2.2 特教学校体育大纲和教材使用情况…… 8

  4.2.3 特教学校课程内容的设置情况…… 9

  4.2.4 体育教学组织形式…… 11

  4.2.5 体育课程教学方法的采用…… 11

  4.2.6 体育课程评价方式和内容…… 12

  4.2.7 体育课程中康复锻炼的安排情况…… 13

  4.3 山东省特教学校师资情况…… 14

  4.3.1 特教学校体育教师性别比…… 14

  4.3.2 特教学校体育教师年龄和教龄情况…… 14

  4.3.3 特教学校体育教师专业背景情况…… 15

  4.3.4 特教学校体育教师特教培训…… 16

  4.3.5 特教学校体育教师待遇情况…… 16

  4.4 特教学校体育教学硬件配备情况…… 17

  4.4.1 特教学校场地设施情况…… 17

  4.4.2 现代化教学设备配备情况…… 18

  4.4.3 特教学校硬件配备与能否满足教学需求的情况…… 19

  4.5 学生对学校体育课程的意识、行为情况…… 19

  4.5.1 学生对体育课、体育老师的喜欢程度及对老师的态度情况…… 19

  4.5.2 特教学生对体育项目的喜爱情况…… 20

  4.5.3 家人对特教学生参与体育课程的支持情况…… 21

  4.5.5 特教学生进行专项运动的训练情况…… 22

  4.5.6 特教学生对参加比赛的态度…… 23

  4.6 山东省特教学校领导对学校体育的认识情况…… 24

  4.6.1 特教学校领导对体育重要性认识情况…… 24

  4.6.2 特教学校领导对搞好学校体育核心认识情况…… 24

  4.7 特教学校课余体育开展情况…… 25

  4.7.1 特教学校课余训练情况…… 25

  4.7.2 山东省特教学校课余体育锻炼情况…… 26

  5 结论与建议 …… 27

  5.1 结论 …… 27

  5.2 建议 …… 28


