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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-22 共2108字


  摘 要





  Throughout the ages, many of them never tragic lovers, also thehighest for the arts, “crown”, the reason being sought after by artists andscholars because of the audience in the story when the concept of painand sorrow and tears not only empathy, but also give the viewer a uniqueartistic perspective to examine, explore and negative perspective on thetragedy, the importance of living in the United States and positive factors.

  In other words, the tragedy at the same time so that the viewer saddepressed, the key is to make the viewer can learn to direct sad“reflection” and “clam.” Can a tragic reason considered successful movietragedy, that gives a sad, but also should reach the viewer beyond theanguish of “reflection” and “clam” levels, can also call it art masterpieces .

  Therefore, the ultimate effect of tragedy aesthetic form, the viewer shouldappear after the most critical aesthetic that let viewers “Gettingintrospection and Tim talk about the sadness,” from the movie the viewerto experience the value of life and thorough which meaning, so as toenhance their years of thinking, values?and life experience frameworkpride.

  Comparison of the two works, will be exposed to different countries,different times, even women of different races living choices and graspthe social environment at the time of his life, watching and appreciationof their sorrows and joys of life while we can Expression of the West tosee the heart of women of different cultures, and thus the ethnic cultureand feminism have a more profound and unique understanding. Feministfilm criticism to the present, as the film cultural criticism a branch hasaccounted for a small piece of territory, but so far because of its lack ofsocial support, has also been marginalized, both in theory and practice,the movie has issued a “female” voice intermittent, in recent years, butalso more and more faint, far less literary achievementKEYWORDS:Female Tragedy,Characterization,Feminism, Movie

  目 录

  摘 要…… I


  第一章 绪论…… 1

  1.1 研究背景及意义……1

  1.2 研究目的及创新点……2

  1.2.1 课题研究目的……2

  1.2.2 论文创新点……4

  第二章 悲剧电影和女性主义…… 8

  2.1 电影的特点与功能……8

  2.2 电影与文化的关系……11

  2.2.1 中国电影的创作与中国文化的关系……11

  2.2.2 中国电影记录着中国文化的发展史……12

  2.2.3 从文化视点的角度分析……13

  2.2.4 文化的土壤孕育电影文化……15

  2.3 悲剧电影的表现特征……17

  2.4 女性主义……20

  2.5 女性主义在电影中的表现……21

  第三章 用“角色论”方法分析电影中悲剧性女性……24



  3.2.1 《大红灯笼高高挂》背景及简介……24

  3.2.2 《大红灯笼高高挂》中女性人物形象塑造……27




  3.4 中西方电影悲剧性女性不同形象塑造……33

  3.4.1 影片背景比较……33

  3.4.2 女性生活比较……34

  第四章 悲剧性女性社会成因……36

  4.1 女性的自然属性……36

  4.2 女性的社会角色……37

  4.3 女性的悲剧困境……42

  第五章 电影中悲剧性女性美学表现……46

  5.1 悲剧性女性电影传统追溯……46

  5.2 悲剧性女性电影的美学特征……47

  5.2.1 女性形象塑造之美……47

  5.2.2 女性情感表现之美……48

  5.2.3 电影叙事模式之美……48

  5.2.4 电影风格独特之美……50

  5.3 悲剧性女性电影的审美效应……51

  5.3.1 男权视角下的女性形象……52

  5.3.2 女权视角下的女性形象……54


  致 谢……61
