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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-19 共1881字


  摘 要
  互联网的商用深刻地改变甚至颠覆了许多传统行业的商业模式并催生了电子商务行业,移动互联网的发展则推动了 O2O 电子商务的繁荣。随着我国 O2O 本地生活服务业兴起并迅速进入白热化的补贴恶性竞争阶段,整个行业至今仍处于亏损状态。本研究以本地生活服务业 O2O 电子商务模式发展为研究对象,选取美团大众为研究案例,运用修订的 O2O 价值系统模型详细分析美团大众 O2O 电子商务模式,找出存在的问题并提出相应的发展建议。
  经修订的 O2O 价值系统模型以消费者价值创造为核心,由业务整合与创建、客流导流、线上营销、线上支付等四个环节构成,构建了创造消费者价值的动态过程,其中每个环节又有属于本环节的子价值系统。基于该模型的分析与研究,得出以下结论:
  1.美团大众的 O2O 模式从单一的运营模式逐渐发展为多种运营模式协同发展;2.美团大众沿用美团网的发展战略但同时也有所调整,其产品和服务日益多样化;3.地推和大数据是美团大众的核心竞争力;4.线上导流和云计算是美团大众的竞争劣势;5.线上支付环节是美团大众 O2O 价值系统中最薄弱的环节。
  1.在业务整合与创建环节,尽快完成在线旅游业的吃-住-玩-行的 O2O 闭环的构建。
  The Internet has profoundly changed business models in many traditionalindustries, and the development of mobile Internet prospers O2O e-commerce. As therise of O2O business models in local life service industry, the vicious competitionemerges. Lots of companies are still at a loss.
  In order to find solutions to help O2O companies to change such terriblesituation, I choose Meituan & Dazhong, the biggest O2O company in China, as casestudy. Meanwhile, I build an O2O value system model to analyze the creating valueprocess of Meituan & Dazhong. The theoretical model, which considers consumervalue as the core, consists of business integration and build, consumers trafficdiversion, online marketing, online payment. Based on the study of such businessmodel, the conclusions of case study are as follows.
  1. Meituan & Dazhong O2O business model evolves from a single businessmodel for the joint development of a variety of operating business model.
  2. Although development strategy of Meituan & Dazhong followsMeituan.com, some innovative adjustment of products and service is made to helpMeituan & Dazhong diversify.
  3. Big data from the users and negotiation teams are the core competitivenessof Meituan & Dazhong.
  4. Diversion online and cloud computing are the disadvantage of Meituan &Dazhong.
  5. Online payment is the weakest link in Meituan & Dazhong O2O valuesystem.
  As discussed above, I make some proposals.
  1. Construct an eat-live-play-travel O2O closed loop in online travel industry assoon as possible.
  2. Meituan & Dazhong should keep strengthening its diversion of three-tier andfour-tier cities in the consumer diversion areas.
  3. Continue to use big data from third-party platform to carry out precise onlinemarketing, and to establish their marketing decision systems.
  4. Meituan & Dazhong can break captive mobile payments market throughimitating Jingdong's Baitiao model to develop its payment system.
  Keywords: O2O, E-commerce model, Theory of value chain, Meituan & Dazhong,Innovative development

  目 录
  摘 要
  目 录
  1 绪论
  1.1 研究背景及意义
  1.2 研究方法与内容
  1.3 论文的创新点
  2 文献综述
  2.1 电子商务模式的研究现状
  2.2 关于美团大众的研究现状
  2.3 相关概念界定
  3 理论基础
  3.1 价值链相关理论
  3.2 O2O 价值系统模型的构建
  3.3 本研究的理论模型修订
  4 案例研究-美团大众 O2O 电子商务模式
  4.1 O2O 电子商务发展
  4.2 美团大众的发展概述
  4.3 美团大众 O2O 模式的分析-基于 O2O 价值系统模型
  4.4 小结
  5 结论与发展建议
  5.1 研究结论
  5.2 发展建议
  5.3 后续研究
  致 谢