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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-08-27 共4278字


  摘 要


  本文在对社区银行概念、特点以及国内相关研究回顾的基础上,针对莱商银行的实际情况,通过 SWOT 工具系统分析了发展社区银行中莱商银行面临的优势、劣势、机会与威胁。优势主要体现在:经营机制灵活,产品可延伸性强;战略发展方向明确,以服务中小企业与居民为中心等。劣势主要体现在:零售业务发展经营不足,信息化水平低;社区银行见效慢,资金压力大;产品创新能力不足,服务模式单一;缺乏专业人才,风险防控能力薄弱。外部的机遇主要有:社区顾客特点与中小型银行服务相匹配;小区居民与小微企业便民融资需求不断增强等。外部威胁主要有:利率市场化进程加快;同业竞争日趋激烈,差异化难度提高;产品可替代性越来越强,金融脱媒日益严重等。对发展社区银行环境的分析为莱商银行社区银行的开展奠定了基础。

  基于 SWOT 分析以及借鉴国内外社区银行开展的成功经验,提出了莱商银行发展社区银行的策略:进一步明确区域与顾客定位;精心培育业务经营特色;优化网点布局,做好基础性工作;根植社区,实现社区、银行共建共赢 .社区银行的开展需要一系列的保障措施,笔者结合自己的工作经验与相关文献,认为莱商银行可以通过积极争取政府与监管支持;正确处理好风险与业务的关系;做好绩效管理工作,实现公平分配;引进人才,提高产品研发与信息化水平等措施来保证社区银行有效落地。

  关键词:社区银行;SWOT 分析;营销策略;地方性银行。


  Along with our country's urbanization advancement speeding up unceasingly, andpresents the rapid urban development. Community or living community, this is alsothe inevitable result of urbanization. The emergence of community not only is theresult of the community, culture, economic development, is also a geographicalcommunity resident's formation process of psychological identity. Communitygathered a lot of people, serve the surrounding offers a wide range of employmentopportunities, and residents, community of individual agent is an important customerresources of bank. It can be said that the emergence of the community is the basicpremise of community Banks development. From the bank to the satisfaction ofcommunity residents of financial services, on the one hand, with the rapid expansionand development of the city, the new residential development, has a huge demand ondaily financial services; On the other hand, due to the improper layout, too few bankbranch and development lags behind, the caused great financial services blank. In thecompetition in the financial market environment, Banks are seeking differentialoperation, avoid the homogeneity competition. In this case, the small andmedium-sized enterprises, the community residents to become the next “battlefield”, ithas become the consensus of the Banks. As a typical representative of small andmedium-sized commercial Banks, the development of community bank is laiwu citycommercial Banks in modern market-oriented interest rate reform tide, in capitalconstraint increasingly rigorous, Internet finance, financial coal implementself-transformation under the big background, to achieve the dislocation competitionimportant way.

  Based on concept, characteristics and community Banks, on the basis of domesticrelated research review, according to the actual situation of laiwu city commercialBanks, through the SWOT tool system analysis of the development of communityBanks in Laiwu city commercial Banks facing the strengths, weaknesses,opportunities and threats. Advantage is mainly reflected in: flexible operationalmechanism, extend ability of products; Strategic direction is clear, to serve the smalland medium-sized enterprises and residents as the center, etc. Disadvantages ofmainly reflects in: retail business development business is insufficient, theinformationization level is low; Community Banks get effective slow, fund pressure;A single product innovation ability is insufficient, the service mode; The lack ofprofessional talents, the risk prevention and control ability is weak. Externalopportunities are: match the community characteristics and small and medium-sizedBanks customer service; Area for the convenience of residents and small microenterprise financing demand is growing. External threats are: accelerating interest ratemarketization process; Increasingly fierce competition, differentiation is difficult toimprove; Alternative products is more and more strong, financial disintermediationbecomes more and more serious, and so on. On the analysis of the development ofcommunity bank environment for commercial Banks in Laiwu city community Banksdevelopment laid a solid foundation.

  Based on the SWOT analysis, and draw lessons from the successful experience ofthe community Banks at home and abroad to carry out, put forward the strategy of thecommercial Banks to develop community Banks in Laiwu city: further defined regionand customer orientation; Carefully nurtured business management characteristic;Optimization of distribution network, completes the basic work; Groundingcommunity, community, Banks to build a win-win. The development of communityBanks need a series of security measures, the author combined with own workexperience and the related literature, think of Laiwu city commercial Banks can byactively strive for government and regulatory support; Correctly handle therelationship between the risk and business; Do a good job performance managementto realize fair distribution; Introduce talents, and improve the product research anddevelopment and the informationization level of measures to ensure effectivecommunity Banks fall to the ground.

  Keywords: community bank; SWOT analysis; marketing strategy; local bank

  目 录

  摘 要……I


  第一章 导论……1

  1.1 研究背景和意义……1

  1.1.1 研究背景……1

  1.1.2 研究意义……2

  1.2 研究内容……3

  1.3 研究方法……4

  1.4 创新点……5

  第二章 文献综述……6

  2.1 社区银行……6

  2.1.1 社区银行的概念……6

  2.1.2 社区银行的特点……7

  2.2 国外社区银行实践经验……8

  2.2.1 美国社区银行……8

  2.2.2 澳洲社区银行……8

  2.2.3 日本社区银行……9

  2.3 我国社区银行发展现状……9

  2.4 国内社区银行研究现状……10

  2.4.1 社区银行发展中存在的问题研究……10

  2.4.2 中外社区银行对比研究……11

  2.4.3 社区银行发展方向与对策研究……11

  第三章 莱商银行社区银行发展现状……13

  3.1 莱商银行简介……13

  3.2 莱商银行社区银行发展现状……13

  3.3 莱商银行社区银行发展的必要性……15

  3.3.1 发展社区银行是缓冲利率市场化的有效手段……15

  3.3.2 发展社区银行是巩固现有市场份额的必要途径……15

  3.3.3 发展社区银行是获取新利润增长点的重要方式……16

  3.3.4 发展社区银行是顺应历史发展的必然选择……16

  第四章 莱商银行发展社区银行的 SWOT 分析……17

  4.1 莱商银行发展社区银行内部优势……17

  4.1.1 经营机制灵活,产品可延伸性强……17

  4.1.2 战略发展方向明确,以服务中小企业与居民为中心……17

  4.1.3 小微企业利润中心成立,服务更有针对性……17

  4.2 莱商银行发展社区银行内部劣势……18

  4.2.1 零售业务发展经营不足,信息化水平低……18

  4.2.2 社区银行见效慢,资金压力大……18

  4.2.3 产品创新能力不足,服务模式单一……19

  4.2.4 缺乏专业人才,风险防控能力薄弱……20

  4.3 莱商银行发展社区银行外部机遇……20

  4.3.1 社区顾客特点与中小型银行服务相匹配……20

  4.3.2 社区居民与小微企业便民融资需求不断增强……20

  4.3.3 地缘优势明显,更贴近顾客……21

  4.3.4 外部经济环境良好,人均收入水平提高……22

  4.4 莱商银行发展社区银行外部威胁……24

  4.4.1 利率市场化进程加快……24

  4.4.2 同业竞争日趋激烈,差异化难度提高……24

  4.4.3 民营银行启动,新的潜在进入者威胁加大……25

  4.4.4 产品可替代性越来越强,金融脱媒日益严重……26

  4.5 莱商银行发展社区银行的 SWOT 分析汇总……26

  第五章 莱商银行发展社区银行的对策……28

  5.1 进一步明确区域与顾客定位……28

  5.1.1 基于社区分类实现社区银行有效定位……28

  5.1.2 以商户为突破口,重点营销……28

  5.2 精心培育业务经营特色……29

  5.2.1 借力政府,发展代收公用事业费……29

  5.2.2 贷款差异化,提高贷款效率……29

  5.2.3 服务产品的多元化,凸显竞争优势……30

  5.3 优化网点布局,做好基础性工作……31

  5.3.1 做好社区银行选址工作……31

  5.3.2 明确社区工作人员的工作内容……32

  5.4 根植社区,实现社区、银行共建共赢……33

  5.4.1 开展社区共建活动,树立良好口碑……33

  5.4.2 培养社区忠诚顾客,以点带面……33

  第六章 莱商银行发展社区银行的保障措施……35

  6.1 积极争取政府与监管支持……35

  6.2 正确处理好风险与业务的关系……35

  6.3 做好绩效管理工作,实现公平分配……35

  6.4 引进人才,提高产品研发与信息化水平……38



  致 谢……43
