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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-12-31 共3679字




  本文在回顾了新产品精益开发流程的相关理论的基础上,分析了 TE 所属行业和主要竞争态势,总结企业运营现状和战略规划,分析现行的新产品开发流程以及企业内部新产品开发所存在的问题;设计针对企业新产品开发问题的精益流程解决方案,其流程再造过程,详细流程,针对新流程的组织机构设立以及配套信息系统;研究新产品精益开发流程实施方案,主要论述方案的实施目标和进度计划,实施重点和难点分析,相应的实施保障措施和实施效果预测。

  论文采用比较分析法对 TE 所属行业的当前竞争态势进行分析,总结出行业内主要制造商的竞争优势和细分市场;通过与相关人员访谈、内部审核、现场调查、定性分析等形式,发现企业新产品开发过程中所存在的问题;运用因果分析法深入剖析产生问题的根本原因,并将流程再造方向定位于项目可行性、开发周期、开发成本、团队建设和知识管理五大方面,理论联系实际进行研究。


  根据论文分析,TE 新产品精益开发流程的实施将可以确保项目投资于最高价值市场,行业和客户,提高工作效率和资源利用率,减少开发费用的浪费和返工,实现高利润回报,提高进入市场的速度和质量,提高客户满意度,实现公司战略规划。



  he most abundant value of enterprise concentrates on two sides, R&D and Market.

  Under the globalization, the uninterrupted emerging of various new materials, new energyand new technologies continuously cause technical renovation and product upgrade alongwith product lifecycle shorter and shorter. Based on such competitive globalizationenvironment plus all kinds of uncertain factors such as market demand and consumerrequirement, etc, enterprise must provide the correct products with the correct qualities andcorrect functions for the correct customers through the correct design along with thecorrect organization at the correct time. Facing to the fierce globalization competition,there are much more problems during new product development in TE. This thesis aims tosolve the current problems of new product development through the implementation ofLean New Product Development Process and form the competitiveness advantage with thenew product development effectiveness and resource efficiency as well as shaping corecompetitiveness via the achievement of enterprise strategic objective in order to bring outsustainable development.

  The thesis reviewed the related theory about Lean New Product Development Processand analyzed the connectivity industry as well as competition situation, summarized TEoperation status and strategic planning, analyzed the current new product developmentprocess and internal new product development problems. Moreover, introduced the wholedesign of Lean New Product Development Process in details and the related organizationestablishment as well as the matched information system. Furthermore, researched theimplementation of new process, mainly stated the implementation target and executionschedule, analyzed the key points and difficult points, the related safeguard measures andeffect prediction for implementation.

  Thesis mainly adopted the methods of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis aswell as interview. Firstly, analyzed the current situation of connector industry, the currentcompetitive status by Compare Analysis, summarized the competitive strength andsegment market of main manufacturer in the connector industry. Via interview with therelated persons, internal audit, site survey and qualitative analysis, discovered the existingproblems during new product development. Deeply evaluated the root cause during newproduct development by Causal Method and defined the process reengineering orientationto focus on project feasibility, development cycle, development cost, team building andknowledge management.

  Through combination of theory and practice, integration of strategies andmanagement methods, the research completely reflected and fulfilled the principle ofintegrated management as the key innovation. By strategic integration with strategy,process, customer and alliance, applied core ideas of Lean Thinking as waste eliminationand added value activity into six phases of new product development. In addition, byintegrated management, selected the suitable Lean and Six Sigma tools for new productdevelopment and comprehensively took advantage of diversified management methodssuch as Portfolio Management, APQP, Development Management, Stage-gate System,Concurrent Engineering, Resource Management, Requirement Management, KnowledgeManagement, Change Management, Performance Management, etc.

  According to the thesis analysis, TE Lean New Product Development Process wouldmake sure projects can be invested in the highest value markets, industries and customers,improve work efficiency and resource utilization, reduce development expense waste andrework, achieve high profit return, enhance the speed of entering market and quality,improve customer satisfaction, realize company strategic target and outstanding operation.

  Key Words: New Product Development; Lean Development; Process Reengineering; NewProduct Development Process




  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究目的和意义

  1.2.1 研究目的

  1.2.2 研究意义

  1.3 国内外研究现状

  1.3.1 新产品开发的研究现状

  1.3.2 精益开发的研究现状

  1.3.3 流程再造的研究现状

  1.4 研究内容和论文框架

  1.5 研究方法

  1.6 论文创新点

  第 2 章 相关理论概述

  2.1 新产品开发理论概述

  2.1.1 APQP 产品质量先期策划的五大过程

  2.1.2 新产品开发主流管理模式

  2.1.3 新产品开发的知识管理

  2.2 精益开发理论概述

  2.2.1 精益思想的内涵

  2.2.2 精益开发思想

  2.2.3 精益开发战略

  2.3 流程再造理论概述

  2.3.1 流程再造的概念

  2.3.2 流程再造的原则

  2.3.3 流程再造的实施步骤

  第 3 章 TE 新产品开发现状及问题分析

  3.1 TE 公司概况

  3.2 连接器行业概况和竞争态势

  3.3 公司运营现状和 20X15 战略规划

  3.4 新产品开发现状和问题分析

  3.4.1 现行新产品开发流程介绍

  3.4.2 新产品开发现状及存在问题

  3.4.3 问题产生的原因分析

  第 4 章 新产品精益开发流程方案设计

  4.1 新产品开发流程再造

  4.1.1 成立流程再造小组

  4.1.2 策略整合并初拟流程总体框架

  4.1.3 分析流程各阶段主要任务

  4.2 组织机构设立

  4.2.1 项目决策委员会 PAC

  4.2.2 产品开发项目核心团队 CT

  4.3 新产品开发项目信息系统

  4.3.1 项目生命周期管理中心 PLM Central

  4.3.2 其它数据管理系统

  4.3.3 各系统之间的关联和信息共享

  4.4 新产品精益开发完整方案

  4.4.1 项目等级界定

  4.4.2 项目各节点决策原则

  4.4.3 新产品精益开发完整流程

  第 5 章 新产品精益开发流程实施方案

  5.1 实施目标和进度计划

  5.1.1 确定实施范围

  5.1.2 星级实施进度计划

  5.1.3 明确组织预期目标

  5.2 实施重点及保障措施

  5.2.1 选择并组织有针对性培训

  5.2.2 组织变革管理

  5.2.3 目标管理绩效评估方法和绩效考核指标

  5.3 实施效果预测

  5.4 实施效果初步展示

  第 6 章 结论与展望

  6.1 论文结论

  6.2 研究展望

