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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-03 共2208字



  我国的建筑装饰行业具有广阔的市场前景,同时市场竞争也日益激烈,尤其是小型建筑装饰企业面临着优胜劣汰的严峻考验,在机遇与挑战并存的境况下,要在市场激烈的竞争中生存和发展下去,对于 SL 建筑装饰公司而言加强成本控制意识,提高成本控制水平,有效降低施工项目成本尤为重要。

  本文运用了资料查阅法、定量分析法等方法。首先对建筑装饰行业成本控制的相关理论进行了研究,主要阐述了建筑装饰项目成本控制的概念、作用、原则和方法;其次以 SL 建筑装饰公司为主要实体研究对象,分析了 SL 建筑装饰公司项目成本控制存在的问题,主要是成本控制意识淡薄、体系不完善、方法落后、制度不健全、人员业务素质不高、施工组织不完善、岗位权责不明确等;再次对存在问题的原因进行了分析,主要是公司处于创业初期,各项制度不完善以及公司装饰工程项目的业务特点造成公司成本控制不到位;然后结合成本控制理论研究,针对目前 SL 建筑公司成本控制现状,制定出系统的工程项目成本控制方案,在成本控制的总体上从组织架构、公司制度、合同和经济措施等方面进行完善;在成本控制具体实施上按“确定目标——成本控制——成本核算——成本分析——成本考核”的标准化流程进行项目施工成本管,结合目标责任成本法与财务成本报表分析法对工程项目进行全方位、全过程的成本控制;最后通过 SL 建筑装饰公司的 A 项目对所制定的系统的成本控制方案进行演练验证。

  经过验证分析后得出结论:所制定的成本控制方案在实践中是可行的,有效的,并且能够为与 SL 建筑装饰公司相类似的建筑装饰企业提供成本控制方面的借鉴。

  关键词:装饰工程项目 成本控制 控制流程 成本控制方法


  The building decoration industry has broad market prospects in our country, but themarket competition is becoming increasingly fierce, especially small building decorationbusiness is suffering all the rigours of survival. Under the coexistence of both opportunitiesand challenges, how to survive and develop in the keen competition of the market throughstrengthen cost control awareness, improve cost control level, effectively control the costin construction projects become the important to the SL Building Decoration Company.

  The paper firstly conduct the research on related theories of building decoration andmainly devote to building decoration project’s cost control concept, function, principle andmethod through accessing to data and qualitative analysis. Secondly Take SL BuildingDecoration Company as the main physical object of study to analyze the existing problemof project cost control which including lack of awareness of cost control, incompleteinternal system, persist on old ways, low professional competence of staff, poororganization during the project implementation phase and there is nospecific and defined roles of each position. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the root causes arethe incomplete of company regulation and weak cost control system in the entrepreneurialstage. Combining the cost control theory study, the author proposed a systematic projectcost control scheme aim to improve the organization structure, company regulation, andcontract management base on current situation of cost control in SL Building DecorationCompany. Also giving suggestion on how to standardize working flow of cost controlimplementation through “set up target – cost control – cost accounting –cost analysis – costassess” together with target responsibility cost control system and financial cost statementanalysis to conduct comprehensive and overall process cost control in the project. Finally,the systematic cost control scheme has been verified through Project A of SL BuildingDecoration Company.

  The conclusions have been proved that the proposed cost control scheme is feasibleand effective, which can give some reference to the company similar to SL buildingdecoration in cost control management.

  Key words: building decoration project cost control process controlcost control method


  1 引言

  1.1 选题背景和意义

  1.1.1 选题背景

  1.1.2 选题意义

  1.2 研究目标、方法和内容

  1.2.1 研究目标

  1.2.2 研究方法

  1.2.3 研究内容

  1.3 国内外研究综述

  1.3.1 国外研究综述

  1.3.2 国内研究综述

  2 建筑装饰项目成本控制相关理论

  2.1 建筑装饰项目成本控制的概念

  2.1.1 建筑装饰项目成本的范畴

  2.1.2 项目成本控制的概念

  2.2 建筑装饰项目成本控制的作用

  2.3 建筑装饰项目成本控制的原则

  2.4 建筑装饰项目成本控制的方法

  3 建筑装饰行业及 SL 建筑装饰公司成本控制现状

  3.1 建筑装饰行业普遍现状

  3.2 SL 建筑装饰公司项目的成本控制现状及存在的问题

  3.2.1 SL 建筑装饰公司及工程项目成本概述

  3.2.2 SL 建筑装饰公司项目成本控制现状和问题

  3.3 SL 建筑装饰公司项目成本控制存在的问题成因分析

  4 SL 建筑装饰公司项目成本控制的系统方案

  4.1 SL 建筑装饰公司项目成本控制目的

  4.2 SL 建筑装饰公司项目成本控制总体对策

