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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-03 共2584字


  摘 要


  江西萍钢实业股份有限公司自2012年11月被辽宁方大集团实业有限公司重组后,在钢铁市场形势依然严峻甚至被喻为进入“寒冬期”的情况下,仅用一年时间,就从 2012 年的巨额亏损迅速转变到 2013 年实现全面盈利,企业面貌焕然一新。




  MA and Restructuring is an important method to superior enterprises realizerapid expansion strategy,and is also the main way to the disadvantage enterprisesgetting out of the woods and going toward the better and stronger. In recent years,under the pressure of the serious excess capacity, the low industry concentration, theunreasonable resources disposition and the difficulty of competing with theinternational steel giants etc., China's steel industry is setting off an upsurge of MAand Restructuring under the guidance and support of the national industrial policy. Inthis process, it has successful case, and also has failure lesson: some enterprisesrealize the comprehensive promotion of the core competitiveness by MA andRestructuring, and participate in the market competition with stronger posture, andget good grades; Some enterprises did not achieve the respect results after the MAand Restructuring, and even it was eliminated by the market, therefore, It isimportant to study how to improve enterprise core competitiveness through MA andRestructuring practical significance for MA and Restructuring in our countryenterprise and especially in the steel industry.

  Jiangxi Pingxiang steel&iron co., LTD was restructured by LiaoNing FangDagroup industrial co., LTD in November 2012. When the steel market situation is stillgrim even described as “cold winter period”, Jiangxi Pingxiang steel&iron co.,LTD made a rapid transition from huge losses in 2012 to achieve full 2013 earningsin only one year.

  This article analyzes the successful experience of corporate restructuring bycombining with the background of domestic iron and steel industry's MA andrestructuring based on the theory of MA and restructuring and core competitiveness.

  It includes the description of enterprise development, restructuring project, theanalysis of problems before restructuring and the effect after restructuring. It pointsout some problems after restructuring and proposes targeted solutions, andsummarizes the experience and enlightenment of corporate restructuring. This studyshows that we must emphasize that the core competitiveness is the ultimate goal ofMA and Restructuring, and restructuring with advantage enterprise, pay attention tothe substantial integration, and adhere to people-oriented if we want to enhance thecore competitiveness of enterprises by MA and Restructuring.

  Keywords:Steel;Corporate restructuring;Core Competitiveness

  目 录

  摘 要

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景及意义

  1.1.1 论文选题的背景

  1.1.2 论文选题的意义

  1.2 国内外研究综述

  1.2.1 国外研究综述

  1.2.2 国内研究综述

  1.3 研究方法及内容

  1.3.1 基本思路

  1.3.2 研究方法

  第 2 章 企业并购重组与核心竞争力的理论基础

  2.1 企业核心竞争力相关基本理论

  2.1.1 核心竞争力的概念

  2.1.2 核心竞争力的构成及表现形式

  2.1.3 核心竞争力的特征

  2.1.4 核心竞争力的操作过程

  2.1.5 核心竞争力对于企业发展的意义

  2.2 企业并购重组相关基本理论

  2.2.1 企业并购重组的概念

  2.2.2 企业并购重组的动因

  2.2.3 企业并购重组的效应

  2.3 企业并购重组与核心竞争力的关系

  第 3 章 萍钢公司重组前管理现状及问题分析

  3.1 企业发展历程

  3.1.1 艰难历程(1954-1996 年)

  3.1.2 扭亏脱困(1997-1999 年)

  3.1.3 承前启后(2000-2001 年)

  3.1.4 改制再造(2002-2004 年)

  3.1.5 挖潜重组(2005-2010 年)

  3.1.6 战略转型(2011-2012 年)

  3.1.7 近年来萍钢发展情况

  3.2 重组前面临的问题

  3.2.1 管理漏洞多

  3.2.2 生产成本高

  3.2.3 资产负债率高

  3.2.4 盈利能力差

  3.3 我国钢铁行业整合现状及重组案例借鉴

  3.3.1 我国钢铁行业整合现状

  3.3.2 钢铁企业重组案例借鉴

  第 4 章 萍钢公司并购重组方案及过程

  4.1 萍钢并购重组方案

  4.2 萍钢并购重组过程

  第 5 章 萍钢并购重组后核心竞争力效果评价及建议

  5.1 萍钢重组后核心竞争力效果评价

  5.1.1 硬实力分析--企业盈利能力分析

  5.1.2 软实力分析--从文化整合到管理创新

  5.2 萍钢重组后的问题及进一步解决方案

  5.2.1 存在的问题

  5.2.2 进一步解决方案

  第 6 章 结论与展望

  6.1 结论

  6.1.1 提升核心竞争力是企业并购重组的最终目的

  6.1.2 选择优势企业进行并购重组

  6.1.3 注重并购重组的实质性整合

  6.1.4 并购重组应切实做到以人为本

  6.2 展望

  致 谢

