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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-02-05 共5823字


  摘 要





  二是案例研究法。本论文选取 XG 学院为研究案例,通过个案的研究,找出当前我国高职教师绩效考核体系中存在的具体问题,期望以解决个案问题为契机,对高职院校教师绩效考核体系构建做出相应的理论探索。




  第二,通过问卷调查,提炼出高职教师绩效考核的关键指标,包括 3 个一级指标和10 个二级指标。三个一级指标分别是:高职要求(体现高职教育对教师的特殊要求)、教学工作、科研工作。十个二级指标分别是:职业资格证书、社会服务;教学工作数量、教学工作质量、专业及精品课程建设、比赛与荣誉;学术专着(论文)及教材、课题、科研成果奖、技术发明奖。

  第三,通过数据统计,计算出高职教师绩效考核一级指标和二级指标权重。在很多研究和实践中,指标权重的确定一般是主观判定,缺乏科学的方法和依据。本文通过问卷调查,将人们对某一指标重要性的定性表达转化为定量表达,然后运用层次分析法(AHP)计算指标权重。影响高职教师绩效考核最终结果的一级指标有三个,高职要求的权重是 0.214、教学工作的权重是 0.5、科研工作的权重是 0.286。其中,影响高职要求的二级指标有两个,职业资格证书的权重是 0.625,社会服务的权重是 0.375;影响教学工作的二级指标有四个,教学工作数量的权重是 0.353,教学工作质量的权重是 0.295,专业及精品课程建设的权重是 0.176,比赛与荣誉的权重是 0.176;影响科研工作的二级指标有四个,学术专着、论文及教材的权重是 0.5,课题的权重是 0.25,科研成果奖的权重是 0.0625,技术发明奖的权重是 0.1875。


  关键词:高职教师 绩效考核 关键绩效指标 权重


  With the gradual implementation of China Institution Reform and the rapid developmentof higher vocational education, the quality of teaching is crucial to the survival anddevelopment of a higher vocational college. The teacher is the key element of improvingteaching quality. So, it is rather urgent and necessary to improve the Performance AppraisalSystem for higher vocational college teachers and construct a better system which can reflectthe characteristics of Higher Vocational Education.

  This essay aims to construct a Performance Appraisal System for Higher VocationalCollege teachers which can meet the requirement of the Higher Vocational Education.Specifically, the new Performance Appraisal System is supposed to meet two conditions. Theone is to integrate the concept of Higher Vocational Education into the appraisal system. Theimplementation of the system will be good to carry out the concept in the teaching practice.

  The other is that the implementation of the Performance Appraisal System can arouse theworking enthusiasm of teachers, correctly guide the working direction and then improve theteaching quality.

  The followings are the three main research methodologies:

  First, questionnaire method. By ways of questionnaire, we can achieve three objectives:

  one is to find the questions of the current appraisal system through questionnaire onspecialists and teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges. The second is to scientifically selectthe key indicators of performance appraisal by questionnaire on specialists, leaders andteachers. The third is to reasonably balance the importance of every indicator throughquestionnaire on teachers, leaders, and students in Higher Vocational Colleges.

  Second, case study method. The essay selects the study cases from XG College. It aimsto find the specific questions existed in the current Performance Appraisal System through thecase study. Based on this chance, the study expects to make the corresponding theoreticalexploration on the construction of Performance Appraisal System in Higher VocationalColleges.

  Third, literature research method. It provides the previous literature base for the essay.The searching contents are mainly indicators, methods, existed questions and strategies ofPerformance Appraisal in Higher Vocational Colleges.

  The main study findings are as follows:

  1.There are many questions existed in the current Performance Appraisal System inHigher Vocational Colleges. We find the six main questions through questionnaire. Firstly,they consider the Performance Appraisal System for teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges asthe same as that in common colleges and universities, even in Technical secondary schools.

  The special requirements of higher vocational education are not reflected. Secondly, thesystem changes frequently; the appraisal contents are not steady; and the teachers are at a loss.

  Thirdly, the appraisal indicators are monotonous, without comprehensively reflecting theteachers Contributions and quality. Fourthly, the appraisal is not systematic, with separatedappraisal rules and results. Fifthly, the performance salary is not connected with the appraisal,and the performance salary standard is single. Sixthly, the performance salary gap is small,without the effect of motivation, rewards and punishments.

  2.The essay extracts the key indicators for the Performance Appraisal for highervocational teachers, which include 3 first-grade indexes and 10 second-grade indexes. Thethree first-grade indexes are: requirements of higher vocational education (reflecting thespecial requirements for teachers), teaching and scientific research. Ten second-grade indexesare: vocational qualification certificate, social service, teaching workload, teaching quality,profession and high-quality curriculum construction, contests and honors, academicmonograph, essay and teaching material, scientific research achievement and technicalinvention.

  3.The weight of first-grade index and second-grade index for higher vocational collegeteachers is computed according to the data statistics. In many studies and practices, thedetermination of index weight is usually subjective judgment, lacking of scientific methodand basis. Based on questionnaire survey, this paper changes the qualitative expression of theimportance of a certain indicator to quantitative expression. Then it computes the index weighby using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP).

  There are three first-grade indexes: the weight of higher vocational educationrequirements is 0.214, the teaching is 0.5, and the scientific research is 0.286. Thesecond-grade index influencing higher vocational education requirements includes towindexes: the weight of vocational qualification certificate is 0.625, and the social service is0.375. The second-grade index influencing teaching includes four indexes: the weight ofteaching workload is 0.353, the teaching quality is 0.295, the profession and high-qualitycurriculum construction is 0.176, the weight of contests and honors is 0.176. Thesecond-grade index influencing scientific research includes four indexes: the weight ofacademic monograph, essay and teaching material is 0.5, the scientific research achievementis 0.0625, the research project is 0.25, and the technical invention reward is 0.1875.

  4.We aim to construct the comprehensive and quantitative Performance AppraisalSystem for higher vocational teachers which can reflect the requirements of higher vocationaleducation. Comprehensive (eventual) performance appraisal score of higher vocationalteachers =score of higher vocational education requirements×weight + score of teachingwork×weight+ score of scientific research ×weight; score of higher vocational educationrequirements= score of vocational qualification certificate×weight + score of social service×weight(reflecting the special requirements of higher vocational education); Teaching score= score of teaching load ×weight + score of teaching quality ×weight +score of theprofession and high-quality curriculum construction×weight + score of contests and honors×weight; score of scientific research=score of academic monograph, essay and teachingmaterial × weight+ score of research project × weight + score of scientific researchachievement×weight+ score of technical invention reward×weight.

  Key words:Higher vocational teachers,Performance appraisal,Key performance indicator,weight


  目 录

  摘 要


  1 绪论

  1.1 研究的背景

  1.1.1 我国事业单位分类改革

  1.1.2 XG 学院战略目标的确定

  1.2 研究的目的和意义

  1.2.1 研究的目的

  1.2.2 研究的意义

  1.3 文献综述

  1.3.1 国外研究现状

  1.3.2 国内研究现状

  1.4 论文的创新点和难点

  1.4.1 创新点

  1.4.2 难点及突破策略

  1.5 论文结构和研究方法

  1.5.1 论文结构

  1.5.2 研究方法

  2 关键绩效指标(KPI)考核法和层次分析法(AHP)介绍

  2.1 关键绩效指标(KPI)考核法

  2.1.1 关键绩效指标的理念

  2.1.2 关键绩效指标的提炼原则——SMART 原则

  2.1.3 关键绩效指标的提炼方法——关键成功要素分析法

  2.1.4 关键绩效指标(KPI)考核法的适用范围

  2.2 层次分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process,简称 AHP)

  2.2.1 层次分析法及其主要用途

  2.2.2 层次分析法的基本思路

  2.2.3 运用层次分析法计算指标权重的基本步骤

  3 XG 学院高职教师绩效考核现状分析

  3.1 XG 学院简介

  3.2 XG 学院教师考核现状

  3.2.1 学生评教现状

  3.2.2 年终考核现状

  3.2.3 绩效工资制度

  3.3 教师现行绩效考核制度的调查问卷设计

  3.3.1 调查目的及样本选取

  3.3.2 问卷设计

  3.4 XG 学院教师考核存在的问题分析

  3.4.1 未将高职教育的特殊要求纳入考核体系

  3.4.2 考核体系不稳定,教师感觉茫然

  3.4.3 绩效考核指标单一,不能综合反映教师贡献和素质

  3.4.4 各考核制度相互分离,考核结果与绩效工资脱节

  3.4.5 绩效工资发放依据单一

  3.4.6 奖励性绩效工资差距小,激励效果差

  4 XG 学院高职教师绩效考核体系设计

  4.1 关键指标选取的调查问卷设计

  4.1.1 调查目的及样本选取

  4.1.2 问卷设计

  4.2 关键指标的确定及评分规则

  4.2.1 反映高职教育特殊要求的关键指标及评分规则

  4.2.2 反映教学工作的关键指标及评分规则

  4.2.3 反映科研工作的关键指标及评分规则

  4.2.4 关键指标体系

  4.3 指标权重确定的调查问卷设计

  4.3.1 调查目的及样本选取

  4.3.2 问卷设计

  4.4 指标权重的确定

  4.4.1 调查数据的整理分析

  4.4.2 运用层次分析法(AHP)计算“高职教师绩效考核”各指标权重

  4.4.3 运用层次分析法(AHP)计算“高职要求”各指标权重

  4.4.4 运用层次分析法(AHP)计算“教学工作”各指标权重

  4.4.5 运用层次分析法(AHP)计算“科研工作”各指标权重

  4.5 构建高职教师绩效考核体系

  4.5.1 考核指标及权重

  4.5.2 二级指标评分标准

  4.5.3 绩效考核综合得分的计算方法

  4.5.4 考核周期及实施部门

  4.6 绩效考核结果的应用——绩效工资设计

  5 结 论

  5.1 本文研究结论

  5.2 未来研究建议

