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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-03 共2121字


  摘 要



  本文应用了 SWOT 分析,市场分析,定价策略,营销管理等管理学知识和相应的工具,在此基础上紧密联系市场实际,以具有较大市场潜力的产品-白茶,作为理论分析的落脚点,也以此为其他老茶产品的营销提供可借鉴的理论和和启发。



  In recent years, as the concept of life cultivation and health preservation are graduallyrooted among the people, the old tea products such as white tea that can be stored for a longtime have become more and more popular among consumers because of their unique healthcare value and collection value. As more and more consumers are familiar with and fond ofwhite tea, the price of white tea has also grown up greatly in recent years. Seen from thecurrent market condition, the white tea is still a niche product, and its price is relativelyreasonable. A good return on investment will be obtained if you can grasp the marketopportunity, and effectively integrate various resources to invest the old tea dominated bythe white tea. However, standing out in such traditional tea market must demonstratedifferentiation in marketing and explore a new path that nobody once goes by.

  This paper is a business plan, discussing how to grasp this business chance to win returnon investment by a brand-new marketing pattern. The paper introduces the product andmarketing concept, discusses the business model to be operated, analyzes the developmenttendency of this industry and market according to the present market situation, and alsoanalyzes the estimated future benefits from perspective of the financing and the rate of returnon investment. Under the guidance of the new ideas such as such as “Storing Old Tea andDrinking New Tea”, “Investment in Tea Cellar, a New Way of Fund Management”, abrand-new experiential marketing pattern is designed. Currently, this pattern isunprecedented in the local (Changchun City) market. This paper analyzes the possible risks,presents 6 major potential risks, and provides countermeasures for each risk.

  This article uses some knowledge and tools of the management science, such as SWOTanalysis, pricing strategy, and marketing management. On the basis of this, it closelyconnects the market practice and takes the white tea that has a great market potential as thetheoretical basis to provide theory and enlightenment that can be used as the reference forthe marketing of other old tea products.

  Keywords:Old Tea, White Tea, Tea Cellar, Marketing, Pioneering Work

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 选题背景

  1.2 执行摘要

  1.3 公司基本情况

  第 2 章 产品及服务描述

  2.1 导语

  2.2 产品

  2.2.1 白茶保健功效最好,农残检测安全

  2.2.2 白茶最具贮藏价值,升值潜力巨大

  2.2.3 上游厂商具有优势资源

  2.3 服务

  2.3.1 门店茶窖的种类

  2.3.2 私人订制茶窖

  2.4 服务项目及费用的构成

  2.5 产品及服务的竞争优势与劣势

  2.5.1 产品优势

  2.5.2 服务优势

  2.5.3 产品劣势

  2.5.4 服务劣势

  第 3 章 行业及市场

  3.1 中国茶叶行业大趋势

  3.2 白茶市场现状及预测

  第 4 章 营销策略

  4.1 产品策略

  4.2 价格策略

  4.3 渠道策略

  4.4 广告促销策略

  第 5 章 商业模式及财务预测

  5.1 资金来源和使用计划

  5.2 商业模式及收益预测

  5.2.1 店铺选择及目标客户

  5.2.2 盈利模式

  5.2.3 利润预测

  5.3 现金流分析和权益分配

  5.4 投资方享有的监督和管理权力

  第 6 章 风险控制

  6.1 风险一:供应发生波动,采购成本上升,影响利润空间

  6.2 风险二:客户不接受我们的茶窖模式

  6.3 风险三:现金流不足

  6.4 风险四:股东拆伙

  6.5 风险五:核心资源掌握在少数人手里

  6.6 风险六:竞争对手复制我们的模式

  总 结


  致 谢
