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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-10-31 共2776字


  摘 要:近年来,国内海水淡化行业蓬勃发展。中冶集团积极把握机遇,重视海水淡化业务拓展工作,在海水淡化领域积累了一定的资源和经验,具备发展海水淡化的良好基础,但也存在业务开拓慢、经验缺乏、支撑能力不够等问题。为加快海水淡化业务拓展速度,形成企业海水淡化核心竞争力,研究制定海水淡化发展战略是中冶海水淡化有限公司迫切需要解决的问题。

  本文概括地分析了战略管理的相关理论。并以这些理论为基础,综合分析中冶海水淡化有限公司的发展情况以及影响企业的内外部环境因素。同时,使用了 PEST 分析、SWOT 分析等多种战略分析工具,对该公司的政治环境、经济环境、社会环境、技术环境等方面进行了系统、全面和深入的分析。不仅详细阐述了公司内部优劣势以及外部的机会和威胁,而且对中冶海水淡化有限公司进行发展战略的制定,并且重点提出了发展战略规划以及发展战略的实施。最后对中冶海水淡化有限公司的战略管理有效实施从四个方面提出了保障措施,包括组织保障、人才保障、完善细节战略体系、企业文化保障等内容。



  Abstract: In recent years, the desalination industry is booming. ZhongyeGroup actively seizes the opportunitiy, emphasising on the desalinationbusiness development work, and accumulates a certain amount of resourcesand experience in the field of desalination, which establishes a good basis forthe development of desalination. But there are also some problems, such asslow development, lack of experience and so on. In order to speed up thedesalination business development and set up desalination corecompetitiveness, it is urgent to study and formulate the desalination businessstrategy for Zhongye Metallurgical Desalination Corporation.

  This article briefly analyzes the relevant theories of strategicmanagement. And on the basis of these theories, analyzing themetallurgical development of desalination and t the internal and externalenvironmental factors of the enterprise. At the same time, using a variety ofstrategic analysis tools PEST and SWOT comprehensively and deeplyanalyzes the company's political environment, economic environment, socialenvironment, and technology environment.Not only expounds the internaladvantages and disadvantages as well as the external opportunities andthreats, but establishes the development strategy of China metallurgical waterdesalination.Then this article puts forward the development strategy plan.

  Finally,this paper put forward four effective implementation of the strategicmanagement of desalination to make them used easily, includingorganization, personnel, improve the details of the strategy system andenterprise culture protection.

  For the actual problem of the company, the paper uses the theory ofadvanced analytical tools and puts forward to effectively the enterprisedevelopment strategy planning, forming a set for the perfection of thedevelopment strategy of the company, including development goals,long-term strategic vision and themes.It has a positive meaning for the newenvironmental protection enterprises, state-owned enterprises, emergingenterprise development strategy research theory reference and reference.Thepaper believes that establishing strategic leading enterprise managementsystem, and with the change of internal and external environment for thedevelopment of continuous improvement and innovation, can effectivelyachieve business goals. The research achievements of this paper can provideChina metallurgical company with strategic planning and construction ofdesalination .And it is helpful for the state-owned large and medium-sizedenterprise strategic management .

  Keywords: Strategy ;Strategy Management;Metallurgical Desalination;Strategy Formulation;Strategy Implementation

  目 录

  1 绪论……1

  1.1 研究背景、目的及意义……1

  1.1.1 研究背景……1

  1.1.2 研究目的……2

  1.1.3 研究意义……3

  1.2 国内外研究现状……3

  1.2.1 国外相关研究现状……3

  1.2.2 国内相关研究现状……5

  1.2.3 国内外研究现状评述……6

  1.3 研究思路与方法……7

  1.3.1 研究思路……7

  1.3.2 研究方法……8

  1.4 研究的重难点和创新点……9

  1.4.1 论文的重点和难点……9

  1.4.2 论文的创新点……9

  1.5 研究的主要内容……9

  2 相关理论与方法…… 11

  2.1 战略管理相关理论…… 11

  2.1.1 战略概述…… 11

  2.1.2 战略管理的内涵……13

  2.1.3 战略管理的过程……13

  2.1.4 战略管理的层次……15

  2.2 PEST 分析模型……16

  2.3 SWOT 分析模型……17

  2.3.1 SWOT 分析法……17

  2.3.2 SWOT 分析表……19

  3 中冶海水淡化有限公司现状介绍……21

  3.1 中冶海水淡化有限公司简介……21

  3.2 中冶海水淡化有限公司当前组织结构……21

  3.3 中冶海水淡化有限公司人力资源现状……23

  3.4 中冶海水淡化有限公司所处行业现状……25

  3.5 中冶海水淡化有限公司发展中存在的问题……25

  3.6 本章小结……26

  4 中冶海水淡化有限公司环境分析……27

  4.1 中冶海水淡化有限公司宏观环境分析……27

  4.1.1 政治环境……27

  4.1.2 经济环境……27

  4.1.3 社会环境……29

  4.1.4 技术环境……29

  4.2 SWOT 分析……30

  4.2.1 潜在内部优势……30

  4.2.2 潜在内部劣势……31

  4.2.3 潜在外部机会……31

  4.2.4 潜在外部威胁……31

  4.2.5 SWOT 分析总结……32

  4.3 战略环境分析总体结论……32

  4.4 本章小结……33

  5 中冶海水淡化有限公司发展战略制定与实施……35

  5.1 中冶海水淡化有限公司发展战略制定……35

  5.1.1 战略制定指导思想……35

  5.1.2 企业发展愿景以及使命……35

  5.1.3 总体发展战略……35

  5.1.4 业务支撑战略……36

  5.1.5 能力支撑战略……38

  5.2 中冶海水淡化公司发展战略实施……40

  5.2.1 分阶段发展三大业务支撑板块……40

  5.2.2 提升能力支撑力度……43

  5.3 本章小结……45

  6 中冶海水淡化有限公司总体发展战略保障……47

  6.1 组织保障……47

  6.2 人才保障……48

  6.3 完善细节战略体系……48

  6.4 企业文化保障……49

  6.5 本章小结……50

  7 结论与展望……51


  致 谢……57
