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来源:未知 作者:陈赛楠
发布于:2016-12-06 共3256字


  With the rapid development of China's urbanization, a great deal of rural land hasbeen expropriated, the problems of landless farmers' became prominent, which havebadly influenced the development of economy and the harmony of society.At presentthe research of landless farmers mainly focused on the physical level, while the study ofthe psychological level maybe insufficient. Therefore, this paper choose psychologicalconflict of the landless farmers as the main research contents, following the order ofurbanization. Through the analyses of the process of the psychological conflicts oflandless farmers dynamically, obtaining the dynamica logic. It is not only avoid the riskof the process of urbanization, but aslo promote landless farmers merge into cities.
  This study placed the psychological conflict of landless farmers in thebackground of China's urbanization, analysis the conflict in different stages throughLewin's psychological conflict theory, relative deprivation and Maslow's hierarchy ofneeds theory. Selecting a representative village in Shanxi Province as the researchobject, i interviewed many landless farmers to know the changes of their life in theurbanization, then obtain a series of realistic conflicts and psychological conflicts in theprocess of urbanization. Through the analyses of the process of the psychologicalconflicts of landless farmers dynamically, obtaining the influencing factors of thepsychological conflict of landless farmers. Following the order of urbanization, themain contents are as follows:
  Firstly, the psychological conflict of landless farmers showed in two aspcets:(1)Avoidance-avoidance conflict. (2)Approach-avoidance conflict. The former conflictcaused by the restriction of subjective and objective conditions. The other conflictcaused by the opportunities and challenges of the city.
  Secondly, the conflict showed in two aspcets:(1)The distribution of land is notbalanced, causing a sense of relative deprivation. (2)It is difficult to release negativeemotions, which makes the conflict much more serious.
  Thirdly, the conflict showed in two aspcets:(1)The needs of multi-level are notbeing met, which make the farmers' sense of belonging is not strong.(2)The mentalconfusion of values, which make the the role transformation of landless farmersdifficulty.
  Faced a series of changes, landless farmers are easily get into trouble in theprocess of urbanization. The psychological conflict of landless farmers will lead to theirrational and uncertainty of their behavior, which has badly influence for theimplementation of urbanization and the harmony of society.At last, the author thinksthat the government should change management concept, pursue institutional reformand improve the management, can the problems be solved.
  Key words: landless farmer;psychological conflict;urbanization

  第一章 绪论
  第一节 研究背景和意义
  第二节 国内外研究综述
  第三节 研究思路与研究方法
  第四节 创新与不足
  第二章 核心概念界定及相关理论分析
  第一节 核心概念界定
  第二节 相关理论分析
  第三章 征地前农民的心理冲突
  第一节 D 村的基本情况
  第二节 征地前农民心理冲突的表现
  第三节 农民产生心理冲突的原因
  第四章 征地中农民的心理冲突
  第一节 D 村征地冲突始末
  第二节 征地中农民心理冲突的表现
  第三节 农民产生心理冲突的原因
  第五章 征地后农民的心理冲突
  第一节 D 村农民的城市融入情况
  第二节 征地后农民心理冲突的表现
  第三节 农民产生心理冲突的原因
  第六章 失地农民心理冲突的化解途径
  第一节 以民为本:预防与疏导相结合
  第二节 与时俱进:推进土地制度的革新
  第三节 依法行政:规范征地程序
  第四节 广开言路:疏通并拓宽利益诉求渠道
  第五节 因地制宜:完善社会保障制度
  第六节 转变观念:给予失地农民更多关怀