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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-23 共3170字


  摘 要

  法治是一种全球化的意识形态,也是现代各国一直追求的目标。近几年,运用法治指数量化法治的评估活动不断出现。国外,比较典型的有世界银行的“全球治理指数”、世界正义工程的“法治指数”;国内,比较有代表性的是香港的法治指数、浙江余杭区的法治指数。尤其是余杭区 2008 年 6 月推出了中国内地首个法治指数,使法治评估由定性转为定量分析,实现了中国内地法治水平量化评估的零突破。湖南省作为中国中部崛起的中心省份,在法治发展中也不甘落后,率先出台了中国首部行政程序法典--《湖南省行政程序规定》。2011 年通过了《法治湖南建设纲要》(以下简称《纲要》),提出了湖南法治发展的总目标:到2020 年,地方性法规规章更加完备,依法治国基本方略深入落实,公共权力运行规范,公民合法权益得到切实尊重和保障,全社会法治意识和法律素质普遍提高,经济社会秩序良好,人民安居乐业。运用法治指数对法治湖南进行评估,不仅有利于对当前法治发展水平做出有效测评,而且有利于及时发现法治发展过程中的各种问题并适时提出相应对策予以解决和完善。

  全文共分五章:第 1 章为导论,阐述本文的选题背景和研究意义,并对文献进行综述。第 2 章法治评估指标体系的基本理论。在叙述法治评估与法治评估指标体系两者概念的辩证关系的基础上,指出当前法治评估面临的挑战,为展开全文奠定了扎实的理论基础。第 3 章为法治评估的国内外实践。旨在对法治评估的国内外实践进行简要介绍,为本文的构建提供实践的借鉴。第 4 章构建法治湖南评估指标体系的基本原则与框架。主要探讨湖南法治评估指标体系构建遵循的基本原则、几种模式的选择,及法治湖南评估指标体系的基本框架。第 5 章法治湖南评估指标体系的具体操作。本章主要从法治评估的主体、权重设计、基本数据的采集等研究方法与组织保障政策支持几个方面展开。



  The rule of law is a kind of ideology of globalization and modern countries has been thepursuit of goals. In recent years, using the quantitative index of the rule of law under the ruleof law assessment activities appear constantly. Abroad, typically have a “global governanceindex” of the world bank, the world justice project “index” rule of law; Domestic, morerepresentative is Hong Kong's rule of law, the rule of law of Zhejiang Yu hang area index.

  Especially in Yu hang district launched in June 2008 in mainland China's first index under therule of law, the rule of law evaluation from qualitative to quantitative analysis, realizes thequantitative evaluation of the rule of law level zero breakthrough in mainland China.In 2011passed “the rule of law construction of Hunan outline (hereinafter referred to as the outline),the outline put forward the overall goal of the development of the rule of law of Hunan: by2020, local regulations rules and more complete, deep implement the basic strategy for therule of law, public power operation specification, get respect and guarantee citizens lawfulrights and interests, the whole society's awareness of the rule of law and the generalimprovement of legal quality, economic and social order is good, the people to live and workin peace and contentment. Hunan province using the index to evaluate the rule of law underthe rule of law, not only make effective evaluation to the current development level of therule of law, also can timely find problems and put forward the correspondingcountermeasures in the development of the rule of law, become the ”barometer“, the rule oflaw development is not only a matter of rule of law to achieve the overall goal of constructionof Hunan, but also in Hunan political stability, economic development and cultural progressin many aspects, the social harmony.

  The full text is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is an introduction,describesthe background and significance of the research, and reviews the literature. The secondchapter the basic theory of legal evaluation index system.Based on the dialectical relationshipbetween the rule of law and the rule of law both evaluation evaluation index system on thedefinition, pointed out that the current legal challenges in the evaluation, to start by laying asolid theoretical foundation. The third chapter is the practice at home and abroad legalevaluation. Aimed at the legal assessment of the practice at home and abroad are brieflyintroduced, providing reference for the construction of practice. The establishment of the ruleof law in Hunan to assess the basic principles and framework of index system in chapterfourth. Mainly discusses the evaluation index system of rule of law in Hunan to follow thebasic principles, several modes of selection, and the rule of law and the basic frame of theassessment index system of Hunan. The fifth chapter the rule of evaluation index system ofHunan supporting measures. The main body, this chapter mainly from the legal assessment ofthe acquisition of basic data of the weight design, organization and policy support aspects.

  Key words:The rule of law in Hunan province; The rule of law evaluation; Evaluate quotasystem

  目 录

  第 1 章 导论……1

  1.1 研究背景 …… 1

  1.2 研究意义 …… 4

  1.3 文献综述 …… 4

  第 2 章 建立法治评估指标体系的基本理论……7

  2.1 法治评估与评估指标体系 …… 7

  2.1.1 法治评估的概念 …… 7

  2.1.2 法治评估指标体系 …… 8

  2.2 法治评估指标体系的特点和功能 …… 9

  2.2.1 法治评估指标体系的特点 …… 9

  2.2.2 法治评估指标体系的功能 …… 9

  2.3 法治评估的优势 …… 11

  2.4 湖南省建立法治评估指标体系的必要性与可行性 …… 12

  2.4.1 湖南省建立法治评估指标体系的必要性 …… 12

  2.4.2 湖南省建立法治评估指标体系的可行性 …… 13

  2.5 法治评估指标体系构建所要考虑的问题 …… 15

  第 3 章 法治评估的国内外实践……18

  3.1 国际法治指标体系的实践 …… 18

  3.1.1 透明国际腐败认知指数 …… 18

  3.1.2 世界银行的治理指数 …… 19

  3.1.3 易卜拉欣非洲国家治理指数 …… 19

  3.1.4 世界正义工程的法治指数 …… 20

  3.2 国内法治指标体系的实践 …… 26

  3.2.1 香港的法治指数 …… 26

  3.2.2 浙江“法治余杭”评估体系 …… 28

  3.2.3 其他地方的法治评估指标体系 …… 31

  3.3 我国法治评估现状 …… 31

  第 4 章 构建法治湖南评估指标体系的基本原则与框架……34

  4.1 构建“法治湖南”建设评估指标体系“的基本原则 …… 34

  4.1.1 科学性与合理性原则 …… 34

  4.1.2 系统性和典型性相结合的原则 …… 34

  4.1.3 坚持法治统一和保持地方特色原则 …… 35

  4.1.4 客观指标与主观指标相结合原则 …… 35

  4.1.5 静态指标与动态指标相结合原则 …… 36

  4.1.6 可持续性原则 …… 36

  4.2 法治湖南评估指标模式的选择 …… 37

  4.2.1 几种评估模式的类型化分析 …… 37

  4.2.2 湖南省法治评估指标体系构建的基本思路 …… 39

  4.3 法治湖南指标体系构建的基本思路及框架 …… 39

  4.3.1 法治湖南指标体系的基本框架 …… 39

  4.3.2 湖南法治评估指标体系的选择及其理由 …… 44

  第 5 章 法治湖南评估指标体系的具体操作……45

  5.1 法治评估的主体选择 …… 45

  5.2 指标权重的测算方法与权重赋值 …… 45

  5.2.1 层次分析法 …… 46

  5.2.2 德尔菲法 …… 46

  5.2.3 多指标综合评估法 …… 47

  5.3 基本数据的采集方式 …… 48

  5.4 组织保障和政策支持 …… 48


  致 谢……53
