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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-21 共3062字














  Food safety has been a hot topic which attract widespread public attention,because it relates people's livelihood, determines every person's life and health. Asconsumers and food producers have substantial unbalanced in the area of professionalknowledge, adapt to the needs of the consumer about food safety information, foodcertification bodies arise at the historic moment. However, some food certificationbodies are trying to pass fish eyes for pearls, they not only cannot ensure the rigor ofcertification, but also some false, fraudulent certificate behavior.

  The purpose of this paper is to explore the legislative and judicial problems offood certification and its civil liability in existing laws, regulations and policies,analyses the civil liability form of food certification, find out the most reasonable wayfor food certification body to assume civil liability as well as the liability limit, seeka solution for civil liability realization, build a complete framework of civil liabilityof food certification. This paper consists of six parts:

  The first part import Sanlu incident, analyses some related issues of foodcertification in theory and practice, and combine the theory of American scholars andrelated research achievements of scholars in our country, find what problem the civilresponsibility of food certification to solve.

  The second part mainly defines food certification, exemplifies the nature of thefood certification body which as the subject of civil liability, analyses the legalrelationship between different subjects and content of legal relationship throughoutthe food certification in detail.

  The third part is about how to put the civil liability down of food certification.

  At first, I find some theoretical basis on the civil liability of food certification,thenanalyses the imputation principle and constitutive requirements for the civil liabilityof food certification.

  The fourth part explores the form of civil liability for food certification, analysesthe joint liability what judicial interpretation provide and untrue joint compensationobligation what may probably happen,as well as the individual responsibility in thespecial situation.

  The fifth part study the relief of food certification responsibility, analyses fourkinds of possible circumstances, considering the third-party status of foodcertification bodies and the reality, we should limit the damage compensation liabilityfor food certification bodies in order to promote the development of the industry andensure the realization of fair principle.

  The sixth part explore the possibilities and ways of civil liability of, throughusing related concept of mass tort compensation fund system and law firm's liabilityinsurance system, to promote certain and diverse liability mechanism of foodcertification bodies.

  key words: Food certification,Food Certification bodies,Civil liability

  目 录



  第 1 章 引 言……1

  第 2 章 食品认证的界定及法律关系……6

  2.1 食品认证的界定……6

  2.1.1 食品认证的概念……6

  2.1.2 食品认证的基本类型……6

  2.1.3 食品认证不同于商业代言……8

  2.1.4 食品认证不同于会计专业事务……9

  2.2 食品认证法律关系的主体……10

  2.2.1 认证机构……10

  2.2.2 消费者……11

  2.2.3 食品生产商……12

  2.3 食品认证法律关系的内容……12

  2.3.1 食品认证机构的权利和义务……12

  2.3.2 食品生产商的权利和义务……14

  2.3.3 消费者的权利和义务……14

  第 3 章 食品认证民事责任的归结……16

  3.1 食品认证侵权归结责任的学理……16

  3.1.1 信赖利益说……16

  3.1.2 附保护第三人作用的合同说……17

  3.2 食品认证民事责任归责原则……18

  3.3 食品认证侵权责任的构成要件……19

  3.3.1 有违反法律义务的食品认证行为……19

  3.3.2 食品认证行为造成了损害事实……20

  3.3.3 违法认证与损害事实的因果关系……21

  3.3.4 食品认证侵权要以存在过错为前提……21

  第 4 章 食品认证损害赔偿的责任形态……24

  4.1 连带责任……24

  4.1.1 法律规定的责任形态……24

  4.1.2 共同侵权承担连带责任……24

  4.2 补充责任……25

  4.2.1 补充责任的类型……25

  4.2.2 食品认证机构与食品生产商不构成分别侵权……26

  4.3 不真正连带责任……27

  4.4 单独责任……28

  第 5 章 食品认证的责任减免……30

  5.1 食品认证责任减免的必要性……30

  5.2 食品认证责任减免的事由与情形……31

  5.2.1 公平原则与补充赔偿责任--借鉴会计事务所经验……31

  5.2.2 食品生产商的错误……33

  5.2.3 消费者的错误引发的过失相抵……34

  5.2.4 赔偿范围的限制……34

  5.2.5 超出认证机构认证领域的认证责任……35

  第 6 章 食品认证民事责任的实现……36

  6.1 民事赔偿责任优先原则……36

  6.2 立法上要明确认证过失及相应的责任形态……38

  6.3 给予受害消费者司法救济的可能性……38

  6.3.1 食品认证机构承担民事责任的主体适格……38

  6.3.2 举证责任的承担……39

  6.4 建立食品认证机构赔偿基金制度……40

  6.4.1 建立赔偿基金制度的必要性……40

  6.4.2 建立赔偿基金模式--对大规模侵权损害赔偿基金的借鉴……40

  6.5 建立食品认证责任保险制度 ……42

  结 语……43

  致 谢……44

