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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-22 共4176字


  摘 要



  通过对环境法教育在技工院校建筑专业开展的必要性和可行性的探讨,认为环境法教育是技工院校建筑专业必需的,也是可行的,这不单是专业本身的需要,也是素质教育的需要。采用实证的方法对陕西省截止 2013 年底开设有建筑类专业的 17 所技工院校进行调查得到的结果是:3 所技工院校在开设的法律课程里有环境法部分内容,9 所技工院校是在定期开展的素质教育中包含一些环境法知识,其余 4 所没有开展相关的环境法教育。总体情况是环境法教育在技工院校建筑类专业开展的不理想,需要加强和补充。



  关键词: 技工院校;建筑专业;环境教育;环境法教育;技工院校学生


  The deterioration of the environment is caused by frequent environmental problem andrecently it has been a serious threat to the health of human beings to survive. Environmentalcrisis become one of the three major crises which influence the human development. It isbelieved that environmental education to all citizens and improving the citizens'

  environmental consciousness and practice ability are the best choices to handle environmentalcrisis. What’s more, environmental law education is an important content of implementingenvironmental education function, vigorously carry out environmental law education is verynecessary, also is the fundamental guarantee of ecological civilization construction in ourcountry. Environmental law education is more directed and pertinence for professional jobposition and some majors which are closely connected with the major of architecture. Themajor job of students in Construction school of Mechanic colleges is in the construction of aline, which have close connection with environment. That means education aboutenvironmental law guarantees environmental protection of construction work effectively,which has significant effect on the sustainable development of economic construction. Thestudy of environmental education in major of architecture in mechanic colleges is guided bythe holistic education theory, quality education theory, the barrel theory and the theory ofsustainable development. It studies to carry out the environmental law education, to carry outthe necessity and feasibility of the present situation of the environmental law educationproblems and countermeasures of perfecting environmental law education for buildingprofessional mechanic colleges.

  Through discussing the feasibility and necessity of carrying out environmentallaw education in mechanic college architecture professional, it is believed that education ofenvironmental law in to those students who are major in architecture in mechanical collegeare not only necessary, but also feasible, which is not only the need of professional itself, butalso the need of quality education. Using the method of empirical in shaanxi province by theend of 2013, the results of the investigate about 17 mechanic college major in architecture are:3 mechanic colleges’ low course includes the law of environmental part, 9 mechanic collegesregularly carry out quality education including some knowledge of environmental knowledge,the remaining four colleges did not to carry out the relevant environmental law education. Thegeneral situation of environmental law education in major of architecture is not ideal, andneed to strengthen and complement. According to the establishment of professional settings,teaching objectives and teaching plan in mechanic colleges and universities, there are threemain reasons of insufficient environmental law education. One is the dominant courses: it isdifficult to adjust the professional teaching plan leading to the need of professional requiredcourse cannot timely follow up; assessment of teaching evaluation system is not perfect,environmental law education lack of assessment indicator; teaching content is not clear, inview of the mechanic school building professional environmental law education content. Thesecond is the recessive courses: understanding of environmental law education is not deep;pay much attention to professional knowledge whereas despise quality education; lack ofrecognition of the relationship between the architectural and environmental law. Three is raresome related knowledge in environmental law in some school activities. Some suggestions tothis problem: one is to put the environmental law education and related courses intoarchitecture professional teaching goal and the teaching plan; the second is to change theenvironmental law education of modular teaching into content, to meet the need ofprofessional module combination; the third is the flexible use of teaching methods to carry outthe environmental law education; the fourth is to perfect the environmental law educationteaching evaluation; the fifth is to rich in environmental law education ways and means.

  Keywords: Mechanic colleges; Architecture; Environmental Education; Education ofEnvironmental law; Students in Mechanic colleges

  目 录

  第一章 导言

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究目的和意义

  1.2.1 研究目的

  1.2.2 研究意义

  1.3 国内外研究现状

  1.3.1 国外研究现状

  1.3.2 国内研究现状

  1.3.3 国内外研究现状述评

  1.4 理论依据

  1.4.1 全人教育理论

  1.4.2 素质教育理论

  1.4.3 木桶理论

  1.4.4 可持续发展理论

  1.5 研究的主要内容

  1.6 研究思路和方法

  1.7 研究的创新之处

  第二章 技工院校环境法教育

  2.1 环境法教育

  2.1.1 环境法教育的概念

  2.1.2 环境法教育的内涵

  2.1.3 环境法教育的目的

  2.1.4 环境法教育的内容

  2.1.5 环境法教育的形式

  2.2 环境法教育的必要性

  2.2.1 环境恶化引发环境法教育

  2.2.2 循环经济需要环境法教育

  2.2.3 提高公民素质的要求

  2.2.4 专业岗位的需要

  2.2.5 可持续发展需要的重要保证

  2.3 技工院校建筑专业环境法教育

  2.3.1 技工院校环境法教育

  2.3.2 技工院校建筑专业环境法教育

  第三章 建筑专业环境法教育现状及存在的问题

  3.1 环境法教育现状

  3.1.1 培养目标

  3.1.2 课程设置

  3.1.3 专业岗位需要

  3.2 环境法教育存在的问题

  3.2.1 显性课程中的问题

  3.2.2 隐性课程中的问题

  3.2.3 学校举办活动中的问题

  第四章 建筑专业环境法教育存在问题的成因分析

  4.1 显性课程中的问题成因

  4.1.1 专业教学计划调整困难

  4.1.2 教学考核评价体系不健全

  4.1.3 教学内容设计不确定

  4.2 隐性课程中的问题成因

  4.2.1 技工院校建筑专业对环境法教育的认识不足

  4.2.2 只注重专业技能的培养而忽视整体素质的提高

  4.2.3 没有认识到环境法教育对建筑专业的重要性

  4.3 学校活动中环境法教育不足的问题成因

  4.3.1 认为环境法教育活动不是主要活动

  4.3.2 对环境法教育活动认识不足

  4.3.3 对环境法教育活动的定位不对

  第五章 完善技工院校建筑专业环境法教育的对策建议

  5.1 将环境法教育列入到建筑专业教学目标

  5.1.1 培养学生建立环境法理念

  5.1.2 传授学生环境法律知识

  5.1.3 加强学生环境法实践,训练依法解决实际问题能力

  5.1.4 为社会培养具有环境法制观念的建筑专业人才

  5.2 环境法教育的教学内容实行模块化

  5.2.1 教材选择和运用的模块化

  5.2.2 理论知识模块化的传授

  5.2.3 实证材料的模块化补充和使用

  5.3 灵活运用教学方法

  5.3.1 教师中心型教学法

  5.3.2 师生互动型教学法

  5.3.3 实践型教学法

  5.4 完善环境法教育的教学评价

  5.4.1 教学评价设计的目的

  5.4.2 教学评价设计的原则

  5.4.3 教学评价设计的方法

  5.5 丰富环境法教育的教育途径和教育手段

  5.5.1 采取多渠道教育途径开展环境法教育

  5.5.2 教育手段的形式多样化



