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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-02-09 共2786字








  With the integration of the world as well as the advent of the era of knowledge economy, thecompetition between enterprises by resources and technology has evolved into the competition ofhuman resources. LanXin company, as a family-owned private enterprise, after ten years ofdevelopment, has begun to take shape, but also has some ordinary problems existing infamily-owned businesses in terms of human resource management, such as lack of high-endmanagement personnel, staff training and lack of incentives, staff liquidity is bigger, lack ofenterprise core culture, etc. How to build LanXin company a modern private enterprise based onthe current, related to the long-term development of the enterprise, and the key to this problem isto strive to build 技 human resource management system in accordance with their own actualsituation.

  In the process of research, this article use the literature research and literature reference,collect and analyze the data from the existing literature, on the basis of human resourcemanagement theory and the current advanced human resource management concept,family-owned private enterprise human resource management and so on to carry on the literaturereview, which lay a theoretical foundation for follow-up study. And this article use case analysisas the basic research method at the same time. To the main research target - LanXin company,with in-depth analysis, find out the existing problems and the insufficiency,and make the factsfoundation for the next feasible human resource management system of the enterprise .To get thefirst-hand information on LanXin company's human resource management by means ofquestionnaire and visiting.

  In view of the current situation of LanXin company, this article tries to build LanXincompany's human resource management system from the six aspects: The first is providinghigh-level talent support by introducing and cultivating professional managers, for thestandardized management of the company especially in the aspect of the construction of humanresource management system; The second is the preparation of job analysis and job description,to provide the necessary foundation for staff recruitment, staff training, performance managementand salary management; The third is to build the recruitment system, constantly supplying andabsorbing the excellent talents for the company; The fourth is to establish a long-term trainingsystem, in order to improve employees' skills or comprehensive qualities and further to excavatethe potential of the company's existing staff; The fifth is to establish a performance managementsystem, making layers of decomposition about the company strategic target, setting up organicconnections between staffs phonal goals and company's objectives,and through performanceappraisal, to mobilize the staffs motivation and creativity; The sixth is to build a performancepay system, connecting employee compensation and employee performance closely, to make theemployee pay structure more reasonable and further to make incentive effect on the compensation.

  Through the above research, this article can provide LanXin company to establish their ownpractical human resource management system and have certain operability of it, at the same time,it can make reference to other family-owned private enterprises.

  Key words: LanXin Company; human resources; management





























