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来源:河北师范大学 作者:檀伟
发布于:2017-03-01 共5594字


  摘 要
  在世界上各项竞技体育中,足球运动称得上是影响力最大,关注度最高,各项赛事最频繁的运动了。足球运动在我国有着深厚的群众基础,成为足球的世界冠军是每个孩子的梦想。青少年足球是足球运动发展的重要基础,但一直以来,中国足球似乎在青少年足球培养上更多的停留在口号上,最直接的后果是校园内足球活动的急剧萎缩。因此青少年足球培养体制的改革成为了中国足球的头等大事。经过多方努力,2009年 6 月 10 日由国家体育总局、教育部联合召开全国青少年校园足球活动工作会议,在会议中正式宣布校园足球活动的启动,由此足球运动被纳入到全国阳光体育运动之中,足球真正的走入了校园。经过了 6 年的不断改革与发展,足球事业趋势向好,迎来了一个新的高潮。但相对于迅速发展的世界和亚洲足球,我国足球仍处于全方面落后。
  国务院办公厅在 2015 年 3 月 16 日的发布了《中国足球发展改革总体方案》,将足球的上升到了“国策”的高度并且调整改革中国足球协会明确了足协的定位和职能。正式出台的改革方案给中国足球指明了方向。
  将足球运动引进校园是体育教学与文化教育的又一次结合,丰富了学校体育的内容,促进了学校体育的深入开展,推动素质教育、促进青少年训练、是国家培养和造就高素质劳动者和优秀体育后备人才的一项新的重要举措,是整合体育、教育等资源而实施的人才培养战略的重要措施。足球不是一项投入之后立竿见影的事业,成绩要扎扎实实从基础做起来,而青少年是打牢足球运动的基础。唐山市被河北省体育局和教育厅确定为全省校园足球活动 6 个(张家口、保定、邯郸、唐山、衡水、邢台)试点城市之一。本文以唐山市 18 所校园足球特色学校为研究对象,采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,对唐山市校园足球活动开展现状进行了调查分析并得出结论:
  4. 唐山市各特色学校分布严重失衡,唐山市大部分校园足球特色学校都分布在市区,下属区、县只有区区几所足球特色学校。这就是各区、县政府以及学校对待校园足球活动的认知有所不同,再加上受经济、硬件等问题因素影响,各学校对待校园足球活动的理解和支持的态度不一样。
  5. 竞赛组织体系不完善,唐山市目前处在起步阶段,只在小学开展了联赛体制,初中只是刚开始组建足球队并没有系统的开展初中级足球联赛。
  6. 家长们思想陈旧,传统的培养方式根深蒂固,有些家长可能没有过足球运动经历因此没有关注过有关校园足球的资料和相关政策,导致了家长们都有传统闭塞的思想,认为只有埋头学习才有出路。
  7. 唐山市青少年校园足球特色学校中足球课开展较少,无法做到以上课的形式系统的讲授足球知识与技能。学生正处在接受足球训练的敏感时期,有些学生具有良好的身体素质,希望接受足球专业训练。但部分学校,尤其是初中,学生面临着中考,体育课课时较少或者几乎没有导致足球教学课时占的比例很低,8. 裁判员执法比赛的业务能力较低,唐山市足协全程参与指导唐山市校园足球活动的裁判任务,并委派各级裁判员进行现场执法,由各院校委派相关教师和足球专项学生担任,然而委派的裁判中取得裁判证的人数很少,裁判的不专业性及缺失性也是影响校园足球比赛的重要原因,这点需要引起市体育局的重视。
  关键词:唐山市 校园足球 调查研究 青少年
  In the world of competitive sports, football is regarded as the most influential, and thebusiest sports. Football in China has a strong mass base and to become soccer worldchampion is every child's dream for the future. Football for the youth is an importantfoundation for the development of football, but in China, football for the youth footballseems more in slogans, which leads directly to the rapid decline of the campus footballactivities. So the reform of Junior Soccer Training System has become the top priority ofChinese football. After many efforts, on June 10, 2009, the State Sports GeneralAdministration and Ministry of Education jointly held a national youth soccer activities oncampus working sessions, where it officially announced the launch of the campus footballactivities, which are incorporated into the national football sports of the sun the footballreally into the campus. After six years of continuous reform and development it hasdeveloped for the better football, and ushered in a new climax. But compared to the rapiddevelopment of Asian football and the world, our country is still behind in all aspects offootball. The State Council, on March 16, 2015, released the “development of Chinesefootball reform plan”, which will lead to football “national policy” of height adjustment andreform of the Chinese Football Association and located functions of the FootballAssociation. It formally introduces to the Chinese football reform program and points outthe direction.
  The introduction of the campus football sports teaching and culture combined withanother, which enriches the content of school sports, promotes the depth of promotingquality education, and promotes youth training, national training It brings high-qualityworkers and excellent a major new initiative sports. Human resources is an importantmeasure to integrate sports, education and other resources and the implementation ofpersonnel training strategy. Teenagers are a solid foundation of football. Tangshan City,Hebei Province Sports Bureau and was identified as the province's Department of Education,one of four school football (Zhangjiakou, Baoding, Handan, Tangshan) Features city. In thispaper, 18 schools in Tangshan specialized in campus football are recognized as the researchobject, using literature data, survey, mathematical statistics and logical analysis andother research methods. Tangshan City campus football activities situation wereinvestigated and concluded:
  1. There is a lack of basic equipment, and a shortage of funds. Those 18 schools inTangshan are able to meet the basic conditions in terms of site facilities to carry out thecampus football, but football equipment facility is uneven. Although Tangshan City Boardof Education and Sports Bureau will regularly allot some of football training andcompetition equipment, but with the deepening of Football in the shortage of funds, leadingto supply equipment failure, some school football equipment and facilities are missing ordon't fully meet the teaching enough and training needs.
  2. The school administration don't have a deep enough understanding of football, andsome managers, due to their own reasons, do not like or are not good at football, so they donot want teachers and students to carry out this sports or just check in to cope with thesuperior temporary formation of the team. There are some leaders who believe that footballis more intense physical confrontation, so at the football schools students were injured orunwilling to bear the responsibility of parents' finding difficult to deal with the appropriateschool disputes.
  3. The school teachers have a lack of coaching experience. With Tangshan City Youthcampus football school football specialties mostly undergraduate teacher education, theyhave a dynamic, knowledge, but most engaged in school football career is halfway decent,not a professional football player born. Therefore, it results in the lack of coachingexperience.
  4. There occurs distribution imbalance among those 18 specialized football schools.Most of Tangshan City campus football schools are located in urban areas, and in districts,while the counties have only a few such football schools. This is because they treat schoolfootball in a different way, coupled with the impact of economic factors and hardwareproblems. All schools have different attitudes to treat campus football.
  5. Competition system is imperfect. Football games in Tangshan City, are currently inits infancy, only in primary schools league system, and junior soccer teams are justbeginning to form, and there is no system of junior football league. This is far less than thelevel of football to improve and expand soccer population base, which is the popularityof football purposes. No profound spiritual implementing the national campus footballprogram in the competition authorities, there is no effective implementation of policiesissued under the Provincial Sports Bureau. Competition authorities do exist but did not playa decisive role. Improper handling in some areas hinders the development of the campusfootball activities in the city of Tangshan.
  6. The parents think in the old, traditional way because of deep-rooted culture. Someparents may not have been no football experience. Their profound comprehensive collectionof information about the campus football and first off policy has led to parents' traditionalthoughts. They are not aware that the skills development is another way out.
  7. There are not enough courses run in Tangshan football schools so that it leads to thelack of knowledge of football and skills system. Students are in football training sensitiveperiod, and some students have good physical football. They wish to receive professionaltraining. But some schools, especially junior high school students facing the exam, less orno physical education account for a low rate in football instructions.
  8. The operational capacity of law enforcement match referee is low. But the refereetask is basically under the guidance of full participation of Tangshan City campus footballFootball Association in Tangshan City. The referee delegate national-site enforcement isdelegated by the institutions related to the teachers and students of undergraduate. Refereesare not professional and there is also a lack of referees for the campus football game.
  Therefore the Municipal Sports Bureau needs to attach great importance to it.
  Key Words: Tangshan City Youth football on campus Investigation Teenagers

  目 录
  1 文献综述
  1.1 相关概念解释
  1.1.1 校园足球文化
  1.1.2 校园足球活动
  1.2 我国校园足球开展现状的研究
  1.3 我国校园足球活动的改革之路
  2 研究对象与方法
  2.1 研究对象
  2.2 研究方法
  2.2.1 文献资料法
  2.2.2 调查法
  2.2.3 数理统计法
  2.2.4 逻辑分析法
  3 结果与分析
  3.1 唐山市青少年参与校园足球运动现状的调查与研究
  3.1.1 唐山市青少年对校园足球运动意愿及关注情况的调查与研究
  3.1.2 唐山市青少年参与校园足球运动动机的调查与研究
  3.1.3 唐山市青少年参加校园足球训练寸间及对文化课影响情况的调查与研究
  3.2 唐山市青少年校园足球特色学校开展情况的调查与研究
  3.2.1 唐山市校园足球特色学校的分布情况
  3.2.2 唐山市校园足球特色学校足球场地的现状调查与研究
  3.2.3 唐山市校园足球特色学校足球课程开设情况的调查与研究
  3.2.4 唐山市校园足球特色学校足球教材情况的调查与研究
  3.2.5 唐山市校园足球特色学校足球教师师资情况的调查与研究
  3.2.6 唐山市校园足球活动裁判员情况的调查与研究
  3.2.7 唐山市校园足球特色学校的安全保障措施
  3.2.8 唐山市校园足球特色学校资金投入状况的调查与研究
  3.2.9 唐山市校园足球特色学校领导对本校开展足球活动态度的调查与研究
  3.2.10 唐山市足球特色学校学生家长对校园足球认知情况的调查与研究
  3.3 唐山市校园足球特色学校联赛组织体系的调查与研究
  3.3.1 唐山市校园足球活动的竞赛管理机构
  3.3.2 唐山市联赛组织现状
  3.4 唐山市各年龄段足球特长生统招情况的调研
原文出处:檀伟. 唐山市青少年校园足球活动开展现状的调查研究[D].河北师范大学,2016.