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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-04-18 共4292字





  基于对政策评估理论的理解分析,本文认为政策评估是:通过制定科学的评估标准,选择恰当的评估方法,对政策的制定过程、执行过程、实施效果的全方位综合考评,并给予评价、判断和总结的行为活动。在政策评估的实施过程中,可以针对不同的评估主体、评估目标和评估现状,在对评估方法和标准进行选择和取舍的基础上,对评估对象的某个阶段、某几个阶段或整体进行单次、多次或持续的评估。目前,国内外对高校国际化导向的人才引进政策的评估研究工作开展较少,取得的评估研究成果则更少。因此,本文针对上海高校(四所 985 高校)国际化导向的人才引进政策进行梳理,分析了这一系列政策的特征,结合政策评估的新趋势构建了上海高校国际化导向人才引进政策的评估机制,分析在对高校国际化导向的人才引进政策的制定过程、执行结果、实施效果等方面所涉及的评估要素,选取相应的评估标准、评估模型和评估方法。本文主要包括以下内容:






  With the development of the globalization of knowledge economy, politics,culture, science and technology in all countries of the world have to go global, weneed new look from the perspective of international competitiveness of our highereducation. In recent years, Chinas higher education has achieved a historic leapforward development, is from the big country of higher education to a powerfulnation.One major goal of the development and reform of education is to build anumber of world-class universities and a number of internationally renowneduniversities in China.To achieve this goal, Chinese universities are exploring differentways to improve their higher education and internationalization.One widely acceptedway is to build international faculty of high quality, since such faculty is primarilyrequired by university internationalization and it is completely an importantguarantee for building world first-class universities.

  At present when compared to world first-class universities, Chinese universitiesare still in great shortage of international faculty. To change this situation, Chinesecentral and local governments have issued a number of talent plans with an intentionof attracting outstanding overseas talents to come back and workdomestically.Accordingly, many universities started dedicatedinternationalization-oriented talent introduction policies based on these talent plansto recruit excellent new faculty. As belonging to public policies, these policies deserveserious evaluation. The evaluation for them is necessary and quite crucial forscientific and democratic decisions making, flaws detecting in implementation andquick adjustment etc., all of which ensure that the policies are implemented correctlyand efficiently. Moreover, the evaluation can be used to decide whether or not weshould keep the policies running and even provide reference for new talent andinnovation policies issuing.

  Though such evaluation is of great importance, currently there are rarely studiesfocusing on this topic, neither are the known results on it. Thus this thesis focuses onthis topic and is devoted mainly to building an assessing mechanism forinternationalization-oriented university talent introduction policies.The mainproblems investigated in this thesis include how to choose evaluation factors for thedifference phases of such policies and how to select the reasonable evaluationcriteria and pick the evaluation models correspondingly.

  This thesis is organized as follows. First, we state the current status ofinternationalization of Chinese universities. Second, we survey someinternationalization-oriented university talent introduction policies and then presentfurther analysis. The major part of the thesis is an establishment of the evaluationmechanism for internationalization-oriented university talent recruiting policies. Ourmain results are as follows:

  1. In the making phase of such policies, we propose to carry out the evaluationfrom the form dimension, regarding the democracy and pluralistic interest balance ofdifferent people, and the relations between the policies being assessed and laws aswell as existing policies as assessing factors, selecting related evaluation criteria andthen picking the stakeholder model as the evaluation model.

  2. In the policy implementation phase, we put forward to do the evaluationfrom the target acquisition dimension, which consists of two aspects of data changeand policy influence. In the evaluation of data change, we propose to choose datachange of faculty as the assessing factor, and select faculty structure and quality asevaluation criteria and pick the gola-attainment model as the evaluation model.Inthe evaluation of policy influence, we bring forward to choose education, innovation,social serving and cultural inheritance as assessing factors,and select correspondingevaluation criteria and pick the comprehensive model as the evaluation model.

  3. In the evaluation of policy effects,we propose to perform the evaluation fromthe policy effect dimension,considering those expected and unexpected, positive andnegative effects of the policies etc. We put forward to choose the effects on policymakers, policy-executers, universities and domestic and international societies asassessing factors, and select corresponding assessing criteria and pick the side-effectsmodel and the goal-free model as the evaluation models.

  Key words:Talent Introduction Policy;International Orientation;Universities inShanghai;Policy Evaluation




  1 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.1.1 我国高校国际化战略问题的提出

  1.1.2 我国高校国际化的现状分析

  1.1.3 我国高校国际化的角色定位和战略定位

  1.1.4 完善国际化导向的人才引进政策是我国高校发展的必然选择

  1.2 研究综述

  1.2.1 政策评估的内涵

  1.2.2 政策评估国内外研究现状

  1.3 研究意义

  1.3.1 国际化导向的人才引进政策是高校国际化路径的核心

  1.3.2 政策评估研究对引进政策体系的完善具有重要意义

  1.4 研究思路与方法

  1.5 论文创新之处及难点

  2 国际化导向的高校人才引进政策概述

  2.1 国际化导向人才引进政策的理论基础

  2.1.1 人力资本理论

  2.1.2 人才流动理论

  2.1.3 高等教育国际化理论

  2.2 国际化导向的高校人才引进政策的内涵

  2.2.1 “人才引进政策”的含义

  2.2.2 “国际化导向”的含义

  2.2.3 “国际化导向”与“人才引进政策”的联系

  3 上海高校国际化导向的人才引进政策分析

  3.1 我国高校国际化战略类型分析

  3.2 上海高校国际化导向的人才引进政策及特征分析

  3.2.1 当前高校可申请的国家层面人才引进支持计划

  3.2.2 当前高校可申请的地方层面(上海市)的人才引进支持计划

  3.2.3 当前高校层面(上海市四所 985 高校)的人才引进计划

  3.2.4 上海高校国际化导向的人才引进政策的特征分析

  3.3 上海高校国际化导向人才引进政策评估的现状

  3.4 小结

  4 构建国际化导向的高校人才引进政策评估机制

  4.1 建立政策评估机制的逻辑框架

  4.2 高校国际化导向的人才引进政策的评估机制构建

  4.2.1 针对政策制定的过程,从形式维度评估

  4.2.2 针对政策执行的过程,从目标达成(数据变化)维度评估

  4.2.3 针对政策执行的过程,从目标达成(政策效果)维度评估

  4.2.4 针对政策实施的影响,从政策效应的维度评估

  5 结论


