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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-09-17 共4466字











  首先梳理了菏泽市农村社区建设的具体做法,包括统筹规划,制定农村社区建设方案; 因地制宜,积极探索农村社区建设模式;加大政策资金支持,开展农村社区服务中心建设;然后指出了菏泽市农村社区建设存在的主要问题,如思想上认识不足;农村社区建设资金缺乏;社区工作人员素质偏低;部分农村社区服务效能不高;社区工作运行机制没有理顺等。最后分析总结了菏泽市农村社区建设的实践经验:结合本地实际,勇于创新;政府转变角色,服务于民;完善机制,以社区服务建设为中心;这些经验尤其对经济欠发达地区的农村社区建设具有非常好的借鉴意义。





  The long term dual system of rural and urban areas in China has led to the imbalanceddistribution of social resources and the slower economic development of rural areas. Farmers cannot enjoy the same public service as city residents, many social, economic,cultural and8environmental problems arise in rural areas, and the gap between rural and urban areas isincreasing steadily. Economic development and social construction in China are greatly heldback by all these problems.

  The sixth Plenary Session of the 16th Party Central Committee of Central Committee of theCommunist Party of China put forward the notion “promote the construction of ruralcommunity” for the first time, thus set the direction for the construction of rural community. Thefifth Plenary Session of the 17th Party Central Committee of Central Committee of theCommunist Party of China confirmed the strategic mission of accelerating the development ofsocialist new rural areas. Rural-urban integration is indispensable to solving the problems ofrural areas, and it is also the key to the construction of well-off society. Construction of ruralcommunity is an important aspect of realizing the social and economic transformation, and thekey to rural and urban integration. The core element of rural and urban integration is to speed upthe economic development in rural areas, and equalize citizen treatment between rural and urbanresidents.

  Starting from the perspective of rural and urban integration, this thesis explores theconstruction of rural community theoretically and practically. The research methods employedincludes literature review, exemplification and contrastive analysis, this thesis uses Heze City asan example and puts forward its own solution and suggestion. There are altogether six chaptersin this thesis:

  The first chapter introduction mainly introduces the research background, meaning andmethods, and summarizes the current domestic and overseas research.

  The second chapter explains the related concept and theory. Before discussing constructionof rural areas, the author summarizes the concept of community, rural community andcommunity construction, thus lays foundation of further research.

  The third chapter introduces main models and common practice overseas, as well asdomestic experiences about construction of rural community. The author states that speeding upthe construction of rural community, making best use of limited resources, improving themanagement of rural community, improving working and life environment of farmers, andpromote the economic development in rural areas are indispensable for the successfulconstruction of new socialist rural areas and the integration of rural and urban areas.

  The fourth chapter analyses systematically the current situation of rural communityconstruction in Heze City. First the author states the specifics of rural community construction ofHeze City, then points out main existing problems such as lack of fund, inefficient serviceagency and improper community working mechanism. Finally, the author summarizes the relatedpractical experience in hopes of providing valuable examples for other cities.

  The fifth chapter proposes several pieces of suggestion about rural community construction:we should insist the notion of rural and urban integration; properly handle all relationship amongrural community construction; make best use of the resources available; break the traditionalmindset and innovate the management style of rural community; promote the culturalconstruction of rural community; improve the environment in rural areas and the living standardsof farmers.

  In the end, the sixth chapter summarizes the conclusion of this research.

  Key words:construction of rural community; rural-urban integration;farmers;public service

  目 录

  中文摘要 ……I


  第 1 章 绪 论 ……1

  1.1 问题的提出…… 1

  1.2 国内外相关研究综述…… 2

  1.2.1 国外研究综述…… 2

  1.2.2 国内研究综述…… 3

  1.3 研究思路及研究方法…… 5

  第 2 章 农村社区建设与城乡一体化的相关概念及理论诠释 ……7

  2.1 相关概念的界定…… 7

  2.1.1 社区…… 7

  2.1.2 农村社区…… 8

  2.1.3 社区建设…… 9

  2.2 农村社区建设的理论阐述…… 10

  2.2.1 农村社区建设的组织体系和运作方式…… 10

  2.2.2 农村社区建设的类型…… 11

  2.2.3 农村社区建设的基本原则…… 11

  2.3 农村社区建设与城乡一体化…… 12

  2.3.1 城乡一体化的提出及理论…… 12

  2.3.2 农村社区建设与城乡一体化的内在关系…… 13

  第3章 国际及国内农村社区建设的实践经验 ……14

  3.1 国外农村社区建设的主要模式…… 14

  3.1.1 欧陆国家农业新价值模式…… 14

  3.1.2 加拿大新乡村治理模式…… 14

  3.1.3 韩国新村运动中农村社区建设模式…… 15

  3.1.4 日本农村社区的双向模式…… 15

  3.2 国外农村社区建设的通行做法…… 16

  3.2.1 加大农业保护和投资力度…… 16

  3.2.2 改善农村生产生活条件…… 16

  3.2.3 发展农民合作经济组织…… 17

  3.2.4 完善农业科研教育推广体系…… 17

  3.3 我国农村社区建设的历史经验…… 17

  3.4 城乡一体化进程中我国农村社区建设的实践经验…… 18

  3.4.1 志愿组织牵头的村落社区建设…… 18

  3.4.2 胶南市的村委会建邻里中心…… 19

  3.4.3 重新规划与建设的农村社区…… 20

  3.4.4 以社区服务为中心的农村社区建设…… 20

  第 4 章 菏泽市城乡一体化进程中农村社区建设的实践探索及问题分析…… 22

  4.1 菏泽市农村社区建设的背景…… 22

  4.2 菏泽市城乡一体化进程中农村社区建设的具体实践…… 23

  4.2.1 统筹规划,制定农村社区建设方案…… 23

  4.2.2 因地制宜,积极探索农村社区建设模式…… 24

  4.2.3 加大政策资金支持,开展农村社区服务中心建设…… 25

  4.3 菏泽市城乡一体化进程中农村社区建设存在的主要问题…… 27

  4.4 菏泽市城乡一体化进程中的农村社区建设的借鉴意义…… 28

  第 5 章 城乡一体化进程中农村社区建设的对策和建议…… 30

  5.1 农村社区建设要坚持城乡一体化的理念…… 30

  5.2 正确理顺城乡一体化进程中农村社区建设的各类关系…… 30

  5.3 整合资源,拓宽农村社区建设投资渠道…… 31

  5.4 培育农村社区高素质管理人才…… 32

  5.5 突破思维定势,创新农村社区管理体制…… 33

  5.6 提高农民素质,促进农村社区文化建设…… 34

  5.7 加强农村社区环境治理 提高农民生活条件…… 35

  结 语…… 36

  参考文献…… 40

  致 谢…… 43
