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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-07 共3093字


  摘 要

  教育是立国之本,而教师则是教育之本,若要教育成效显着,教师的专业素质水平毋庸置疑是至关重要的。考虑到我国农村人口占全国总人口 47.4%的基本国情,在谈及教育事业时,在对城镇教育加大投入力度的同时,我们更应该对农村教育的发展现状及其发展环境加以关注,从人文精神的角度出发,更多的对包括农村教师在内弱势群体进行必要的人文关怀。事实上,农村教师在我国教育体系中扮演着无可替代的重要角色,正是他们对农村中小学学生呕心沥血的教育、才得以支撑起农村教育体系的大梁,如果没有他们的辛勤付出,则农村的教育系统乃至全国的教育大厦其倾覆之期不远矣。因此,作为一名教育系统的研究者,我们肩负着改善农村教育环境、提高农村教师专业素质水平等重任,并提出有深度的建议。

  本篇论文从三个方面来对河北省的中小学音乐老师进行调查,分别是关于音乐教师的一些基本情况、专业精神和专业素质,同时使用了观察法、问卷法和访谈法。这次研究调查所抽取的教师都是随机的,调查发放了 40 份教师问卷,回收和有效份数都为 40.







  Education is the foundation of a country, and teacher is the key point of education. Nodoubtfully, the professional quality of teachers is crucial to education. Taking into account thefact that the rural population accounts for 47.4% of the total national population, when talkingabout education, we should closely focus on the situation of rural education development andits environment in addition to the increasing investment. We should, also, give necessaryhuman care to vulnerable groups, including rural teachers, from the perspective of humanspirit. In fact, the rural teachers in our education system play an important and irreplaceablerole. It is their painstaking teaching in rural primary and secondary school that support therural education system. Therefore, as researchers in education system, we are responsible forimproving rural education environment and improving the quality of rural teachers'

  professional level, and we should give a conscientious and wise advice.

  This paper makes a survey on the music teachers in primary and secondary schools inHebei Province from three aspects which are their basic information, professionalism andprofessional qualities. The methods of observation, questionnaires and interviews are adopted.

  The subjects in the survey are random. Forty effective copies of the survey questionnaires arehanded out and recycled. Through a series of professional analysis, we find that there existserious quality problems in rural music teachers, such as the lack of enthusiasm in teaching,lack of professional identity, lack of authority's attention and low salary. The paper gives outthe countermeasure to the problems above, that is to expand the rural music teaching team todeal with the lack of school teachers, to strengthen the professionalism of music teachers, toaccelerate their knowledge updating to perfect their structure of knowledge, to strengthentheir teaching ability in all directions, to establish more humane teacher evaluation system andto do well in training work to the in-service teachers. We find out the reasons of the problemsand put forward the countermeasures and advice, such as increasing capital investment,running training courses for the in-service teachers, self-capability strengthening of theteachers and also putting out the reform program in universities. With the programs andproposals, we hope to ease and change the problems in primary and secondary school musicteachers.

  Based on the above background, the research selects the status of music teachers HebeiProvince, which is the researcher's hometown, to study the subject. Since the researcher isfamiliar with the situation here, it is easier to develop the research. This paper takes severalrepresentative counties as samples. Considering the present situation and problems in musicteachers in Hebei Province, the researcher hopes that this study will provide an improvedprogram and ideas for music education reform and will contribute a little to the long-termdevelopment of music education.

  Key Words: Hebei Province; Music Faculty; Primary and Secondary Schools; Rural Area

  目 录



  绪 论

  一 提出问题

  二 研究背景

  1 国际背景

  2 国内背景

  三 相关文献概述

  四 研究意义

  1 理论意义

  2 实际意义

  五 研究方法

  1 对相关文献进行分析的方式

  2 问卷调查法

  第一章 相关概念界定

  第一节 农村的概念

  第二节 农村教师概念

  第三节 专业素质概念

  第四节 专业精神概念

  第二章 曲阳县农村中小学音乐教育调查现状

  第一节 调查对象

  第二节 调查内容

  第三节 调查方式

  第四节 调查目的

  第五节 调查结果及其分析

  一 音乐教师基本情况分析

  二 音乐教师专业素质基本分析

  三 音乐教师专业精神基本分析

  四 音乐教师任职学校规模及设备情况基本分析

  第三章 教师专业精神与素质缺失现状及其影响因素

  第一节 教师专业精神和素质的缺乏现状分析

  一 基本状况分析

  二 专业素质分析

  三 专业精神分析

  第二节 影响该地区音乐教师精神和素质的因素

  一 地方政府与教育部门方面原因

  二 音乐教师自身方面原因

  第四章 提升教师专业精神与素质的对策与建议

  第一节 对教育部门的建议

  一 摒弃教育中的错误观念 提高专职音乐教师的比例

  二 重视考核教师能力 完善农村音乐教育体制

  第二节 对专职音乐教师的建议

  一 不断提高个人专业素养

  二 全力加强个人专业精神

  第三节 对中小学领导的建议

  一 积极推进校园音乐教研讨论

  二 努力加强专职音乐教师的在职培训

  结 语

