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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-10-21 共2435字




  关键词:信息技术 课程整合 创新模式 教学效益


  Content: Start from the meaning and the basic theory of information technology andthe integration of disciplines, literature method to collect, study, use of literature athome and abroad in the information technology and curriculum integration research statusand research to seek to learn basic strategy to the Institute to explore this topicandtheoretical basis. On the basis of comprehensive understanding and knowledge ofinformation technology and curriculum integration Research,concerned about the level ofteaching practice research and objective analysis of the complexity of informationtechnology and curriculum integration, coordination integration of the main elements ofthe relationship between, so that organic combination of perfect unity, focus on depthstudy of four levels of information technology and curriculum integration of technology,people, resources and the environment. Coordinate the handling of the learning concepton the integration of information technology and curriculum integration , learningobjectives integration, integration in the curriculum standards, learning on the contentand progress of the integration of learning the way of integration, the integration ofinformation technology and traditional teaching activities, media . In compliance with theprinciple of information technology and curriculum integration , several stages ofinformation technology and curriculum integration and integration of several models,give full play to the characteristics and advantages of the computer and networkinformation technology as the core , and continuous improvement of informationtechnology and curriculum integration the implementation of conditions, and effectivelyimprove the construction of high-quality teachers , according to the differentcharacteristics of information technology and the integration of different disciplines,according to local conditions, and according to the changing external conditions andinternal body, adjust the integration of the content and procedures, and strategy,constantly improve the integration of information technology and curriculum theory,improve the effectiveness of the study.

  Key words: Information technology Curriculum Integration Theoretical researchPractical Thinking

  目 录

  中文摘要 ……III

  英文摘要 ……IV

  绪 论 ……1





  一、信息技术与课程整合之涵义 ……5




  二、信息技术与课程整合的意义和作用 ……11





  三、信息技术与课程整合之目的 ……14





  四、信息技术与课程整合之原则 ……17








  五、进行信息技术与课程整合之措施 ……20




  六、信息技术与课程整合的症结分析 ……22




  七、做好信息技术与课程整合应注意的问题 ……25









  结 语 ……30

  参考文献 ……31

  后 记 ……33
