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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-12 共3789字










  “Flipped classroom” originates from the American teaching idea and mode. Itis a form of blended learning in which students learn new content online bywatching video lectures, doing guidance case before class and what used to behomework is now done in class with teachers offering more personalized guidanceand interaction with students , instead of lecturing. This model forms thecompetitive interactive learning mechanism and changes the traditional evaluationmethods. It changes teaching mode from the original indoctrination to interactionand students change from passive study to active study, which can greatlyenhance the learning attraction. As for the moral lesson in junior middle school inour country, “flipped classroom” teaching mode is still in the exploration andpractice stage and has not yet formed a mature model. This thesis based on myown classroom teaching practice takes “A Study on 'Flipped Classroom' ofIdeological Moral Course in Junior Middle School” as the title. With a specificexample of “flipped classroom”, it displays the design process, designrequirements, and the exploration of specific operation of “flipped classroom”

  teaching mode under New Curricular Standards to provide reference for thefirst-line ideological and moral teachers.

  The thesis is divided into three parts: the outline of the “flipped classroom”mode, the strategies used in “flipped classroom” teaching mode of juniorideological moral course, and the summary and reflection of the study on “flippedclassroom” teaching mode of junior ideological moral course.

  The first part is the outline of “flipped classroom” teaching mode. First, itdefines the connotation of “flipped classroom” teaching mode; Next, it is theimplementation condition of “flipped classroom” teaching mode, namely, tobuild learning platform, to divide study groups, and to establish the competitivelearning mechanism; Finally, it points out advantages of the “flipped classroom”teaching mode, that is, “flipped classroom” teaching mode helps to highlightstudents'dominant position, enhance their ability of self-study and innovation,stimulate students' interest in learning, and enhance their confidence andefficiency in learning. It also can alleviate the teachers' lecturing pressure andreach the aim of teaching students in accordance of their aptitude and maketeaching benefit teachers as well as students. The guide principle of this thesis is:

  to explore the introduction of “flipped classroom” in moral lesson of junior middleschool and improve the way of teaching and learning. The teachers design theirteaching carefully, interact actively with students in the process of teaching,guide students to question , and explore, and urge the students to learnindividually and actively under their guidance , which realizes the“three-dimensional” target integration, and highlights the cultivation of students'innovative spirit and practice ability of independent learning.

  The second part is the strategies used in “flipped classroom” teaching mode ofjunior ideological moral course. The first is the teaching application requirementsof the “flipped classroom” teaching mode including to adhere independence of thestudents, teachers should continuously improve qualities in many aspects, toinsist that all embark from the reality, to adhere to the goal and the key point andto adhere to a climax and new ideas; the second is the design and implementationof “flipped classroom” teaching mode of junior ideological moral course includingbefore class design and classroom implementation. The pre-class design containsthe guiding case formulation, video production, pre-class targeted exercises,and the feedback of learning situation. The “flipped classroom” implementationincludes clear objectives, cooperative inquiry, report and exchange, preciseexplanation,consolidated training,feedback evaluation and etc.; Finally,to use“Learn to Communicate with Parents” as an example to show the pre-classteaching design and classroom implementation of “flipped classroom” teachingmode in moral lesson of junior middle school.

  The third part is for the teaching summary and reflection of “flippedclassroom” teaching mode of junior ideological moral course. It mainly tells aboutthe main problems encountered in the process of implementing the “flippedclassroom” and countermeasures.

  Key words:“Flipped classroom”teaching mode,Teaching design,Idea



  Abstract …… III

  引 言…… 1

  (一)研究背景…… 1

  (二)研究意义…… 2

  1.理论意义…… 2

  2.现实意义…… 2

  (三)研究现状…… 2

  1.国外关于“翻转课堂”的研究现状 …… 2

  2.我国关于“翻转课堂”的研究现状 …… 3

  (四)研究方法…… 6

  (五)创新之处…… 7

  一、“翻转课堂”教学模式概述…… 7

  (一)“翻转课堂”教学模式的内涵…… 7

  (二)“翻转课堂”教学模式的实施条件…… 8

  1.搭建学习平台…… 8

  2.划分学习小组…… 8

  3.建立竞争学习机制…… 9

  (三)“翻转课堂”教学模式的优势…… 9

  1.有利于突出学生的主体地位,增强其自学能力和创新能力 …… 9

  2.有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,提升其学习信心和学习效率 …… 9

  3.有利于减轻教师的讲课压力,实现因材施教和教学相长 …… 10

  二、初中思想品德课“翻转课堂”教学模式的实施策略…… 10

  (一)初中思想品德课“翻转课堂”教学实施要求…… 10

  1.要坚持突出学生学习的独立性 …… 10

  2.要注意激励学生…… 10

  3.要坚持不断提升教师多方面素养 ……11

  4.要从实际出发,目标明确,重点突出,富有节奏 ……11

  5.要处理好课前自学与课堂教学之间的关系 ……11

  6.要注重教学环节的衔接和完整性 …… 12

  (二)初中思想品德课“翻转课堂”教学的设计与实施…… 12

  1.课前设计…… 12

  2.课堂实施…… 13

  (三)初中思想品德课“翻转课堂”教学示例--以《学会与父母沟通》为例 …… 16

  三、初中思想品德课“翻转课堂”教学的总结反思…… 23

  (一)实施过程中存在的障碍和问题…… 23

  (二)针对问题可以采取的应对策略…… 24

  结语…… 26

  参考文献…… 28

  致谢…… 31
